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Firestorm perfomance issues observations

Jackson Redstar

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I am not sure what is going on with FS, but its performance and dealing with a large number of avatars - needs help. When the first 'performance code' was run in the beta viewer, it rocked. Now, not so much. I just don't know what is going on anymore, I did a wedding and at the ceremony part there was like 110 avatars in attendance. Either all sitting or the wedding party and it did ok with that. I had to derender a few 'problem' avis but over all given the number of people there did OK. Then, the reception... oh my! As long as my camera wasnt aimed at the bulk of the guests, it worked. Getting shots with the guests in the BG, went from about 25fps to 5 fps in a heartbeat, with the cam freezing up trying to move it using alt- mouse click. But at least pretty much everyone was 'there' After a bit I relogged, and that is when the SHTF. Halft the avis didn't load, naked avis with the skin all weird cause the BOM layers not loadingm just waiting, turning on and off ALM, so relogged again, same thing. After a while a relogged again this time rebooting my PC and this time the avis loaded but was getting 3-7 fps and 'stop motion' avatar dancing. Workable least no naked avis. Should mention the reception started with about 90 avis and by this time down to about 55. I was at best by this time getting about 7fps. most of the time 3-4fps. I decided to try the official viewer at this point had nothing really to loose so I relogged into the official viewer.  The scene and avis loaded quickly and I was getting between 13-20 fps, the animations were smooth. Yeah trying to video on the official viewer is no fun, no 're-synch' a few  textures thrashing, but over all, I was able to film the whole crowd, people dancing smoothly, etc...

Some observations I had noted: On FS, the GPU was maxed at about 90-100% struggling to even keep 5fps, overall system RAM memory usuage was about 20gig. On the official viewer i never noticed the GPU usuage go above 50% and overall system RAM memory usuage was about half of what FS was using.  the only apps open was the viewer and OBS. I will list my specs below this

It just felt like a partialy plugged toilet on FS, it was 'working' but struggling. What was baffling was after I relogged the first time, everything fell apart. I can deal with the low FPS, but a reception where half the guests are naked, or not loaded, and no amount of waiting gets them loaded, that is kinda unworkable 


CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz (3792 MHz)
Memory: 30911 MB
Concurrency: 8
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 11 64-bit (Build 22621.1105)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070/PCIe/SSE2
Graphics Card Memory: 8192 MB

Windows Graphics Driver Version:
OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 528.02

RestrainedLove API: (disabled)
libcurl Version: libcurl/7.54.1 OpenSSL/1.1.1l zlib/1.2.11.zlib-ng nghttp2/1.40.0
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.2
Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.02.09
  CEF: 91.1.21+g9dd45fe+chromium-91.0.4472.114
  Chromium: 91.0.4472.114
LibVLC Version: 3.0.16
Voice Server Version: Vivox 4.10.0000.32327.5fc3fe7c.571099

Settings mode: Firestorm
Viewer Skin: Firestorm (Grey)
Window size: 2560x1417 px
Font Used: Deja Vu (96 dpi)
Font Size Adjustment: 0 pt
UI Scaling: 1
Draw distance: 140 m
Bandwidth: 30000 kbit/s
LOD factor: 2
Render quality: High (5/7)
Advanced Lighting Model: Yes
Texture memory: Dynamic (4096 MB min / 6% Cache / 6% VRAM)
Disk cache: Max size 9984.0 MB (100.0% used)
Built with MSVC version 1934
Packets Lost: 0/123,007 (0.0%)
January 23 2023 05:05:13 SLT


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Hi @Jackson Redstar,

Assuming that you have asked in the proper places (Firestorm Support group) and not progressed this,  can you put this into a JIRA please. I can't manage issues that appear in the forums in any sensible manner. 

It is worth noting that from the initial performance update to today there has only been one viewer change. the release of 6.6.8 (which is mostly a maintenance update in terms of rendering). You have not noted the viewer version, I'll assume 6.6.8 for now. You noted in other posts (prior to the latest release) that performance has changed for the worse, those would have been on 6.6.5 and presumably with the same viewer code. this would suggest something has changed outside of the viewer code itself. This could be many things, of course, Windows updates, network degrading (typically easily solved/dismissed by a router reboot) & AV changes being the most common external factors, then of course we have the weird and wonderful world of view settings, caches and so forth. 

I am sure you have checked the obvious, normal first steps for all "slow" and "non-rezzing" which is that your whitelisting exclusions are stil being properly applied, this is not your first rodeo. However, as this accounts for well over 90% of the performance issues we troubleshoot; it is always worth double checking and even briefly disabling all your AV and Malware protection just to exclude those from the equation.


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thanks Ben - I think I was just giving some observations, I am not so sure anyone thing I could pinpoint to an actual "bug" And I also understand Windows and Win updates can be a big factor in performace. I just thought it may be useful to document some A/B differences in performance between the 2 viewers on the same event and exact same conditions. I don't pretend to know all the technical stuff, I just thought it was interesting how different the 2 viewers were with what should be essentally the same code least as it deals with handling rezzing and overall performance

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2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

I am not sure what is going on with FS, but its performance and dealing with a large number of avatars - needs help.

I don't work on FS, but there is a perfect technical storm happening in your story that's worth exploring.

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

I did a wedding and at the ceremony part there was like 110 avatars in attendance. Either all sitting or the wedding party and it did ok with that. I had to derender a few 'problem' avis but over all given the number of people there did OK. Then, the reception... oh my! As long as my camera wasnt aimed at the bulk of the guests, it worked. Getting shots with the guests in the BG, went from about 25fps to 5 fps in a heartbeat, with the cam freezing up trying to move it using alt- mouse click. But at least pretty much everyone was 'there'

The bulk of guests would have arrived a few at a time. The viewer could load and texture them sequentially while you cammed about, accumulating the data to display everyone while you did your thing waiting for the show to start. By the time it did, everyone was loaded.

The viewer is now juggling like a pro with a hundred avatar balls in the air.

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

After a bit I relogged, and that is when the SHTF.

The viewer closed, didn't have all the data in the cache because the cache is garbage and basically threw it all away. 

The SHFT right here, someone walked up and punched the juggler out cold.

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

Halft the avis didn't load, naked avis with the skin all weird cause the BOM layers not loadingm just waiting, turning on and off ALM, so relogged again, same thing.

You log back in.

The regions throws a hundred balls at the viewer and yells HEY - THANK FAST, there is a palpable sense of urgency and panic in the air. OH F...

The viewer is jammed with a list of avatars to process and resolve, a massive amount of data to fetch and reprocess, each attachment resolving into an even longer list of additional data to fetch. Every avatar is a shopping list of parts and each part explodes into its own shopping list. Then the shopping lists all explode.

Every ball the viewer gets in the air comes back with a dozen more, over and over. It's basically fractal and its all needed RIGHT NOW.

While the viewer is going crazy down the rabbit hole of a 100 avatars and their attachments, you're pounding on it trying to make it go faster by camming around, constantly adding more and more data to the process queue.

There is no hope, only darkness.

You should have pointed your cam at a wall, let go of the mouse and stopped moving entirely, and gone to make a cup of coffee.

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

After a while a relogged again this time rebooting my PC and this time the avis loaded but was getting 3-7 fps and 'stop motion' avatar dancing.

The viewer had most of the balls in the air, but there was still a mass of data coming in and needing to be processed. Avatars are getting switched to imposters to try and keep the show moving, the viewer is so close it can almost taste a moment when it will only have to render frames again ..

and then the power went out

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

I decided to try the official viewer at this point had nothing really to loose so I relogged into the official viewer.

By this point the crowd size is smaller and more in the range the viewer can handle from cold.

2 hours ago, Jackson Redstar said:

What was baffling was after I relogged the first time, everything fell apart.

Sir, you killed it.

Edited by Coffee Pancake
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4 hours ago, Coffee Pancake said:


thanks for the comments. a couple things to note: this 'naked avi' thing/just wont load at all thing is fairly new to the FS viewer. I been doing weddings for years, often have to relog from time to time. I can usualy get the scene reloaded in about 10 seconds and even then it is the clothing textures waiting to load, not a unrendered naked avi. That I have observed has been happened last couples of months. I am used to dealing with crowded events and little tricks to help things load in. Perhaps if i was to point my cam at a wall for 30 minutes or so eventualy the scene would load, but this is a live event I am trying to capture. Also, I observed the crowd size and usuage specs before swithcing to the official viewer and when logging back in crowd size hadn't changed any

I guess I am more curious as what FS and the offical viewer are doing differently when it comes to loading and rezzing a scene. Clearly in this case, FS was struggling where the Official didnt have much an issue at all. 

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I don't imagine this is relevant to the OPs issues but the bandwidth listed in the Help  specs at 30Mbps - 30,000kbps looks way outside any value I've even set mine to!

One factor I did notice was that you (the OP) are running Windows 11 and I see more issues with folk running this OS than any other version.

Edited by Aishagain
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26 minutes ago, Aishagain said:

I don't imagine this is relevant to the OPs issues but the bandwidth listed in the Help  specs at 30Mbps - 30,000kbps looks way outside any value I've even set mine to!

This is notable.

The bandwidth setting in preferences has no impact on how fast stuff is downloaded.

It determines how fast the server can scream time sensitive UDP data at you. Set too high and you miss the data. Viewer can't do anything about stuff it doesn't know about.


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