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SL Christian Creators


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14 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Hey, I'm looking for Christian creators, as I am looking to buy and network with them. I know there may not be a long list but if anyone knows of any Christian creators, please let me know. 

Thanks so much!

Do you mean creators who happen to be Christian, or creators who make things that are particularly associated with Christianity?

And what exactly do you mean by "Christian"?

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5 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Do you mean creators who happen to be Christian, or creators who make things that are particularly associated with Christianity?

And what exactly do you mean by "Christian"?

SL creators who are self-proclaimed Christians. So the definition is up to them, since looking for self-proclaimed. :)

Edited by FelicityPage
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5 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

SL creators who are self-proclaimed Christians. So the definition is up to them, since looking for self-proclaimed. :)

for me it's not clear what you want, there is no denomination what has a broader pool of "members" that can work together worse as this one.
Put two together in a room and within a day you'll end with 3 churches.
When religion is less important i don't see the need to be in that label at all to cooperate.

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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2 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

for me it's not clear what you want, there is no denomination what has a broader pool of "members" that can work together worse as this one.
Put two together in a room and within a day you'll end with 3 churches.

I am not asking for specific denominations LOL... Anyone who self-proclaims themselves as a Christian is what I am looking for. That is it. Just like someone is looking for a green fall sweater that goes over jeans. Simple. :)

I am looking to see their creations and network with them. 

Edited by FelicityPage
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4 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

. Just like someone is looking for a green fall sweater that goes over jeans. Simple. :)

here starts the problem : describe your green sweater ... ( and thats why you need to skip the religion, or be specific about terms, denominations and location, it all matters.
A liberal RC from europe won't agree with a american one, lets not even talk about the thousends of different ideas about protestantism.
You'll have to be more specific about what your goal is, otherwise skip the religion.

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2 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

here starts the problem : describe your green sweater ... ( and thats why you need to skip the religion, or be specific about terms, denominations and location, it all matters.
A liberal RC from europe won't agree with a american one, lets not even talk about the thousends of different ideas about protestantism.
You'll have to be more specific about what your goal is.

Alwin, I know all about how you love to inspect posts and break them down, and critique them. That is your thing, that is okay. But you are making a mountain out of a molehill. 
I am not new to the forums, been here for years. 

I stated my goal in the original post LOL.. to potentially buy from them and network. 

I am keeping it simple. My choice. :)

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People like to hang out with like-minded people. And they may want to support others who share their values (although Christianity is a very big tent, and the values there can range really widely).

I'm not sure, barring some hidden nefarious purpose (which I don't think is the case) why this should seem at all suspect. Not my scene, but lots of stuff isn't.

Most creators don't seem to wear their faith or ideology on their sleeves, but maybe start by looking for some who do create things with particularly Christian associations?

Good luck with it, in any case.

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6 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

People like to hang out with like-minded people. And they may want to support others who share their values (although Christianity is a very big tent, and the values there can range really widely).

I'm not sure, barring some hidden nefarious purpose (which I don't think is the case) why this should seem at all suspect. Not my scene, but lots of stuff isn't.

Most creators don't seem to wear their faith or ideology on their sleeves, but maybe start by looking for some who do create things with particularly Christian associations?

Good luck with it, in any case.

Tried looking on the marketplace with keyword "Christian" most listings are very old, and the person is not in SL anymore or hardly logs in. Looked for Christian creator groups, and no recent activity... so figured I'd give the forums a try. 

I know there are a few Christians on the forums, but forgot their names, otherwise I'd IM them or send a message here. Hoping they see this post. 

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43 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

SL creators who are self-proclaimed Christians. So the definition is up to them, since looking for self-proclaimed. :)

I doubt you'll find many.


Most store owners don't openly proclaim their religious or irreligious preferences, because let's be honest here, if you say "I am a devout follower of Cult A", that runs the risk of losing all the customers from Cult B, Cult C, Cult D, Cult E, and Cult F, along with all the non Cultists, who remember how intollerent Cult A tends to be towards them.


Nobody wants to risk losing most of their customers, just so YOU can "network with them", whatever that's supposed to mean.

You want to network with other co-believers, search for places of worship for what ever brand of cult you subscribe to, in world.


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2 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Tried looking on the marketplace with keyword "Christian" most listings are very old, and the person is not in SL anymore or hardly logs in. Looked for Christian creator groups, and no recent activity... so figured I'd give the forums a try. 

I know there are a few Christians on the forums, but forgot their names, otherwise I'd IM them or send a message here. Hoping they see this post. 

@Garnet Psaltery

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I'm with @Zalificent Corvinus.  Your best bet, @FelicityPage, is to find churches inworld and go from there.

1 minute ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

I doubt you'll find many.


Most store owners don't openly proclaim their religious or irreligious preferences, because let's be honest here, if you say "I am a devout follower of Cult A", that runs the risk of losing all the customers from Cult B, Cult C, Cult D, Cult E, and Cult F, along with all the non Cultists, who remember how intollerent Cult A tends to be towards them.


Nobody wants to risk losing most of their customers, just so YOU can "network with them", whatever that's supposed to mean.

You want to network with other co-believers, search for places of worship for what ever brand of cult you subscribe to, in world.



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5 minutes ago, Zalificent Corvinus said:

I doubt you'll find many.


Most store owners don't openly proclaim their religious or irreligious preferences, because let's be honest here, if you say "I am a devout follower of Cult A", that runs the risk of losing all the customers from Cult B, Cult C, Cult D, Cult E, and Cult F, along with all the non Cultists, who remember how intollerent Cult A tends to be towards them.


Nobody wants to risk losing most of their customers, just so YOU can "network with them", whatever that's supposed to mean.

You want to network with other co-believers, search for places of worship for what ever brand of cult you subscribe to, in world.


This is not beneficial to my Original post. I did not ask for disrespectful side comments. Just because you are not a Christian, you don't have to try act better than us. Do your thing. Make the world a better place by being kind, no matter which faith anyone has. I am not in a cult, that is YOUR description not mine. Learn how to get along with people better, unsolicited suggestion. 

I asked a very specific question, your comments are one of the reasons why the world has no peace. Tolerance and common respect. I did nothing to you. Ball is in your court. 

Now, if you can tell me of any Christian creators in SL, please do. Yes, you have a right to your opinion, but that does not make it beneficial to me or the world. 

Edited by FelicityPage
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5 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

This is not beneficial to my Original post.

Actually it IS beneficial. You want to "network" with co-believers, looking in the RIGH place will make that MUCH easier, and more likely to be successful.


7 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

I did not ask for disrespectful side comments.

Telling you that you are looking in the wrong way in the wrong place to achieve your goal is not a "disrespectful side comment".


8 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Just because you are not a Christian,

I never mentioned my own beliefs or lack of same, at all. We do not discuss religion on the Forum here, by general agreement.


9 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

I asked a very specific question, your comments are one of the reasons why the world has no peace.

Please learn some history, more wars started by members of differing religious cults hating on and trying to exterminate each other than from people telling you an easier way to find what you are looking for.


11 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

I did nothing to you

You assumed you knew what my religious beliefs are, and accused me of ending World Peace because you suspect they are not the SAME beliefs you subscribe to. 


13 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Tolerance and common respect.

You certainl;y haven't shown any. You ASSUME I don't belong to your group, therefore, no tolerance or respect, just insults and accusations. THIS is EXACTLY why few Store owners openly proclaim their beliefs, because of the kind of "you dont pray my way" intolerance you exhibit.


16 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Now, if you can tell me of any Christian creators in SL, please do.

I can't because NONE of the Stores I know, openly announce their religious beliefs, that's KIND OF THE POINT here.


17 minutes ago, FelicityPage said:

Yes, you have a right to your opinion, but that does not make it beneficial to me or the world. 

And yours does?

"Don't pray MY way? Shut up and go AWAY", Yeah that's BOUND to bring about World Peace when practiced on a massive Global Scale. Absolutely.


You expressed a wish to network with "Christians", I suggested an approach more likely to make that happen.

You spat it back in my face with the intolerance that has tainted most religions since the dawn of recorded human history.

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I can see why this would get careful responses. I'm a Pagan Christian. It's not a secret. But it's not something I'd usually expect people to contact me about and have it end well. I don't enjoy people dropping into my DMs for religious/political debates. I'm not looking to do religious projects or join a church in Second Life. I'm not exactly accepted by all Christian groups, which makes me cautious about stuff that isn't multifaith. So without knowing what project you're hoping to network about, you're unlikely to get many takers.

The last church I knew about seems to be taking a break, but there are likely to be others around. Looks like there are a few groups, including a general events group, so you could meet people that way.

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1 minute ago, Polenth Yue said:

I can see why this would get careful responses. I'm a Pagan Christian. It's not a secret. But it's not something I'd usually expect people to contact me about and have it end well. I don't enjoy people dropping into my DMs for religious/political debates. I'm not looking to do religious projects or join a church in Second Life. I'm not exactly accepted by all Christian groups, which makes me cautious about stuff that isn't multifaith. So without knowing what project you're hoping to network about, you're unlikely to get many takers.

The last church I knew about seems to be taking a break, but there are likely to be others around. Looks like there are a few groups, including a general events group, so you could meet people that way.

Thank you, I did try looking, see my response to Scylla above. I figured maybe a few people in the forums can help me if they knew someone/people. I have feelers out in other areas too inworld. This was just another way. 

I'm looking to view offerings/products by Christians, can be any self-proclaimed Christian. I'm also looking to network so that I can form a list of creators that I can have on hand.. an easy go to way to find their products on SL and like you said, any events. 

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12 minutes ago, Love Zhaoying said:

What kind of creations are you looking for? A lot of us are Christians. 

Anything LOL.. I am looking for marketplace or inworld offerings, so that I can look at them and purchase if I like them. Apparel, animations, hair, oh yes, hair!

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4 hours ago, FelicityPage said:

Tried looking on the marketplace with keyword "Christian" most listings are very old, and the person is not in SL anymore or hardly logs in. Looked for Christian creator groups, and no recent activity... so figured I'd give the forums a try. 

I know there are a few Christians on the forums, but forgot their names, otherwise I'd IM them or send a message here. Hoping they see this post. 


4 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Hello, and eep, look what came after these postings.  Please folks don't get into heated arguments about religion.  No-one is going to persuade anyone here by being aggressive.  Not even a Tiny Cat (looka my sharp teef).  Anyway, @Scylla Rhiadra thank you for the paging, and @FelicityPage I'll take a look at what I have though I suspect it'll be old stuff because I had the same problem when looking for Christian items as you did.   Felicity, if you just want to get in touch with me please do, either here or inworld.  IMs go to email if I'm outworld.  Perhaps we can find a creator or two (pun not intended) and ask them to make something we want.

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