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1 hour ago, PheebyKatz said:

I sometimes build a cottage house sort of outpost in the middle of nowhere, and park the truck out back and bust out the Pasha eggs and everything. Then I slay hordes of zombies. Not everyone can experience that with me though, as it's always a temp build, and I wouldn't feel right leaving it up over my home sim, as it's so completely off theme. I have inoperable decor versions of some of it in my freeby store inworld, but am not vending that stuff, it's just sort of the museum display of my work.

I'm thinking maybe just list all of it but include a disclaimer explaining how it's not a political statement or anything, and it's not meant to trivialize anything, it's just art from out of someone's history. Not everyone out there can be expected to know where I'm coming from, so maybe just a blurb letting people know I'm not vending such items for unconscionable reasons would be enough. It'd make me feel better, at least.

I'd not have a problem with any of this, although there are certainly those who would. For one thing, Soviet Russia is not Putin's Russia (although there's certainly some political overlap!)

An additional wrinkle with Soviet iconography is that it has been, and still is, employed a fair bit by griefers and griefer groups. Woodbury University, for instance, had an entire region at one point that was done up as a sort of mock Kremlin. And at least one of the griefer groups that was harassing me until last year was using fake Soviet iconography, language, etc.

But as you're not doing that stuff, I should think you won't be misunderstood.

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so let me get it straight, since the hive mind supports Ukraine, would selling replicas of modern russian tanks with the “Z” symbol on them be a problem? but it would be ok to sell patches and flags of Ukraines neo-nazi Azov Regiment?

Just wondering.

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Posted (edited)
13 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

so let me get it straight, since the hive mind supports Ukraine, would selling replicas of modern russian tanks with the “Z” symbol on them be a problem? but it would be ok to sell patches and flags of Ukraines neo-nazi Azov Regiment?

Just wondering.

Я понятия не имею. Я просто рад, что на форуме действует запрет на обсуждение острых политических тем, иначе у меня могло бы быть много врагов только по причине моей этнической принадлежности и чьих-то политических взглядов.

Translation: I fear I can have no opinion on that. But I am okay with this fact.*

*...or words to that effect.

BilliJo, feel free to come shoot zombies with me sometime, it's very therapeutic, and stuff. I hate the real thing, but blowing up tanks and zombies and stuff is fun. I think everyone should blow up at least something every time they log in, it's good for the soul.

I also have giant exploding chickens.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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5 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Я понятия не имею. Я просто рад, что на форуме действует запрет на обсуждение острых политических тем, иначе у меня могло бы быть много врагов только по причине моей этнической принадлежности и чьих-то политических взглядов.

Translation: I fear I can have no opinion on that. But I am okay with this fact.*

*...or words to that effect.

BilliJo, feel free to come shoot zombies with me sometime, it's very therapeutic, and stuff. I hate the real thing, but blowing up tanks and zombies and stuff is fun.

I’d love to, thank you. can you provide an mp link to a zombie killing gun?

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Posted (edited)
2 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

I’d love to, thank you. can you provide an mp link to a zombie killing gun?

I'll dump a bunch of them on you next time I'm inworld. Be prepared, it's a LOT of stuff. The grenades are fun, too.

That invitation is open to everyone, by the way. Anyone here can have all my free stuff any time, just hit me up and say you want stuff. And any time I'm inworld I'm willing to hang out with people from here.

Edited by PheebyKatz
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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

My mother is a what?! I swear, you're at the top of your game today.

I called her a ponyatiya and an imeyu. It's Yiddish for "mom" and "special and awesome lady".*

I hope it's okay, I know she could always actually be a bad mom and stuff, but I figure give her the benefit of the doubt, and all. You turned out okay, so she must be alright.

* Just kidding, it's not Yiddish. But the sentiment is real. 

And if she likes shooting zombies and stuff, you and your mom are of course both welcome to come hang out with me and get free guns and stuff any time. If she prefers, she may have a Scud missile when I finally complete it. Actual quality may vary.

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22 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

so let me get it straight, since the hive mind supports Ukraine, would selling replicas of modern russian tanks with the “Z” symbol on them be a problem? but it would be ok to sell patches and flags of Ukraines neo-nazi Azov Regiment?

Just wondering.


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Posted (edited)
18 minutes ago, PheebyKatz said:

Я понятия не имею. Я просто рад, что на форуме действует запрет на обсуждение острых политических тем, иначе у меня могло бы быть много врагов только по причине моей этнической принадлежности и чьих-то политических взглядов.

Любой, кто не любит кого-то из-за его этнической принадлежности, является идиотом. Я наполовину украинец, но, несомненно, есть и немного русского. Даже если бы ты был полностью русским, я бы все равно тебя обнял.

Very loose paraphrase for the curious: anyone who hates someone because of their ethnicity is an idiot and a bigot. I'm half Ukrainian, but I'd judge anyone who was Russian by the content of their heart, not by the firepower of their government.

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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Okay, it's almost 3:30 PM for me now, and I usually go to sleep at 6 AM. See what you guys do to me?

Thanks for the feedback, if the thread blows up or dies while I'm asleep that's okay too, and no hard feelings. You guys are awesome for helping me with this.

Nini my SL people. See you again soon~!


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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:


well, i wouldnt want to get ARed for having a russian federation tank parked at my place

p.s. Im still gonna call you sometime, i just don’t know what to say after the initial hello 😬

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1 minute ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

well, i wouldnt want to get ARed for having a russian federation tank parked at my place

A year and a half ago, I rezzed an entire column of Russian tanks for a photo in popular sim.

No one is going to AR you for a Russian tank. Or, if they do, LL isn't going to act on it.

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4 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

well, i wouldnt want to get ARed for having a russian federation tank parked at my place

Put the giant Confederate Flag back out, that will distract them from the Russian tanks!


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12 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

guess I need to buy a translator on mp

Here is a helpful tutorial video. Put it on right before going to sleep, and you will wake up understanding me perfectly, no matter how I type.

You're welcome, and goodniiiiiigt~!

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Posted (edited)

This is one of the silliest things I've ever read. This kind of mindset has the same energy as judging someone based on their skin colour. If someone is gonna judge you for what hardware you're into then they better not complain about it when someone then complains about the stuff that they are into. By that same token, countries like the US and UK have had their own fair share of haters and nobody complains about anyone driving a Japanese car eventhough Japan committed the most heinous warcrimes in WWII. So why should people get offended when someone has a interest in/drives a Russian car? There is no difference. People need to learn that there is a fine line between people and their hardware and the government and how it acts. Its all about hatred and whats hot at the moment, given time once this whole ordeal cools off with Russia they will then judge on another country accordingly. So go on and re-list those items, the hypocrites will sell their own items as they do.

I'm just like you, Russian hardware is one of my fascinations and its a shame people can look at you in such a way and think "Oh, that person is evil by association". Its also remarkable that overall someone would think you're evil just because of the nationality you couldn't help to be borne as.

At the end of the day, stuff happens between nations. It is what it is. One moment someones a friend, the next moment they're a enemy and your enemy is now your friend.

Edited by Simo Vodopan
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Posted (edited)

Had a wee look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Forum_Participation_Guidelines and found this:





Look, i'm not saying you can't... I'M... not say you can't, but i do find it rather interesting that some posts/threads of this nature get deleted and others don't. But by all means, do go on. ;)

Edited by CaithLynnSayes
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8 hours ago, PheebyKatz said:

It's been a long time since I (for reasons of decency and taste) stopped publicly sharing my Soviet surplus combat RP gear. In the meantime, I've perfected my RPG-7, made what is arguably the finest AKMS in all of SL, and have even made progress towards completing my "Скад" (Scud) missile project. Without openly discussing any actual world politics (because yeah), might I get an opinion or two on whether it's too soon to re-list these sort of items, seeing as people are not quite as sensitive about it anymore?

It's artistic reproductions of things from a period in history when a regime that couldn't figure out how to grow food, and ultimately collapsed, was also at the cutting edge of technology and the sciences, and it's a pretty important part of my own history, as well.

What do you guys think? Is it safe to share my love of Eastern Blok kitsch again yet, or would everybody hate me for it?

I mean, I've made explodable tanks, and everything.


Honestly, you should have never taken any of it down if you didn't want to.. That's my opinion on it though..

Throw'em back up there. ;)

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49 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

Look, i'm not saying you can't... I'M... not say you can't, but i do find it rather interesting that some posts/threads of this nature get deleted and others don't. But by all means, do go on.

The OP, and most of the replies here, are explicitly and directly about Second Life -- in particular, about SL creations and products.

A post about whether the Russians were "evil" or not . . . sure, that would be a problem. But we've always had some latitude here discussing politics when it is directly applicable to SL.


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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:
53 minutes ago, CaithLynnSayes said:

Look, i'm not saying you can't... I'M... not say you can't, but i do find it rather interesting that some posts/threads of this nature get deleted and others don't. But by all means, do go on.

The OP, and most of the replies here, are explicitly and directly about Second Life -- in particular, about SL creations and products.

A post about whether the Russians were "evil" or not . . . sure, that would be a problem. But we've always had some latitude here discussing politics when it is directly applicable to SL.

Bonus: A thread that goes "off topic" doesn't get deleted, so long as it goes back "on topic".

Second Life Tanks, whether Russian, American, Chinese, Ukrainian, or German - are not in themselves "off topic"!

@PheebyKatz, have you ever thought of making a cyber-tank from some dystopian future - like 10-15 years from now when AI has taken over?


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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Second Life Tanks, whether Russian, American, Chinese, Ukrainian, or German - are not in themselves "off topic"!

tanks for that clarification :D


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