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I've noticed that recent login screens are not photographs of SL but are actually photographs of 3D models. The one today prompted me to write, it shows a small village center, complete with cast shadows - even on the teeny figures one can see in the plaza. The scale is apparent when one notices how out-of-focus the closer buildings are - - - - this is a tabletop model ! !

The one I saw yesterday was a male and femme sitting on a picnic table in poses which were certainly not pose ball poses, and they certainly did not appear to be avatars, but, again, 3D sculptural models.

Why is this being done instead of snaps of real SL images ? ? I find it very strange.


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  • Lindens

Yes, that's right, despite all its crashy foibles, I've braved the experimental graphics features that I hope will be commonly used by us in the future. Outside of Second Life, I am SO in love with tilt-shift and other forced-perspective photography that makes skyscrapers look like models! Combine that with nostalgic, lo-fi feelings of our collective childhood memories and there's loads of emotion in there.

So when Runitai Linden let me know about DOF, I couldn't resist but shoot some "toy sets". But yeah, those are real avatars shot natively inworld... it's your brain playing tricks on you! But that is exactly my intention to show them how you saw them, Kamilla. The login screen is the first thing you see, so I had the vibrant notion of making you EXCITED ABOUT POSSIBILITIES!!!!

Creatively, there is this metaphor of SL being a "playground" with its "sandboxes" and prims are like "Legos" or other building blocks. Playing with avatars is like dressing dolls! And especially since it's SL's 8th birthday soon, our virtual world has continued to mature, while Resident-created content continues to be at the heart of it all.

Thanx for noticing!



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