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Avatar sitting every way but up on poseball, please help


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20 minutes ago, heidi412 said:

First of all I apologize if I have posted this in the wrong spot. I am trying to use a poseball and everytime I sit on it I end up sideways or upside down. I'm sure there is a way to rotate I just can't figure it out. Thank you!

This happens sometimes if it's in a laggy place or if the piece your trying to sit on needs to be reset.  Does it happen on other things your try to sit on or just the one?  

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5 hours ago, heidi412 said:

I'm sure there is a way to rotate I just can't figure it out.

   Pose balls generally turn invisible when you sit on them, to show invisible objects press Ctrl + Alt + T, find the ball (it may well be inside of your avatar, you may need to cam around a bit for it), right-click it, edit, hold down Ctrl to go into rotation mode and use the rotation 'ball' to change its orientation.

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4 hours ago, heidi412 said:

It happens pretty much on every pose ball I sit on. Making it really hard to get good pictures


Make sure your ao nis turned off.  Right click the ball and wait to see the Pose option.  Sometimes, for whatever reason, if you sit when it says Sit instead of Pose, you end up just sitting on the ball instead of doing whatever pose or animation is in the ball.  I'm sure there is a technical reason but I have no clue what it is.  It just happens that way sometimes.

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Pose balls can be repositioned with the edit function. If you right click and chose edit before you sit, then sit on it, You will be able to move the ball into a precise location or rotate it to fix any issues or also to use the pose for something else than intended. You can also use the area search function to select the pose ball and click edit that way.

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On 2/27/2021 at 6:56 PM, Rowan Amore said:

Make sure your ao nis turned off.  Right click the ball and wait to see the Pose option.  Sometimes, for whatever reason, if you sit when it says Sit instead of Pose, you end up just sitting on the ball instead of doing whatever pose or animation is in the ball.  I'm sure there is a technical reason but I have no clue what it is.  It just happens that way sometimes.

It's the script that changes the option from "sit" to "pose". Not all scripts will do that. 

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