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Hippiestock II

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Okay so, Hair came out in the early, ETA: sorry... late seventies, but it was all about the sixties and one of my all-time favorite musicals.  This band from the late eighties/early nighties is also a favorite of mine... I had no idea, until today, that they'd covered a song from Hair.

May I present to you...


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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Okay so,
came out in the early, ETA: sorry... late seventies, but it was all about the sixties and one of my all-time favorite musicals.  This band from the late eighties/early nighties is also a favorite of mine... I had no idea, until today, that they'd covered a song from

May I present to you...


I love the original Hair.  I did not know this either!



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Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Okay so,
came out in the early, ETA: sorry... late seventies, but it was all about the sixties and one of my all-time favorite musicals.  This band from the late eighties/early nighties is also a favorite of mine... I had no idea, until today, that they'd covered a song from

May I present to you...



One night a bunch of us were singing that whole musical (accompanied by the theatrical sound track; this was long before the movie) and we really got rocking. "Let the Sun Shine In' was one of our faves anyway because there was a guy whose name actually was Claude, so that part of the song was his solo—"I believe in God, and I believe that God believes in Claude, that's me". The people downstairs called the cops, and as usual I was the one picked to go out and talk to them (I like to think it was because of my natural leadership qualities but it was probably because I was more square and less blasted than most). The girl whose apartment it was came with me but hung back. The cops suggested we turn down the volume, and got back in the squad car. They were probably wondering why the neighbors hadn't said something to us first, before calling the police.


There's been an Airplane song in this thread already, but not this one. Much as I love Janis, Grace Slick has always been the most iconic female of the Sixties for me, and this is one of the Airplane's best songs. Doesn't hurt that it was recorded in my current neighborhood.

I don't want to accidentally out anyone's RL identity, but doesn't the drummer remind you of someone we know?


Peace ;-)

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Dresden Ceriano wrote:

Okay so,
came out in the early, ETA: sorry... late seventies, but it was all about the sixties and one of my all-time favorite musicals.  This band from the late eighties/early nighties is also a favorite of mine... I had no idea, until today, that they'd covered a song from

May I present to you...



One night a bunch of us were singing that whole musical (accompanied by the theatrical sound track; this was long before the movie) and we really got rocking. "Let the Sun Shine In' was one of our faves anyway because there was a guy whose name actually
Claude, so that part of the song was his solo—"I believe in God, and I believe that God believes in Claude, that's me". The people downstairs called the cops, and as usual I was the one picked to go out and talk to them (I like to think it was because of my natural leadership qualities but it was probably because I was more square and less blasted than most). The girl whose apartment it was came with me but hung back. The cops suggested we turn down the volume, and got back in the squad car. They were probably wondering why the neighbors hadn't said something to us first, before calling the police.


There's been an Airplane song in this thread already, but not this one. Much as I love Janis, Grace Slick has always been the most iconic female of the Sixties for me, and this is one of the Airplane's best songs. Doesn't hurt that it was recorded in my current neighborhood.

I don't want to accidentally out anyone's RL identity, but doesn't the drummer remind you of someone we know?


Peace ;-)

That is so good and far out!  I love the Jefferson Airplane!



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Dillon Levenque wrote:


One night a bunch of us were singing that whole musical (accompanied by the theatrical sound track; this was long before the movie) and we really got rocking. "Let the Sun Shine In' was one of our faves anyway because there was a guy whose name actually
Claude, so that part of the song was his solo—"I believe in God, and I believe that God believes in Claude, that's me". The people downstairs called the cops, and as usual I was the one picked to go out and talk to them (I like to think it was because of my natural leadership qualities but it was probably because I was more square and less blasted than most). The girl whose apartment it was came with me but hung back. The cops suggested we turn down the volume, and got back in the squad car. They were probably wondering why the neighbors hadn't said something to us first, before calling the police.

That's too funny.. it reminds me of the time my, then, boyfriend and I took a long road trip to go to the first Lalapalooza in Chicago with my best friend.  On the way, my best friend and I ended up singing the whole soundtrack a capella from memory and in doing so, drove my bf absolutely insane... those were the days... lol.


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We now take you back in time..back  to where the party has been rolling  for sometime now and a band named Santana is about to show the world who they are and just what they are really made of...

Look out for those snake Carlos!!! \o/

Did you know that back in 1969 before going on..Carlos santana did a drug called LSD chilrens? (drugs are bad NKaaay)

very good LSD i guess as far as drugs are concerned..

it was so good that while he was on stage playing he said that he had seen an  Electric snake appearing as the neck of his guitar..and all he could do to deal with it was pray and look away as much as he could and when having to look he would squint really hard  making this grimacing look on his face as if he ..well..as if he were playing a snake .. LOL

in turn giving one of the best performances  ever recorded..

Soul Sacrifice \o/


He talks a bit about it twords the end but it's a neat interview


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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Nice. I'd never heard that bit about the snake, but then I'd have to be really old to remember anything like that. The kid sure could play guitar.

ya and the drummer was only 20 years old himself..i would hav posted the longer version..but the sound was not good enough..

Also the way i found out about the story was when i was looking for videos of Orianthi..i wish i was old enough to have went to woodstock hehehe

Santana was bragging about her being for real as a guitarist..that led to me finding out about the electric snake lol

here is a little Orianthi since i just thought about it..he says she is for real and she is hehehe

here is her part in the studio playing the lead for stairway to heaven in Mary J. Blige's version

and incase you wanted to see the full version the first time played live hehehe

the song comes to life and everyone turns it up a notch when her solo kicks in..

have to say..she is my favorite right now..maybe because she is a woman in what was ruled a mans world and kicking ass..i don't know..but she can play and they all want to be recording with her and respect her..

i guess i feel proud of her..but that doesn't overshadow how great she is at what she does..she is leading the pack i feel hehehe




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DQ Darwin wrote:


i know..she kicks it good hehehe..i made an avatar of her about two years ago..i have a bunch of guitars like hers from OD designs..

every once in awhile i will kick on my stream and just break out my guitars and get immersed =)

Women are really making a strong presence in a serious way nowdays..

Jen Ledger who replaced the old drummer from SKILLET is another prodigy ..she can sing and play drums..multitasking talents is such a plus..and we can muliti task so i think we will be seeing a lot more coming up..

people like Santana and the others are the ones giving props to them adn opening the doors a lot wider..

now we need to see Orianthi and Jen Ledger get together and form an all girl rock band named something opposite of the runnaways  LOL

here she is with Skillet

here is a little movie they did on her

And a little solo from her


i hope this isn't too OT for the thread..i just think it's exciting that january is almost here and can't wait to be at the next hippistock..i enjoyed the first one a lot  =)



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Dillon Levenque wrote:

I don't want to accidentally out anyone's RL identity, but doesn't the drummer remind you of someone we know?

Peace ;-)


No problem Dillion....I have no idea who that is.   Unless, there's some SL resident...who plays drums...kind of like that guy I saw in a video where some SL residents at one of the SLCC's were jamming....oh..wait...


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Lot of good talent and music being posted here : ) 

For a long time...I did not realize that Karen Carpenter was also a drummer..and so multi-talented.  Here's Karen on the drums:


An amazingly talented woman. 


Here's Julian Kleiss when he was only 16...and just entering contests.  I first met Julian a few years ago when we were both new to MySpace.   I had my mermaid icon on my MySpace profile back then, and an underwater theme on my profile page   Julian liked it...and at some point he changed the name of this piece of music to "Living Underwater".   : )     




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Ceka Cianci wrote:

here is a little Orianthi since i just thought about it..he says she is for real and she is hehehe


Oh she's real alright! and very very humble. She is a born superstar..
and an aussie chick too :-)

I want two things from the world of rock god guitarists, I want to see Joe Satriani and Jimmy Page give her kudos and best wishes. Vai and everyone else, (except Carlos Santana - of course), are just hogging her limelight and wasting her time. Those two things and she can blast clear of earths gravity and attain six string immortality.

ROCK ON Orianthi! We love you! 

*hows about Avril Lavigne - vocals, Orianthi - lead guitar, Jen Ledger - Drums, and Bass

For a sizzling, butt kicking, all conquering, all girl supergroup! Tunes arranged by Satriani & Page.. WoooT!

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Ceka Cianci wrote:

didn't storm have a hat like that before?


LOL. Trust me: Storm was NOT the person I had in mind. And I was just goofing; I doubt the person I did have in mind is in his eighties and since that drummer looks like he might be in his late thirties and it was filmed in 1967...I just was amused by the wide brim low crown black hat. 

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Maryanne Solo wrote:

Ceka Cianci wrote:

here is a little Orianthi since i just thought about it..he says she is for real and she is hehehe


Oh she's real alright! and very very humble. She is a born superstar..
and an aussie chick too :-)

I want two things from the world of rock god guitarists, I want to see Joe Satriani and Jimmy Page give her kudos and best wishes. Vai and everyone else, (except Carlos Santana - of course), are just hogging her limelight and wasting her time. Those two things and she can blast clear of earths gravity and attain six string immortality.

ROCK ON Orianthi! We love you! 

*hows about Avril Lavigne - vocals, Orianthi - lead guitar, Jen Ledger - Drums, and Bass

For a sizzling, but kicking, all conquering, all girl supergroup! Tunes arranged by Satriani & Page.. WoooT!

i don't think he needs to ride her talent at all..he is great himself..

actually vai is the one that had gotten satriani signed hehehehe

because both of their styles were not what labels were looking for at the time..steven vai had found a label called "Important Recoreds" and then called up satriani telling him to check this guy out.."Important records" signed them both when nobody else would..

you can bet Satriani gives her props..

he's played with her too..in fact they asked her to play in a benefit concert with them for the man that gave them their window..the man from Important records

there is a part where they are doing the benefit and she does the solo to the hendrix song they are playing..when she is done satriani takes his hands off his guitar and starts clapping to applaud the solo...steven via and satriani are friends so he knew who she was before she got there hehehe

as far as jimmy page you know he would give her props..i really never hear him say much ..he's really not in their kind of loop i don't think..i mean he is great..but the players like satriani and vai and yngwie malmsteen and Orianthi..they are in a different kind of a ring..

they can show up and jump into any kind of a band and add to the flavor..i think jimmy page is a big part of zepplin and i don't think his sound or style would fit in just anywhere..thats not an insult ..thats a compliment really to his style hehehehe


this isn't the best sounding clip but it shows just a glimpes of how much she can do more than just hang in there..she can steal the show hehehe




i checked out stonfield ..i love their story how each one had  picked up an instrument because they felt something was missing from the sound they were hearing..so they each learned an instument and joined in..

the youngest that was only 13 at the time listening and hearing that something was still missing ..she then went and asked her father if she could have a bass guitar.. then she joined in and they became Stonefield..

this is what music..especially rock is about..i mean you could write a song on how they came together.. it's about great sounds and great stories =)

Stonfield if they can stay out of the molders hands will really be something some day..that girl has a voice that just won't quit hehehe


we need to make an all girl band of all the great new young girl tallent coming into rock and go on tour!!!! \o/

hey maybe we could even do a hippie stock..i'll see if we can find some of that stuff Santana was using and we'll record it!!

i can hear the interviews 20 years from now..

So Ceka what was going through your mind as you were playing that tune from Orianthi?

LOL omg i was under the influence of absinthe and i don't know why i did that before going on...i mean everything was getting crazy and the neck of my guitar was turning into this electric flexi freenis!! and all i could do was pray and grimace hoping it wouldn't mess up the timing in my animations! LOL!

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you wanna see something tragic?

let me show you..


These cute guys here with all that awsome talent at their age..(continued on the next level-)


i had dreams!!! from when i was younger..i was gonna get older and sexier and they were going to go underground and resurface as Hansen 2.0 ultra hot ultra talentedsexy rocking my panties off band that made me want to be a groupie to everyone of their shows and get those back stage passes and just get back there with them and take off my ............ummmm.....*ok calm down Ceka and breathe*....well no sense in going on because it's not gonna happen anyways..i am so heart broken!!\o/

this was the best song they have after all those years..i checked all their other stuff out and it's mostly boyband sounding songs to girls =)

they are holding back..because they are very good..they need to get out of the commercial caccoon and let us experience what they really have in their soul..i think we should get them some absinthe and then push them out there..maybe when they get out of their girls want men that are not affraid to cry phase we will see them really  start to rock..

cause the talent.. it's there..it just need to be unleashed!! \o/




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