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6 minutes ago, Aethelwine said:

Maybe I am exceptional in some way. I do remember my mother having to wash all our lego in the bath after I cut myself building something and bled all over the basket full of pieces without noticing until she asked where all blood had come from... and I was like what blood... ohh ! and then I probably fainted I hate the sight of blood lol

LOL, I've never cut myself on LEGO, but I have on the sharp exposed metal edges inside a PC case. Fortunately, it was never bad enough to get on my internal components!!!

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1 hour ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I never opened my last "Tower" PC since I didn't need to. Until one day I heard this awful racket.

I took the cover off (easy with a few thumbscrews on the back) and the case was mostly empty space.

The GPU had totally fallen off its supports. The noise was the GPU fan hitting some wires.

(Fixed with Zipties.)

If I can do it, me - a lowly programmer who never opens PC's - then others can too!  I'm dumb, just ask anyone on the Forum!

I was lucky though since my case was easily opened and "mostly empty space".

Installing a GPU is usually super easy (unless something is blocking access to the locking tab). But you still had to make sure it was compatible with your Mobo, and your power supply was powerful enough, and had the right connectors!!! And of course the size factor!!! You also had to make sure your output was the right type (or you had the proper adapter) Not to mention having the right drivers for your OS!!!

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On 7/30/2024 at 4:53 PM, Rowan Amore said:

Just to update on the Firestorm Viewers, their newest Beta has the legacy EEP settings alongside the PBR versions.  


Super, I was sure we would get such free updates.

These enviroment settings are very old, Legacy Windlight (Or older?), then updated to EEP.

I got those packs from the MP in 2020, and then FS implemented them in the viewer.

I thought the first PBR windlight I got was really ugly. (I got it in a creator pack and was recommended to use it with their PBR products)

I complained about how PBR moss and pebbles looked like it was sprayed with high gloss coating, lol. But I hoped there would be improvements. It is always an adjustment period.


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16 minutes ago, SandorWren said:

Installing a GPU is usually super easy (unless something is blocking access to the locking tab). But you still had to make sure it was compatible with your Mobo, and your power supply was powerful enough, and had the right connectors!!! And of course the size factor!!! You also had to make sure your output was the right type (or you had the proper adapter) Not to mention having the right drivers for your OS!!!

lol "super easy."

Someone (who apparently knows what they're doing, which most of us don't) recounted above "breaking off" some tabs or something on a GPU they were self-installing to get it to fit properly.

Right. Breaking bits off a computer component to "make it fit" is something we should all be doing.

"super easy"!

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1 minute ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lol "super easy."

Someone (who apparently knows what they're doing, which most of us don't) recounted above "breaking off" some tabs or something on a GPU they were self-installing to get it to fit properly.

Right. Breaking bits off a computer component to "make it fit" is something we should all be doing.

"super easy"!


"So after you've unpacked the new $800 GPU card, carefully break off the bits designed to hold it securely in place inside the PC, make sure you fondle the circuitry with your fingers so as to safely discharge any static electricity into the card, then simply offer it up to the slot on the motherboard, and tap it firmly home with a 10lb lump hammer, remembering to lick the edge connector first to improve conductivity.

Once it's seated, just lash it in place with half a dozen cable ties, making sure the loose ends poke into the cooling fans, so as to rattle loudly when the fans spin so you know they are working!

Super easy!"



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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lol "super easy."

Someone (who apparently knows what they're doing, which most of us don't) recounted above "breaking off" some tabs or something on a GPU they were self-installing to get it to fit properly.

Right. Breaking bits off a computer component to "make it fit" is something we should all be doing.

"super easy"!

I WAS being a bit sarcastic. That's why I mentioned a whole series of things to consider. I've built maybe 20 PC's since the mid 80's though (I will probably give a slightly different number each time), and had to replace a few dead GPU's. I've never had to break off anything. I could see a seating issue though with that. Sometimes the case doesn't align perfectly, and the back of the card could be lifted a bit. when screwed in.

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1 minute ago, AmeliaJ08 said:

The way this forum reads I have some genuine concerns for some of you as functioning adults.

Right. Because if you can't install computer components yourself, or are afraid to blindly mess around with hundreds of dollars of tech that you don't truly understand (despite all of those wonderful YouTube videos which really are the equivalent of a college course or two in computer hardware, right?) and that might be vital to your livelihood, you can't possibly be "adult."

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Just now, Theresa Tennyson said:

I remember installing VESA Local Bus IDE cards.

Mind you, it probably helps if you have the first idea what those are, what they do, and why you'd need them. Right?

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7 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

lol "super easy."

Someone (who apparently knows what they're doing, which most of us don't) recounted above "breaking off" some tabs or something on a GPU they were self-installing to get it to fit properly.

Right. Breaking bits off a computer component to "make it fit" is something we should all be doing.

"super easy"!

Oh gawd, please never do this. I know you wouldn't, but I'm just saying.

I won't get into the technical specifics, but the main things you need to know to install a new GPU - your power supply wattage, your case make/model, your motherboard make/model. If you don't know your case, you can measure the old card or measure the space in which it sits and then compare it to the new GPU dimensions.

Compatible parts require no manual tweaking.

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16 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

I remember installing VESA Local Bus IDE cards. You had to take a pointy, brittle, expensive thing and push it into multiple sockets HARD.



Unfortunately, I AM old enough to remember!!! And lets not forget all the little DIP switches that we had to set pre "Plug and Play!!!

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10 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh gawd, please never do this. I know you wouldn't, but I'm just saying.

I won't get into the technical specifics, but the main things you need to know to install a new GPU - your power supply wattage, your case make/model, your motherboard make/model. If you don't know your case, you can measure the old card or measure the space in which it sits and then compare it to the new GPU dimensions.

Compatible parts require no manual tweaking.

Happily, I have zero inclination to do this. Even more happily I, personally, don't need to.

But the idea that someone with no background in computers or computer hardware is going to make a fairly expensive purchase, and then mess around with the innards of a machine, the workings and parts of which are likely to be totally terra incognita to them . . . so that they can play a computer game . . . is nuts.

And the notion that one isn't "adult" if one is unwilling to take these chances with hundreds of dollars worth of electronic equipment that are likely vital to their functioning in RL is just offensive.

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I remember praying through my first hardware upgrade!!! And I'm an atheist!!! I went to BBS's to find instructions, and printed them out, because  once my PC was apart, there was no access to any instructions!!! And my 40 Meg. Yes...MEG hard drive that had to be partitioned into 30 and 10, because DOS wouldn't recognize over 30!!!

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Just now, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Happily, I have zero inclination to do this. Even more happily I, personally, don't need to.

But the idea that someone with no background in computers or computer hardware is going to make a fairly expensive purchase, and then mess around with the innards of a machine, the workings and parts of which are likely to be totally terra incognita to them . . . so that they can play a computer game . . . is nuts.

And the notion that one isn't "adult" if one is unwilling to take these chances with hundreds of dollars worth of electronic equipment that are likely vital to their functioning in RL is just offensive.

If we were talking about something like Candy Crush, or even a high-end but fundamentally constrained average game, you'd have a very good point.

Second Life has never been "plug and play" though. Probably never really was. If you can dress yourself in Second Life you can probably handle this. And if you're trying to keep older hardware running in the current connected world for anything, you'll need to.

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2 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Aaaaaand I got sucked into this discussion again, which I promised myself I wouldn't, because it's utterly pointless.

Most "discussions" on most Fora are "utterly pointless", that's why you should spend more time thinking about important stuff that actually matters, such as making sure your August Gallery Showing Wine & Cheese Party actually has some wine and cheese, and mini pizza, and dip, and potato "chips" ( but not those maize based cardboard triangle Tortured-Gorilla things ), and maybe a tub of imported beer for people who don't like Californian "Sour White" or "Easy Red".


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22 minutes ago, Ayashe Ninetails said:

Oh gawd, please never do this. I know you wouldn't, but I'm just saying.

I won't get into the technical specifics, but the main things you need to know to install a new GPU - your power supply wattage, your case make/model, your motherboard make/model. If you don't know your case, you can measure the old card or measure the space in which it sits and then compare it to the new GPU dimensions.

Compatible parts require no manual tweaking.

I HAVE had to very slightly bend the metal flange attaching a card card to the Case frame (with the screw or screws), if the case wasn't a good one, and slightly misaligned.  But not in the last 15 years or so.

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33 minutes ago, Theresa Tennyson said:

I remember installing VESA Local Bus IDE cards. You had to take a pointy, brittle, expensive thing and push it into multiple sockets HARD.



Did you blow on the edge connectors, like kids used to with game cartridges?

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Happily, I have zero inclination to do this. Even more happily I, personally, don't need to.

But the idea that someone with no background in computers or computer hardware is going to make a fairly expensive purchase, and then mess around with the innards of a machine, the workings and parts of which are likely to be totally terra incognita to them . . . so that they can play a computer game . . . is nuts.

And the notion that one isn't "adult" if one is unwilling to take these chances with hundreds of dollars worth of electronic equipment that are likely vital to their functioning in RL is just offensive.

Absolutely. This is precisely why the "sister" subreddit r/SuggestAPC exists alongside r/BuildAPC. It's also why Amazon, NewEgg, Best Buy, MicroCenter, and a bunch of other stores still keep prebuilts in stock and some brick and mortars still offer upgrade services and why custom PC builders like Skytech, Starforge Systems, Origin PC, PowerGPU, NZXT, CyberPowerPC, iBuyPower and others have custom configurators that let you custom build the thing online and pick your already-determined compatible parts while they do the actual physical build, clean cabling, and shipping to your door - plug n play ready. With a full warranty.

I've been capable of building a PC from scratch for years now, but I absolutely refuse to do it. I'll swap most parts, but I'd never build from the ground up. It's definitely not for everybody and professional and hobby builders know this, hence why they're so willing to do it for us.

You're fine, Scyl. You don't need to have a background in computers, but you do have to be willing to take some risk (as you say, parts ain't cheap) and I'll tell ya first-hand - many, many, many people are not. Not even for work let alone to play with SL's PBR. This is not something I'll ever accept shame for. Drag me all day - I'm not building nuffin'!

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10 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

Most "discussions" on most Fora are "utterly pointless", that's why you should spend more time thinking about important stuff that actually matters, such as making sure your August Gallery Showing Wine & Cheese Party actually has some wine and cheese, and mini pizza, and dip, and potato "chips" ( but not those maize based cardboard triangle Tortured-Gorilla things ), and maybe a tub of imported beer for people who don't like Californian "Sour White" or "Easy Red".


Dahling, this is why God invented caterers.

I'm an ahtist, not a sous chef!

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