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Message: access to second life impossible from this computer


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I have this NUC9 computer from a old man, he is dead now and i can no more ask for help.

Firestorm is correct installed and it was good working for the last owner. But now i have make a accout in SL and always i see this message : Access impossible from this computer.

I have tested it on a computer from a friend and there is my account good working.

Only on this NUC9 it is impossible to access to SL.

Any one can help me ?

Linden give no ansver on my ticket since 4 days.

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56 minutes ago, Exotica6 said:

I have this NUC9 computer from a old man, he is dead now and i can no more ask for help.

Firestorm is correct installed and it was good working for the last owner. But now i have make a accout in SL and always i see this message : Access impossible from this computer.

I have tested it on a computer from a friend and there is my account good working.

Only on this NUC9 it is impossible to access to SL.

Any one can help me ?

Linden give no ansver on my ticket since 4 days.


While you wait on LL, or someone around here that might know, have a look at the Minimum Requirements and make sure your system meets those.



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1 hour ago, Exotica6 said:

I have this NUC9 computer

if what i found about NUC9 is right these days ..it's possible you can't use it for SL ..depending on what you exactly have there



Intel sells the NUC 9 as barebone kits, which start at just under $1,000 for a model with a Core i5 processor and stretch to over $1,600 with a Core i9 chip. Those kits do not include memory, storage, operating systems, or graphics cards – which means a top of the line system with a modern GPU, adequate storage for games, fast RAM, and Windows 10 will tally up to well over $2,000.
he other caveat is that Intel’s not exactly using standard parts here.
The NUC 9’s main brains are found in a cartridge that plugs into a PCi Express port on the tiny board inside the case.
This cartridge is where up to two storage drives, laptop-size RAM, a laptop-class processor, and most of the computer’s I/O live. It has a blower-style fan and a heatsink built into it, as well as Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth radios.
Next to the CPU cartridge is where you can plug in a desktop-grade graphics card – though it has to be a “mini” size card, as you only have eight inches of clearance to work with. Finally, the main board has one more M.2 NVMe slot, bringing the total supported storage drives to three. Below all of this is a 500 watt custom Flex ATX power supply.
( https://www.theverge.com/2020/4/24/21234333/intel-nuc-9-extreme-mini-pc-ghost-canyon-gaming-review-price-specs-features)


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The message from SL is in german :

Der Zugriff auf SL ist von diesem Computer aus nicht möglich.

Wenn sie der Ansicht sind, dass siw diese Meldung fälschlicherweise erhalten haben wenden sie sich an Support@secondlife.com

But on this PC was SL with Firestorm normal running only since about 6 or 7 days no more access to SL.

All other programms that i have found on this PC are running very good.

And my account was for a test running on a other PC without problems with SL.

I mean, Linden is sending and blocking with this message without any backgroung.

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13 minutes ago, Exotica6 said:

I mean, Linden is sending and blocking with this message without any backgroung.

it doésn't have to mean LL is blocking you, but could be something with the hardware  ... dedicated Graphics? .. onboard Graphics?... possibly both but using the wrong one? other hardware issues?.. Tried another viewer? ( btw if you contact support always use the LL vieuwer, LL doesn't give assistance with other creators)

If you don't post your machine specs, it will stay guessing for the forum.

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It does mean exactly that, you are blocked by LL.
The error is along the lines of "Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer". That's a typical hint towards network stuff.

You mention that your account can access inworld services via another computer.
For the past 7 days or so, the NUC is blacklisted, but it has been working before.
Has anything changed related to your connection?
Are the NUC and the second computer, which did work without a problem, part of the same network?
Have you simply restarted your router to get a new connection, a fresh IP?

Hardware specs a la dedicated GPU or not are not important here.


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