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Rain sounds that will cover a decent area

Katherine Heartsong

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I think you'd need a "device" that creates rain sounds over a specific area, because that would have multiple "sound emitters".

Similar to how "rain devices" for larger areas have multiple "rain emitters".  

At least, so far as I know. 🙂  <= Gotta slip in an caveat or two, since I'm so friggin' OLD and tend to be completely wrong!!1!1

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20 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

. I know that people can adjust environmental sounds via their prefs, but I run about 75% of full volume and can barely hear some rain sounds. 

isn't environmental sound something different? 
I can be totally wrong(!) but rainsystems are objects, aren't those sounds limited in distance? To spread it more it needs more emitters.

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Here's an example of one that is for a specific area (same seller has them for smaller areas too).

The "Sound" feature isn't emphasized, but I like that the description says, "detects buildings so it won't rain/snow inside the building".

I haven't tried this product, just was searching the MP for you.


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You can try this one.  It's only 1L...

Second Life Marketplace - Beach environmental pack OFFER: Waves "Sound Of Nature!"

That one is more beachy

This one could be louder but it's not bad.  Wonder if the creator could increase volume some how.

Second Life Marketplace - Environmental Sound - Rain 1

Edited by Rowan Amore
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You could "hide" sound scripts in any object in strategic positions around the area in which you want the sound to play. Or add a simple play sound function to an existing script in those objects...

Or... link 4 prims with physics shape convex hull and emit the sound from those using just one script with the new llLinkPlaySound function ( llLinkPlaySound - Second Life Wiki ). The root prim would then switch your sound on and off. Should be 2 - 3 LI max land impact.

Edited by Emma Krokus
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Just had a thought ...

Could I simply buy one of the 30 minute looping sound files from a place like Ambient Sounds online, upload that sound file, create a transparent prim that covers the whole parcel up to say 50m high, and add the sound file and a script that plays that sound file on loop (either always or when anyone is inside or touching the prim) as a sound source for the whole small parcel I have my cyber town on?


Apologies, I think that's what @Quistess Alpha is saying, right?

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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30 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

create a transparent prim that covers the whole parcel up to say 50m high

Actually not. AFAIK, in Secondlife, sounds generally come from a 'point' location: if you make the prim larger it doesn't affect sounds that come from it.

What I was suggesting is make a prim somewhere, edit it, (turns out MOAP doesn't like directly using raw media files) to use a script like this one, simplified from an example I have in the script library, changing the media file and the length of the timer event as needed:

string gMediaFile = "https://ia804708.us.archive.org/21/items/y-2mate.com-rain-sounds-1-hours-sound-of-rain-meditation-2/y2mate.com%20-%20Rain%20Sounds%201%20Hours%20%20%20%20Sound%20of%20Rain%20Meditation%20_2.mp3";
float gTime = 3600.0; // how long is the media file? (approx)

integer gFace = 2;

string gsURL;
key ghRequestURL;

string gXHTML()
{   return 
"<!DOCTYPE xhtml>
<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">
body {background-color:black;}
integer gIncrement;
    string s = (string)((++gIncrement)&7);
    [   PRIM_MEDIA_HOME_URL, gsURL+"/home"+s,
        PRIM_MEDIA_CURRENT_URL, gsURL+"/home"+s,
        PRIM_MEDIA_PERMS_CONTROL, PRIM_MEDIA_PERM_NONE, // don't show nav-bar.
{   state_entry()
    {   ghRequestURL = llRequestURL();
        llSetTimerEvent(gTime); // 1 hour.
    {   set_media();
    changed(integer c)
        {   llReleaseURL(gsURL);
            ghRequestURL = llRequestURL();
    http_request(key ID, string Method, string Body)
    {   if(ID==ghRequestURL)
        {   gsURL=Body;
        {   llSetContentType(ID,CONTENT_TYPE_XHTML);

quoted to produce less spam, modified from :



Edited by Quistess Alpha
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I think I get it. But if it comes from a point, is there no way to adjust the fall off radius (of the emanating sound) of said object so that it doesn't fade as you take a few steps away from it? More like 20m radius? Using LSL? (I have oddly noticed that PlaySound function is limited to 30 second files, so I will have to download and link to it in a prim I see.)

llSetSoundRadius(4); //Enable sound cutoff at 4 meters.
Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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46 minutes ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

I think I get it. But if it comes from a point, is there no way to adjust the fall off radius (of the emanating sound) of said object so that it doesn't fade as you take a few steps away from it? More like 20m radius? Using LSL?

AFAIK, no. You only get one "volume" setting, which at its max of 1.0 is too quiet for many use-cases. llSetSoundRadius() is relatively new so I've not fiddled with it, but from what the wiki says, it only makes it so you ~can't hear the sound from far away, it doesn't make the sound more audible at close range.

The main exceptions are media (see previous post) and parcel audio (the music stream.)

Edited by Quistess Alpha
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2 minutes ago, Emma Krokus said:

Probably silly and laggy - what about a rain sound follower...? Could rez when it senses the avatar near and die at the parcel edge...

If you're spawning something for everyone, I'd go with a temporary attachment on a HUD point. HUD sounds are louder and only heard by the person wearing the HUD. Temp-attachments require an experience or permission (although, perhaps opt-out might be a good thing).

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In case it didn't get explained yet..

AFAIK, the old "rain generators" (particles plus sounds" were basically multiple generators, often connected by large "beams" (arms, whatever). The arrangement was such that each individual generator was supplying a portion of the parcel / region with the needed particles and sound. I don't know the maximum size for that type of arrangement but again as far as I know, it was the common solution.

A central script would control the particles and sound simultaneously for the individual "generators".

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have a look at https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlTriggerSoundLimited

it plays a sound at a consistent volume within the parametrised box. Where ever an avatar is within the box they should hear the sound at a constant volume

the loudness issue (wanting the noise to be louder than 1.0 permits) can be achieved by sound compression of the source file using external sound mixing software. A tutorial on this can be found here: https://ask.audio/articles/compression-trick-that-boosts-loudness-without-destroying-your-music/  Basically compress the sound source file to be as loud as possible without distortion then dial down from 1.0 in your LSL script as best suits your application. Being able to dial up and down the volume makes it more realistic for fading in and out heavy and light rain spells

eta: I don't remember exactly when this function was introduced but it was to deal with the previous problem of having to have multiple emitters

Edited by elleevelyn
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/20/2023 at 7:32 AM, Katherine Heartsong said:

What the title says. Seeking rain sounds (medium intensity) that will cover a 48x48m parcel of land that has a decent volume. I know that people can adjust environmental sounds via their prefs, but I run about 75% of full volume and can barely hear some rain sounds. Recommendations appreciated, thanks!


Hey Katherine! I had the same desire for rain sounds that you could hear SIM-wide and found a streaming site I added to my land's audio listings. 

"About Land" >>> "Sound" tab >>> "Music URL:" and add this to your drop-down list:


It includes random thunder sounds and you can have it play indefinitely, with the volume as per your own computer system (as long as the Music volume is enabled in your viewer) as loud as you like. I have my viewer's music volume set pretty low, Master volume full blast and run my computer's volume setting of around 56-58 and this is still pretty loud. A cool thing is that everyone visiting will hear the same thing, with only their personal viewer/computer volume settings differing. It does not drown out any other environmental sounds you may have in objects on your land (volume dependent, of course). Another cool thing is NO PRIIM USAGE. Yay!

Here is another streaming rain site: https://rainyday-mynoise.radioca.st/stream
It's not as good as the first one IMO, but your mileage may vary.

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