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Problems with RESIZE only on necklaces (not rigged) of each store


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Since today I have noticed that the resizes on the necklaces do not work. Earrings and bracelets work with the resize. Other people have the same problem with any brand and script inside. Do you have the same problem?

Edited by Mylovice
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2 minutes ago, Mylovice said:

Since today I have noticed that the resizes on the necklaces do not work. Earrings and bracelets work with the resize. Other people have the same problem with any brand and script inside. Do you have the same problem?

If it’s rigged it won’t resize.  

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  • Mylovice changed the title to Problems with RESIZE only on necklaces (not rigged) of each store

In order for them all to have suddenly stopped working, they would all need the exact same script (not all creators use the same script, so, this can't happen, ftr, while there are some common ones, they are not all identical) and something would need to have changed on LL's end in the code that forced this particular script to suddenly no longer function. I can't imagine anything they would have done which would only break necklace resize scripts and nothing else that also uses resize, there's no logic behind that.

So, it must be something else entirely, such as what Rowan suggested, you're in an area where scripts aren't permitted. I don't know of a single person having this issue.  Are you perhaps trying to resize a necklace that uses a script which doesn't allow it to go beyond a specific size? (I've seen a few of those, although they are quite old and I don't think I've seen anything use those scripts in at least 10 years). Perhaps try going to a different location and try there instead, it could simply be an issue of lag causing a delay. 

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Sometimes mesh jewelry can be a hassle to click depending on what else you are wearing. Try right clicking it from the inventory or the "wearing" tab and accessing the menu that way ("touch" would be highlighted"). Either that or it's possible you deleted the resize script? If thats the case just unpack a new one.


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5 hours ago, Tari Landar said:

Affinché tutti abbiano improvvisamente smesso di funzionare, avrebbero tutti bisogno dello stesso identico script (non tutti i creatori usano lo stesso script, quindi, questo non può accadere, ftr, mentre ce ne sono alcuni comuni, non sono tutti identici ) e qualcosa dovrebbe essere cambiato alla fine di LL nel codice che ha costretto questo particolare script a non funzionare più improvvisamente. Non riesco a immaginare nulla che avrebbero fatto che avrebbe rotto solo gli script di ridimensionamento della collana e nient'altro che utilizzasse anche il ridimensionamento, non c'è logica dietro questo.

Quindi, deve essere qualcos'altro, come quello suggerito da Rowan, sei in un'area in cui gli script non sono consentiti. Non conosco una sola persona che abbia questo problema. Stai forse cercando di ridimensionare una collana che utilizza uno script che non le consente di andare oltre una dimensione specifica? (Ne ho visti alcuni, anche se sono piuttosto vecchi e non credo di aver visto niente usare quegli script in almeno 10 anni). Forse prova ad andare in una posizione diversa e prova lì, potrebbe semplicemente essere un problema di ritardo che causa un ritardo. 

the scripts are different for all the necklaces I tried. my friends have the same problem. I have tried more than a series of different stores. If I move the necklace over my head I can click and the resize opens. If I leave the right necklace on the neck the resize does not open.


If I move the necklace over my neck I can click on it.

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10 hours ago, Mylovice said:

Since today I have noticed that the resizes on the necklaces do not work. Earrings and bracelets work with the resize.

Necklaces, especially when made out of prims, may consist of many many more linked objects than earrings and bracelets do. It's therefore plausible that resizing them may be more affected by sim lag than less complex objects.

Best to try again in different locations.

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8 hours ago, Mylovice said:

If I move the necklace over my neck I can click on it.

As Rowan said, something you have on is blocking your ability to touch the necklace properly. Right clicking and touching from inventory will fix the issue. If it helps any, this is how I select items to touch them while wearing them pretty much all the time. It's a habit I got into years ago so I wouldn't have to turn off my ao just to click things, way back when. It's a good habit to get into (like always adding instead of wearing), it can save you a lot of future headaches :)


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