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17 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

Anyone can spend a lot, the real trick is doing a lot with a little money.

Anyone can spend a lot IF they can afford it. Cat and i wanted the best,  so we paid the asking price.

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8 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Psst, Sid, wanna buy a 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 cube of solid* gold? Only L$499! 

   *I mean, the gold plating is totally solid, 23.5 karat gold leaf! The plywood core is purely to accommodate ease of transportation - I'm thoughtful like that, see!

   In seriousness though, the price of a building, or piece of furniture, or clothing, is by no means any indicator of quality in SL (or RL, for that matter!). Some of my favourite items in SL cost L$10 or were just straight up free (as in, that's their permanent price - no sale!). 

   I don't mind spending L$ for something I figure is worth it, but for a house to cost L$20K it had better be magical.

I have lots of things that cost $L10 that are high quality. Our house just happened to cost more. But, we liked it more than the hundreds we looked at, and we could afford it. 

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3 hours ago, Orwar said:

 *I mean, the gold plating is totally solid, 23.5 karat gold leaf! The plywood core is purely to accommodate ease of transportation - I'm thoughtful like that, see!

Just want to be sure you know my laugh emoji is laughing with you and not at you.

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2 hours ago, Bagnu said:

But, we liked it more than the hundreds we looked at, and we could afford it. 

   It's $62.50, so it's not an amazing pecuniary flex. If you'd want to blow $60 on a banana and can justify it because you really, really enjoy bananas, that's your prerogative - but to everyone else you're going to be that chump that spent $60 on a banana and seemed to think that the price would suggest it was an especially nice banana. 

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1 minute ago, Orwar said:

   It's $62.50, so it's not an amazing pecuniary flex. If you'd want to blow $60 on a banana and can justify it because you really, really enjoy bananas, that's your prerogative - but to everyone else you're going to be that chump that spent $60 on a banana and seemed to think that the price would suggest it was an especially nice banana. 

But is it a plantain, or what most would call a banana and if so, what variety? A Cavendish?

* has a feeling of deja vu *

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20 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   It's $62.50, so it's not an amazing pecuniary flex. If you'd want to blow $60 on a banana and can justify it because you really, really enjoy bananas, that's your prerogative - but to everyone else you're going to be that chump that spent $60 on a banana and seemed to think that the price would suggest it was an especially nice banana. 

It IS my prerogative to buy anything I like. Cat and I are very happy with the house we have. We wouldn't have been happy with anything else.That's what matters. Not what anyone else thinks. 

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34 minutes ago, Bagnu said:

It IS my prerogative to buy anything I like. Cat and I are very happy with the house we have. We wouldn't have been happy with anything else.That's what matters. Not what anyone else thinks. 

Of course you have the right to buy anything you want and pay anything you want for it, but when you make a point to tell people what you paid in an apparent attempt to impress people, you can expect those unimpressed to let you know.

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37 minutes ago, BillFletcher said:

Of course you have the right to buy anything you want and pay anything you want for it, but when you make a point to tell people what you paid in an apparent attempt to impress people, you can expect those unimpressed to let you know.

I was simply comparing the cost of one home to another. Funny you say that though... I DO seem to recall one person who posted pics of herself waving money in the air...ringing any bells?

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I'm an AHTIST, dahling! Where are my minions???

I volunteer! If you're fine with me clipping things into the floor on accident--or accidentally moving the wrong light--or selecting Delete instead of Edit--

Y'know, on second thought, maybe not.


In all seriousness, it's very interesting to see your creative process! The peek behind the curtain for the sets to your shots is fascinating.

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Watching an impressive artist at the welcome hub's sandbox put together a prim sculpture.  


I don't want to get a close up in the event that she wants to post it later on, if you want to see raw talent though come and have a look.  Her avatar is amazing as well, so be sure to check it out.


It was awesome while it lasted, she is gone now.  I hope she comes back and does more, it was fun watching it being put together.



Edited by Istelathis
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1 hour ago, cariboustag said:

I volunteer! If you're fine with me clipping things into the floor on accident--or accidentally moving the wrong light--or selecting Delete instead of Edit--

Y'know, on second thought, maybe not.

You couldn't possibly be more accident prone than I am!

1 hour ago, cariboustag said:

In all seriousness, it's very interesting to see your creative process! The peek behind the curtain for the sets to your shots is fascinating.

I'm actually fascinated by process pics, and mean to do more. And I'd love see some by other people!

I did a few for this pic:

Black Orchid


Starting with this one. It's "fictionalized" -- I was my own photographer, for instance -- but it's the actual set I used, and it does show some of the changes I made as I took the pic(s) that led to the one above. It would be interesting and fun to do some more elaborate ones. I think I'd keep them "realistic" (no one needs to see a pic of me tinting or texturing a backdrop) but still try to show as much of the process as possible.

Black Orchids Process (1)


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