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Clothes for TMP Male (yes, the old one)

Leonardis Ducatillon

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I'm going to preface this rather niche request with a couple of disclaimers: -

1. Yes, I know TMP Male is old to the point of obsolescence, and that I "should" update to a newer body if I want an easier life in dressing my toon. However, I don't want to - the head I have on my TMP feels the most "me" and I've tried recreating it with even Lelutka Evo with various BOM add ons; something has changed in the years since and I can't seem to get the same look (note: I have alts with Jake/Gianni and either Lelutka EvoX or Catwa heads, so I'm aware of what's around). Unfortunately the TMP head will not work with newer mesh bodies, even by Legacy who are the descendants of TMP.

2. Yes, I know no one makes new clothes for TMP Male anymore, I'm not expecting the world

I'm not a fashionista, so I don't need the latest fashions on my guy - and a lot of time I'm on the beach/sailing anyway, which reduces the need for specific clothing (I have plenty of gear for this). However, it would be nice to have some clothing for other scenarios, casual, smart casual, formal and so on. I do have some, from Dufaux, Gabriel, Ascend and some of the older Fitmesh clothing even by the likes of Deadwool works if I use my alpha HUD correctly. Thing is, I didn't buy enough of this kind of thing back then when it was available more freely.

Does anyone know of any good clothing merchants who still sell in their older range decent clothing for TMP Male?

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8 hours ago, Leonardis Ducatillon said:

Does anyone know of any good clothing merchants who still sell in their older range decent clothing for TMP Male?

I know of a few! Try Furtacor (don't forget to peek upstairs), Gild, and Cold Ash. You'll have to dig around a bit at each store, but I've seen at least a few TMP items in all three.

I *think* Rebellion still carries standard size/fitmesh, as well, so give that a look, too.

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Cold Ash is where I went to dress my alt with Slink male, in the latest sale. Their old clothes is textured as well as todays clothes. They had TMP sizes in the packs. I can't say if they retired them now, but it is less than 6 months ago.

Cold Ash is very good in the "casual for grown-ups" look. Nothing "street style"but clean shirts, smart khaki pants and so on.

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Oooh! My MAlt is on TMP so I have thoughts.

Amazing Creations still puts out lots of their stuff for TMP. I've acquired a decent amount of stuff just by joining the group and hoovering up the gifts and lucky boards. 

Fitch--I heard about this one from Ryan Schultz's blog (https://ryanschultz.com/2019/11/24/clip-and-save-ryans-all-in-one-guide-to-freebies-in-second-life/ with more info), there's some TMP stuff and some useful BOM stuff there.

I've got lots of the stuff from Gabriel's freebie area, it's standard sizing but my guy looks fine in an M most of the time.

Kauna--also found via Ryan Schultz's blog, some TMP and some standard sizes.

Got a lot of standard size stuff at Ajuda SL Brazil too. Some of it looks its age, but it's free, so low risk lol--just grab it and sort it out later.



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