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AFK places showing in search

Dibella Charisma

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Hi all :)

Just a quick question, I was under the impression bots were banned ?    I thought this was to prevent ' scamming ' the search results

But I guess AFK AVs are not as the places they are at show up high in search ?  

Kinda defeats the purpose of a chat program when people log in and go AFK for hours :)



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Bots (scripted avatars running programs automatically) are not banned.

Bots should be registered as bots so they don't count towards traffic.

In those AFK sex places most of the people are not bots, they're just regular users parking their avatars there in hope of getting paid for doing nothing while they are busy in RL or doing something else. Its a bit like those old camping chairs from a gazillion years ago, except with added sex.

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2 hours ago, Dibella Charisma said:

All I know is it skews search and people looking to chat get sent to graveyards of AFK people.

This is because web developers continue to publicly state that they don't believe legacy search has any merit with searches and/nor do not wish to work on improving it.

If they took into consideration the volume of use legacy search gets, particularly from TPV users, and how many businesses structure their landing points and commerce areas to yield the best traffic values, they would probably invest in a better methodology, one that cannot be easily gamed/abused.

In a nutshell, Web is NOT taking legacy search seriously.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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On 10/11/2021 at 8:09 PM, Karly Kiyori said:

In those AFK sex places most of the people are not bots, they're just regular users parking their avatars there in hope of getting paid for doing nothing while they are busy in RL or doing something else. Its a bit like those old camping chairs from a gazillion years ago, except with added sex.

Ehhhh .. no, they are bots doing their best to look like real AFK people.

Turns out it's way more profitable to run an AFK sex place if you own the place and the AFK avatars.

A few might be be avatars that are owned and operated by real people, but the vast majority aren't.

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On 10/12/2021 at 7:43 PM, Coffee Pancake said:

Ehhhh .. no, they are bots doing their best to look like real AFK people.

Turns out it's way more profitable to run an AFK sex place if you own the place and the AFK avatars.

A few might be be avatars that are owned and operated by real people, but the vast majority aren't.

Usually the ones that have a community tied to it have the most "diversification".

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On 10/11/2021 at 7:22 PM, Dibella Charisma said:

Hi all :)

Just a quick question, I was under the impression bots were banned ?    I thought this was to prevent ' scamming ' the search results

But I guess AFK AVs are not as the places they are at show up high in search ?  

Kinda defeats the purpose of a chat program when people log in and go AFK for hours :)



They are just there for me to hunt and have my photo taken with, because I am so very antisocial and I like finding bots high up in sky boxes with no actual purpose except to make the land look more populated than it really is. I didn't even look to see if there was a store underneath this particular box of bots - but there usually is. 


Traffic bots and camping were banned, but Linden Lab isn't God and isn't all seeing and as you've seen, the search results are still rigged by those who still use bots to create false visitor numbers. But it seems to not be as bad as before? When there was Popular Places. 





temp 1.jpg

Edited by Dakota Linden
Moderator Edit [Image with Profanity Removed]
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/12/2021 at 9:42 PM, Lucia Nightfire said:

This is because web developers continue to publicly state that they don't believe legacy search has any merit with searches and/nor do not wish to work on improving it.

If they took into consideration the volume of use legacy search gets, particularly from TPV users, and how many businesses structure their landing points and commerce areas to yield the best traffic values, they would probably invest in a better methodology, one that cannot be easily gamed/abused.

In a nutshell, Web is NOT taking legacy search seriously.

Yes, and yet they own this issue. 

What to do?

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24 minutes ago, Prokofy Neva said:

Yes, and yet they own this issue. 

What to do?

Search term binding with relevance traffic tied to those terms upon visit and matching to parcel desc keywords.

This will allow variable relevance based traffic scores based on what visitors last searched.

LL can't wrap their head around the concept, so we will have to deal with mobile UI style layout for web search.

That is what is coming next year.

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5 hours ago, Lucia Nightfire said:

Search term binding with relevance traffic tied to those terms upon visit and matching to parcel desc keywords.

This will allow variable relevance based traffic scores based on what visitors last searched.

LL can't wrap their head around the concept, so we will have to deal with mobile UI style layout for web search.

That is what is coming next year.

You're giving the technical wish list for how you would change search, and assuming the Lindens aren't smart enough to do the same thing.

I personally would need a second opinion on that, not because of any particular affection for Lindens, but just because Lindens, for me, function like Russians. Whenever a Russian can't or won't do something, it's because he fears something, or knows something you don't know, or is dependent on another Russian who either isn't functioning, is pressuring him, is an intelligence operative, etc. PS American hospitals work like Russia, too. 

So...there may be exigencies they can't tell you about.

So my question wasn't about the technical side but the political side.

How can search be wrested out of the hands of people you view as stupid? Or at least for whatever reasons, aren't getting this job done?

Are they in fact stupid? Who are then the smarter Lindens, the more wise and competent Lindens? You might not get any Lindens to denounce their fellow Lindens publicly, but if you are in with them, you could ask one privately. I wouldn't know where to start as I am not in with any Lindens.

Do they feel that "web" is not as fun an interesting as some other aspect of LL's code? Is this a psychological problem? Are the newer/younger/less connected Lindens put on Web and Search because others scorn it?

What are the ways you can appeal over all their heads to the owners or investors or board members. How can you make this a compelling story?

At a time when it is perhaps better to highlight the way SL is better than all the other Metaverses out there, is this the story to lead with? It's also pretty much inside baseball. Likely people in Roblox don't have this problem because they have no or at any rate far less user content, and our search is as complex as it is, even in its limited way, because people are looking for user content. If there was only the company's content, you would go to any sandbox and click on a giver.



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On 11/12/2021 at 7:09 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

Search term binding with relevance traffic tied to those terms upon visit and matching to parcel desc keywords.

Actually I think that idea is a stroke of genius. I get so many low quality results because people spam keywords on their parcels.

Sometimes I search for 'anime' and get those sims that like to keyword every imaginable style of avatar into their sim description and have nothing to do with anime at all. I can't imagine many people searching 'anime' actually click through on those, this would help improve the quality of the search results like 10 fold.

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