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1 minute ago, brodiac90 said:

They did it with Ender's Game which is one of my favourite books of all time

I read the book, but years later was so disgusted with the author's personal stances on certain things, that I refused to watch the movie.


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On 5/25/2024 at 4:23 PM, Ayashe Ninetails said:



I agree with Quartz. I'm certainly enjoying the thread, but I'm a sucker for a good AMA.

@brodiac90, @Madi Melodious, @NicholasTheHufflepuffWizard, @Sadvhi or anyone else who wants to respond, I have another question for yas!


Are there any products you struggle to find but wish existed?


I'll agree with others that furniture is needed! Not just 'PG we took out the sex animations', but stuff kids would actually want and dont need to readjust all the animations for hours. 


HI guys, I'm a kid in SL and just found this thread, and i think it's an awesome idea! I'll answer a few questions i saw already posted and any others come up with directly for me. 

I'm 12, I aged up after 10 years of being 11 cause it felt right at the time. That was awhile ago now and i might age back down to 11. Somehow 11 just felt more correct(?). I like being a tween because its before puberty really hit so you are still a kid without all that bothersome body changing stuff, but old enough that its not that weird for you to be out someplace without an adult with you at all times. 

My first avatar was a real attempt to look just like my RL adult self. I got alot of hate TBH cause I didn't try to look like a supermodel. One day i ran across a thing called something like a kid transmorgrifier or something like that. lol Tried it to see what i'd look like as a kid and decided to keep it. But when i tried to go to school and had totality forgotten about my profile and groups etc, they told me to come back with a new profile or consider a whole new account, so i made my "alt" to be the kid, which quickly became my main account. I only change out of being a kid now if i have to shop in some A place. and for that i got an avatar that just looks like someone wearing a sheet as a ghost costume. I tried a few others but the ghost feels like I'm me being silly rather than someone wearing the wrong body. 

Roleplaying: I don't really roleplay that much. Being silly and wanting to play games and jump on things randomly is just what i do naturally, playing with SL physics and amusement rides is fun! My SL Dad and SL Sister are people I know in RL, We don't RP that much really other than a few minor things. I tend to be a more passive person and can be a little naive at times so my SL family does protect me from myself in that way. 

As i mentioned i dont age up often and kinda regret that i did once. Still debating if i will go back to 11. My Sister started as the younger sister, and aged up every year on her rezday. So now, she's the big sister. I think every kid handles age and RP differently. 

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11 is my favorite age! 🥰 I love that SL allows us to recapture the joy and innocence of our youth in such an immersive way. Instead of just looking through old photographs to try and bring back our happiest memories, we get to viscerally re-experience the beauty of childhood. 

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1 hour ago, brodiac90 said:

That's interesting, I didn't know they aged her up but then I shouldn't be surprised since Hollywood does this all the time. They did it with Ender's Game which is one of my favourite books of all time (I discovered the author's views after the fact), as well as many others. I get they must find it hard to find decent kid actors but it really changes how the characters are perceived. 

It's also highly problematic for movies and TV shows to show minors in sexual situations. Game of Thrones did the same thing with Daenerys Targaryen. She was 13 when married to Khal Drogo in the book, but 16 in the TV version. Claudia was 5 years old when she was turned in the book, played by 10-year-old Kirsten Dunst in the 1994 movie, and aged up to 14 and played by a 19 year old in the AMC series.

While she doesn't engage in sex in the book, I think Claudia does entice and kill potential pedophiles. The character of the vampire Armand is even more problematic in the book. Anne Rice's vampires seldom engage in normal human sex (though I think Lestat does in one later book), but they express strong erotic sensibilities.

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I am someone who only occasionally posts on the forum, i read more then anything else. but this one i felt compelled to respond in... 

reading through all of this has changed some of my outlook on 'littles' if it were ... still not sure if that is even the right term. 

i will give a little context first. me and my partner have had 'annoying' experiences with some in the past... several that would always ask us if we wanted to adopt them ... we are in SL to be here ... but that has happened enough that now most of the time when we do run into one we are always apprehensive in talking with them. 

i do not RP much at all (gave the MM sim a go, but due to time issues, and some others that were more personal decided to not continue)

from the perspective of working with a company in SL, sometimes it can be tiresome when, even in IM's trying to help, the 'little speak' still continues ... 

so, i will admit .. my views can be skewed. 

for the questions, i already see some responses that gave answers to what i was going to ask ... when it comes to what is needed... (cars, bikes, furniture) 

1. How do you wish other people would talk with you? or even interact for that matter ... 

2. Do you ever wish some sims were updated to General rating, instead of just Moderate to make them feel more accepting to all?

3. speaking of Cars, would it be preferred if it was just smaller ones that fit in with the avie? ... or a normal one that had car seats installed with poses for them and such? (so, i like building cars and houses and furniture i have to know, i enjoy a challenge!)

thank you for this thread.. and for everyone trying to keep it on track!

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15 minutes ago, SilenzZzz Mistwalker said:

I1. How do you wish other people would talk with you? or even interact for that matter ... 

2. Do you ever wish some sims were updated to General rating, instead of just Moderate to make them feel more accepting to all?

3. speaking of Cars, would it be preferred if it was just smaller ones that fit in with the avie? ... or a normal one that had car seats installed with poses for them and such? (so, i like building cars and houses and furniture i have to know, i enjoy a challenge!)

im 11-12 so i may have different answers than one that's a really little kid.

1. I talk mostly normal and don't expect people to RP with me unless they just want to. IRL i would talk to an 11 or 12yo basically like anyone else, (except for adult topics like sex stuff) and not being surprised if they act childish. I pretty much expect people i run into to be like that, don't talk sex,  don't TP me somewhere that would be forbidden to kids. I had someone get upset my ao was skipping, I thought that was a bit excessive of a complaint. Overall, if you don't wanna RP just don't. :)

IRL I get a bit weird about talking to strangers sometimes, so its not unheard of if one of my SL family members might ask a question for me if they see I'm stressed out. I got banned from a store for that once. :(

2. Most places i hang out are Moderate. It wouldn't affect me much either way if they changed to G personally since these places ban Nudity anyways and i dont swear. When I've talked about why we aren't G the two reasons i see cited are 1. they don't want the 16-17RL kids mixing in or 2. they like to RP Tweens who cuss.   Mostly the second. I mean everyone remembers middle school right? The kids aren't talking to each other like they talk to their grandma. 

3. Im too big for a car seat but i bet the little kids would be all over that! Poses that aren't so adult like in the backseat would be fun. 


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On 5/25/2024 at 10:40 AM, Ayashe Ninetails said:

This is a MOOOOOD. SoOoOoOoOo, you know I have shopping questions!

How is the clothing selection for child avies? Are there are a wide variety of fashion styles available? Like...are there stores that make fantasy outfits and historical clothing for kids? Little steampunk outfits or anything (aww!)?

Speaking of fantasy - is there a fantasy community within the child community, too, and if so, how big is it, if you know? Any tiny little werewolves to keep an eye out for? 😄

As a girl Tween I wish i had more choices for clothes, I'm not a girly girl so sometimes i just wish for more choses that aren't pink frilly dresses! When i find anything with skulls i snap that up quick, i like spooky stuff. I got lil Heathenz to make me 2 steampunk outfits they are the only ones i have ever seen in tween size.

On 5/25/2024 at 11:03 AM, Love Zhaoying said:

Do some child avatars like to RP as the "classic childhood careers",  i.e. "what do you want to be when you grow up?" Examples: Astronaut, Fire Fighter, cowboy, policeman, etc. 

Second Life would give unique opportunities for those kinds of RP!


I make puzzle games and i love to dress in theme. Like when i made an Escape from Jail game, I was dressed in a police costume the whole time i worked on it. When i made Pikes place (haunted) i had a skeleton carrying me everywhere. When i did Alice in wonderland i wore my mad hatter hat. Not exactly "when i grow up" but definitely the dress up part.

1 minute ago, sirhc DeSantis said:

TLDR (rare I use) why do kiddie avs insist I indulge their roleplay

I also wish they would go easy on pushing people that don't want to roleplay, but not everyone is like that. To try and really answer? I think some people get so caught up in roleplaying they forget that they left the areas where its expected. I'm not trying to excuse being obnoxious,  just trying to guess why they do it. 

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6 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I read the book, but years later was so disgusted with the author's personal stances on certain things, that I refused to watch the movie.


Yeah I totally get that. I mentioned that in my initial post. I just don't get some people. 

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, SilenzZzz Mistwalker said:

1. How do you wish other people would talk with you? or even interact for that matter ... 

2. Do you ever wish some sims were updated to General rating, instead of just Moderate to make them feel more accepting to all?

3. speaking of Cars, would it be preferred if it was just smaller ones that fit in with the avie? ... or a normal one that had car seats installed with poses for them and such? (so, i like building cars and houses and furniture i have to know, i enjoy a challenge!)

thank you for this thread.. and for everyone trying to keep it on track!

1. How do you wish other people would talk with you? or even interact for that matter ... 

Just normally please. Say hello, talk about common interests, you don't have to do anything special or talk at all if there is nothing to talk about. 

2. Do you ever wish some sims were updated to General rating, instead of just Moderate to make them feel more accepting to all?

It really depends on what's on the sim. A lot of kid places are on moderate sims. Most likely because people tend to have their stores and homes on the same land and if you have a family it can effectively mean having 2 pieces of land otherwise because obviously parents may want adult furniture in their bedroom which you can't have on General land. 

Given the recent TOS changes though, I think we're likely to see something of a reallignment where you will see more and more kid moderate places becoming General. Similarly, some businesses on adult land may switch to moderate if they think they're losing money, but this I think will be to a lesser extent. A good solution for such businesses would be to put their PG stuff on MP, although it does make testing furniture animations on PG stuff harder. Some would say just switch to an adult avatar but the sizes don't really work.... 

3. speaking of Cars

I generally tend to prefer cars that are more to RL scale, but that's because I support builders who are trying to get houses and vehicles down to smaller scales and not the giant things we've had in the past. We kids have lots of toy cars so there isn't really a gap in the market, but there aren't any real cars that have things like child car seats that function like real ones which you can sit in as the car is moving. Something like that would be very cool. I'm not sure what it's like in the US but here in the UK kids tend to use child car seats until they're a certain height or around 11 depending on which comes first. 

Edited by brodiac90
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Posted (edited)
18 hours ago, brodiac90 said:


In general, I'd say just treat them like any other out of character person



18 hours ago, Sadvhi said:


It's nice to be perceived as the age we are presenting via our appearance because it maintains a sense of immersion and realism, but I would never expect anyone to treat me as a child unless I was visiting a family roleplay community which was specifically geared for that. I wouldn't engage at all with adults outside of family rp/kid friendly events.


I see. Thank you for your replies, that's helpful.

Oh, one more question. As far as you know, are the people who play children, whether "just for fun, in classic roleplay sims", or "for therapeutic reasons" in the broadest sense, "only" interested in parent(s), or is there also a "demand" for grandparent(s), aunt/uncle, older sibling as "carer", and I mean instead of, not in addition, like when the parents may already have other family members? I've come across a few "adoption boards" when touring SL over the years, for example, but it was always child-parent. 

I imagine that might open up more interaction for SL children who would like, but can't find parents, as adult-playing counterparts might be wary of "too much (time) commitment", but might happily be there for a less close connection, like an aunt, older sibling, granny, visiting/taking them out somewhere, maybe picking them up from school on a certain day each month, or so. I imagine that could be "low barrier/commitment fun" for both sides, but never read anything the like, so, maybe there's no demand for that but specifically parents.

Just to not be misunderstood - I'm not thinking that all SL children want a parent or any kind of carer in the first place, there certainly are enough who just want to play, find the avis cute, or just wsnt to be left alone, etc.

Edited by InnerCity Elf
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8 hours ago, SilenzZzz Mistwalker said:

1. How do you wish other people would talk with you? or even interact for that matter ... 

2. Do you ever wish some sims were updated to General rating, instead of just Moderate to make them feel more accepting to all?

3. speaking of Cars, would it be preferred if it was just smaller ones that fit in with the avie? ... or a normal one that had car seats installed with poses for them and such? (so, i like building cars and houses and furniture i have to know, i enjoy a challenge!)

1. I sometimes flatter myself thinking I am sort of a soft introduction to SL kids. I'm perfectly happy for people to speak to me as an adult, my avatar is 11, my character is 113. I don't expect any special consideration, but then yesterday someone had this hug animation where they knelt down to my level and it melted my heart a little.

2. I wish Moderate sims would remember they're moderate not Adult-lite. Nothing makes me more upset than seeing a new roleplaying sim opens and I go there and its "NO KIDS!!!!" I'm pretty peaceful, I hate being rejected because of the actions of others, even if I can understand people in the past have ruined the pot.

3. I have a fun one for you on this! I have this car that I absolutely love. I was excited to see I could re-size it down to my side. Then an adult sat down on it and said, "Lets go." Because they were so big and the car was my size their butt sort of went through the bottom of the car and elevated it up enough it wouldn't go.

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3 hours ago, InnerCity Elf said:

As far as you know, are the people who play children, whether "just for fun, in classic roleplay sims", or "for therapeutic reasons" in the broadest sense, "only" interested in parent(s), or is there also a "demand" for grandparent(s), aunt/uncle, older sibling as "carer", and I mean instead of, not in addition, like when the parents may already have other family members?

I'm highly independent and never last long in a family dynamic.  I've lived in many different family rp communities alone, and just roleplayed that I lived with my parents. I even hired a nanny to take care of me. She brought me to the amusement park and took me out for ice cream. I also enjoyed sleepovers at a friend's house. One could even creat a bot parent using chatGPT now 🤣

At adoption agencies, I've seen profiles where a child avatar is only seeking a godparent or grandparent. There are also feral animals/pets and grown adults who are looking for parents, or looking to be part of a family. And adults who just want the occasional family roleplay experience without full commitment. 

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25 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Instead of adopting, can someone volunteer to just be an "uncle", or "guncle" (as the case may be)?

Kind of like how in certain cultures, "old older ladies" who are unrelated, are called "Auntie"?


I have a couple babas. :)

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5 hours ago, InnerCity Elf said:


I see. Thank you for your replies, that's helpful.

Oh, one more question. As far as you know, are the people who play children, whether "just for fun, in classic roleplay sims", or "for therapeutic reasons" in the broadest sense, "only" interested in parent(s)

Not all child avatars are interested in parents. Some might enjoy having an aunt, uncle, godparent, grand parent etc who only checks in now and then. I'd imagine this would mainly apply to teens and more independent kids. 

Similarly, some families look for nannies and believe it or not, family pets who are played by real people. 

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2 hours ago, brodiac90 said:

Not all child avatars are interested in parents. Some might enjoy having an aunt, uncle, godparent, grand parent etc who only checks in now and then. I'd imagine this would mainly apply to teens and more independent kids. 

Similarly, some families look for nannies and believe it or not, family pets who are played by real people. 

Are there "emancipated children", who started out with parents but then were given permission to take responsibility for themselves?

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28 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

Are there "emancipated children", who started out with parents but then were given permission to take responsibility for themselves?

Not that I know of! 

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