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Where do we stand with these forums?

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  • Moles

Please try to keep the discussion focussed on SL-related matters.   While there's an interesting and important discussion to be had about information bubbles and confirmation bias, these forums aren't really the place for it.

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13 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

From what you have said about your forum, it seems it would be an active node of the hive mind.

"far left" and "hive mind" are basically the same thing.

As for me, I don't need to watch the news of the day to be told what my opinion on a topic should be.

I can figure stuff out all by myself, AND, time proves me right every time 😂

You just made the exact same fallacy. Only you can figure out stuff on your own, never influenced or biased. Only you are the free thinker, who is apparently never wrong. Based on what I have seen of your posts, that just does not bear itself out.

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Happy pride month everyone, btw! I hope everyone is supporting the community, both in SL and out of it.

Edited by Quartz Mole
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  • Moles
2 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:


No.   Simply a restatement of the Forum Participation Guidelines


No Discussions Not Directly Related to Second Life: Please keep all threads relevant and directly related to Second Life and Linden Lab. Anything unrelated to Second Life is subject to moderation. This includes, but is not limited to, politics, social issues, current events, and Non-SL discussion posts (Examples such as tell me a joke, make me laugh, etc). If the thread could exist on a non-Second Life Forum, that is probably a good sign it doesn’t belong here.

Discussions of information bubbles and confirmation bias are on topic so long as they relate to SL.   However, they turn into a discussion of Fox News and the mainstream media they're off-topic unless they are specifically discussing how Fox News and the mainstream media cover SL.


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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

Please try to keep the discussion focussed on SL-related matters

What is the use to stay focused on SL related matters, when even they get closed when they become a bit inconvenient for The Lab? Like that merchant thread last week, that triggered me to open up this thread.

The real rule here is, post what you want and find out what is allowed today.

The forums participation guidelines and rules have enough rules that every Linden can lock every thread whenever they feel like it about whatever they are displeased of.
That's the real situation here lately and sadly.

The lack of consistency is bothering me a lot.
I like a lot of people here on the forums, but not the way the forums function right now.
And no, it ain't the Moles.  They do a great job in my humble opinion, balancing between two fires.

Edited by Sid Nagy
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11 minutes ago, Ingrid Ingersoll said:

I like your avatar. More people need to wear mullets.

The sad thing (worlds smallest violin) is it's really hard to find a good mullet in SL! Modulus makes an ok one I rocked for awhile, but (because I'm a dork and search mullet in the marketplace weekly) I found a newer one I like more!

Edited by stlshayne
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18 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

No.   Simply a restatement of the Forum Participation Guidelines

Discussions of information bubbles and confirmation bias are on topic so long as they relate to SL.   However, they turn into a discussion of Fox News and the mainstream media they're off-topic unless they are specifically discussing how Fox News and the mainstream media cover SL.


Genuine question: if someone on the forum implies that people who support LGBT people are "sheep" am I allowed to call that out as kinda gross? The answer will really impact on how often I use these forums, and maybe SL as a whole, going forward. I don't see my existence and human and legal rights as a "political issue" or a "current events" topic - just as things that should be accepted as natural and right. 


I saw what was removed. It was not just an "off topic image." It was hateful towards LGBT people. 


I'll reiterate, though: happy pride month, since that's all you left, so I guess that's on topic. 

Edited by stlshayne
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1 hour ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Nothing annoys a member of the hive mind more than to point out the hive minds existence. It’s understandable though, because from their point of view, there is no hive mind, every position they take on every issue of the day is a result of their well thought out consideration of all the facts.

Interstingly you don’t need to ask a member of the hive mind their opinion on any topic, because you already know their opinion.

You can only discern the hive mind from the outside. 😂


Exactly what a member of the hive-mind would say!

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  • Moles
9 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

What is the use to stay focused on SL related matters, when even they get closed when they become a bit inconvenient for The Lab? Like that merchant thread last week, that triggered me to open up this thread.

The real rule here is, post what you want and find out what is allowed today.

The forums participation guidelines and rules have enough rules that every Linden can lock every thread whenever they feel like it about whatever they are displeased of.
That's the real situation here lately and sadly.

The lack of consistency is bothering me a lot.
I like a lot of people here on the forums, but not the way the forums function right now.
And no, it ain't the Moles.  They do a great job in my humble opinion, balancing between two fires.

If you have in mind the thread in the Business Forum that Tommy Linden recently closed, he did say that


I understand business owners and content creators have concerns regarding this policy. The original poster has created a feedback post that everyone can participate in here: https://feedback.secondlife.com/feature-requests/p/allow-business-accounts-to-share-access-responsibly. I can not stress enough how this is the best way to get assistance with more tools and options for business owners to be able to better manage their business, without putting the security of their account at risk.

Since we are not going to continue to debate our Terms of Service, or the process for which we enforce it, I am going to close this thread, but I do strongly encourage you to participate in the feedback discussion at the link I provided.

If you want to discuss possible improvements to the existing policy on allowing business owners to share accounts, that's the place to do it.   This was also discussed at length by interested parties at the Governance User Group meeting last Thursday.


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19 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

Genuine question: if someone on the forum implies that people who support LGBT people are "sheep" am I allowed to call that out as kinda gross? The answer will really impact on how often I use these forums, and maybe SL as a whole, going forward. I don't see my existence and human and legal rights as a "political issue" or a "current events" topic - just as things that should be accepted as natural and right. 


I saw what was removed. It was not just an "off topic image." It was hateful towards LGBT people. 


I'll reiterate, though: happy pride month, since that's all you left, so I guess that's on topic. 

What this says to me is that one should be able to post what they want about whatever they want without any negative push back or comments...that is precious and probably why the stern hand in moderating. I have brushed against the rules several times for seemingly innocuous things.  One's innocuous is another's...well you know what I'm saying.

Just breathing is political in this age . lol The old 'their sandbox their rules' thing. We can all log out and go elsewhere if we wanted , obviously.

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  • Moles
16 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

Genuine question: if someone on the forum implies that people who support LGBT people are "sheep" am I allowed to call that out as kinda gross? The answer will really impact on how often I use these forums, and maybe SL as a whole, going forward. I don't see my existence and human and legal rights as a "political issue" or a "current events" topic. 

It would be better to report the post as harassment or flaming, if you think that's appropriate, and let Moderation deal with it.   Otherwise we Moderators often find ourselves having to clean up after a fight, which we'd rather not have to do.

You can always express your disagreement in private messages.  Heated debates don't have to take place in the forums.


No Flaming: “Flames” are hostile or disruptive posts, or messages intended to provoke an angry or negative response. Spirited discussion and constructive disagreement are welcome, but name-calling and airing of grievances are not appropriate in our discussion areas. We will also not tolerate any post that encourages others to violate any policy of Linden Lab.

Harassment: Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment can include text or images that contain racist, threatening, abusive or hateful material. Behavior that is offensively coarse, intimidating, threatening, or purposefully causes annoyance or alarm is not allowed anywhere in Second Life.


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9 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

If you have in mind the thread in the Business Forum that Tommy Linden recently closed, he did say that

If you want to discuss possible improvements to the existing policy on allowing business owners to share accounts, that's the place to do it.   This was also discussed at length by interested parties at the Governance User Group meeting last Thursday.


So feedback.secondlife.com are the new discussion forums for Second Life now?
I thought LL created these forums for that a long time ago.

And Inworld meetings are a thingy in a 24/7 world. Only a relatively small portion of users is available during LL's office hours.
I consider it a big plus to discuss things on the forums, because everybody can participate in a for them convenient time. It is more time consuming, that is true, but a lot more people from all over the world can participate.
Not only those who have spare time during LL's office hours.

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10 minutes ago, Quartz Mole said:

It would be better to report the post as harassment or flaming, if you think that's appropriate, and let Moderation deal with it.   Otherwise we Moderators often find ourselves having to clean up after a fight, which we'd rather not have to do.

You can always express your disagreement in private messages.  Heated debates don't have to take place in the forums.


I don't think you can "disagree" about things that are, in this century, settled, though. I think if someone were to be open about disagreeing with interracial marriage, they'd rightfully be piled on, or face consequences -  not have their comment snipped by admins and brushed under the rug?


 Why do I have to take it to PMs if someone is being that hateful, to imply that supporters of my community are sheep?


Linden Lab, in theory, should have my back on this sort of thing, as a progressive company, or at least one that exists in the year 2024.

Edited by stlshayne
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  • Moles
4 minutes ago, Sid Nagy said:

So feedback.secondlife.com are the new discussion forums for Second Life now?
I thought LL created these forums for that a long time ago.

And Inworld meetings are a thingy in a 24/7 world. Only a relatively small portion of users is available during LL's office hours.
I consider it a big plus to discuss things on the forums, because everybody can participate in a for them convenient time. It is more time consuming, that is true, but a lot more people from all over the world can participate.
Not only those who have spare time during LL's office hours.

Discussions about how specific LL policies might be improved are welcome.  However, the guidelines prohibit 

  • Posts that discuss the status of any Resident account (e.g., on hold, suspended, etc.)
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  • Moles
9 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

I don't think you can "disagree" about things that are, in this century, settled, though. I think if someone were to be open about disagreeing with interracial marriage, they'd rightfully be piled on, or face consequences -  not have their comment snipped by admins and brushed under the rug?


 Why do I have to take it to PMs if someone is being that hateful, to imply that supporters of my community are sheep?


Linden Lab, in theory, should have my back on this sort of thing, as a progressive company, or at least one that exists in the year 2024.

You must do what you think is best, obviously.

I'm simply saying that the guidelines do prohibit


Harassment: Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated. Harassment can include text or images that contain racist, threatening, abusive or hateful material. Behavior that is offensively coarse, intimidating, threatening, or purposefully causes annoyance or alarm is not allowed anywhere in Second Life.

All I'm saying is that when we remove a post we think constitutes harassment, we also remove all the posts quoting it.    So if you choose to respond in the forums, your response is likely to be removed along with the offensive post to which you were replying.   

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24 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

Linden Lab, in theory, should have my back on this sort of thing, as a progressive company, or at least one that exists in the year 2024.

No, they shouldn't. I want a forum and company - though made up of individuals that have different persuasions, home lives and political/social leanings - to stay out of it.

As far as those topics are concerned, if they're not related to SL, I don't want to hear them. People say things on these topics that can enflame others to respond in kind - and suddenly there is a big war and finger pointing and name calling, people being added to ban lists, etc - which is not conducive to making SL the 'inclusive' place it claims to be.

SL is not your tool to effect change in the world. It is a place where even if you hate my opinions, political leanings and I yours, we can still 'play' side by side enjoying SL for what it's supposed to be. Not some political warground. Look at Sansar (and Hi Fi) as an example of how political and social issues contributed to a massive chilling effect on the platform, put many accounts at jeapordy of being banned, and how many people decided not to even be there anymore due to that junk.

Edited by Codex Alpha
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4 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

No, they shouldn't. I want a forum and company - though made up of individuals that have different persuasions, home lives and political/social leanings - to stay out of it.

As far as those topics are concerned, if they're not related to SL, I don't want to hear them. People say things on these topics that can enflame others to respond in kind - and suddenly there is a big war and finger pointing and name calling, people being added to ban lists, etc - which is not conducive to making SL the 'inclusive' place it claims to be.

SL is not your tool to affect change in the world. It is a place where even if you hate my opinions, political leanings and I yours, we can still 'play' side by side enjoying SL for what it's supposed to be. Not some political warground. Look at Sansar (and Hi Fi) as an example of how political and social issues contributed to a massive chilling effect on the platform, put many accounts at jeapordy of being banned, and how many people decided not to even be there anymore due to that junk.

I'm just wondering what year we're in, honestly. I didn't think gay acceptance was  political, at least in the west on tightly moderated forums.

Is gay acceptance political?

Are interracial couples political?

Are women getting credit cards without a man signing off political? 

Edited by stlshayne
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3 minutes ago, stlshayne said:

I'm just wondering what year we're in, honestly. I didn't think gay acceptance was  political, at least in the west on tightly moderated forums.

Is gay acceptance political?

Are interracial couples political?

Are women getting credit cards without a man signing off political? 

Look what happens when this sort of stuff comes back up. One side gets laughed/mocked, and the other gets a trophy.

I used more words than 'political' and here we are back into misrepresentation.

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5 minutes ago, Codex Alpha said:

SL is not your tool to affect change in the world. It is a place where even if you hate my opinions, political leanings and I yours, we can still 'play' side by side enjoying SL for what it's supposed to be. Not some political warground. Look at Sansar (and Hi Fi) as an example of how political and social issues contributed to a massive chilling effect on the platform, put many accounts at jeapordy of being banned, and how many people decided not to even be there anymore due to that junk.

I'm not trying to "effect change." I just think that if you think my existce is an abomination, and you think me and my boyfriend's love has no place in the law, you might want to keep that abject hate to yourself in 2024 on a forum run by a California run company. 

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