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New to SL and looking for friends to explore, shop, and get into trouble with!


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Hey all I am Mai and I am a few months into SL and have found it pretty lonely so far. Sometimes when I explore I dont even run into other people. Where are all the places where people go and hangout and chat? I went to a couple clubs because I love dancing especially to EDM and indie dance rock music, but at the club nobody said ANYTHING in that chat and it seems to be the case every club i go to. I dumped all this money into getting the best stuff for my avatar but now Im wondering if it was a waste? 

A little bit about me:

I am on the east coast and am SL+3

I love building so far, as I do design IRL

I love dancing and going to clubs

I love exploring all the beautiful places people have created, and sometimes i randomly sim hop and just click on the map somewhere and go!

I love chatting about weird stuff like aliens, conspiracies, glitch in the matrix, cyberpunk, dystopian futures, astronomy, etc

I am a cosplayer in RL and love coming up with new styles inworld for my avatar.

Sometimes I just like to be silly and get stupid toys in SL that annoy people for laughs.

Please let me know if you would like to hang out sometime and explore, I am super outgoing and love chatting with new people.

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10 hours ago, MaiMaisonia said:

Hey all I am Mai and I am a few months into SL and have found it pretty lonely so far. Sometimes when I explore I dont even run into other people. Where are all the places where people go and hangout and chat? I went to a couple clubs because I love dancing especially to EDM and indie dance rock music, but at the club nobody said ANYTHING in that chat and it seems to be the case every club i go to. I dumped all this money into getting the best stuff for my avatar but now Im wondering if it was a waste? 

A little bit about me:

I am on the east coast and am SL+3

I love building so far, as I do design IRL

I love dancing and going to clubs

I love exploring all the beautiful places people have created, and sometimes i randomly sim hop and just click on the map somewhere and go!

I love chatting about weird stuff like aliens, conspiracies, glitch in the matrix, cyberpunk, dystopian futures, astronomy, etc

I am a cosplayer in RL and love coming up with new styles inworld for my avatar.

Sometimes I just like to be silly and get stupid toys in SL that annoy people for laughs.

Please let me know if you would like to hang out sometime and explore, I am super outgoing and love chatting with new people.

The world is dark and full of terrors.

I like those topics you mentioned about.

Just not telling it to get attention-

For example- there are 8 main families of aliens aka jinns

1- Shawmeer







8 -sahir bin dahir.

Glad to speak to someone who likes these topics.

Btw,i am Kan Zul,who is mostly online in forums and only 10 days online in game per month.

Hope i will receive a HI from you ere or there.


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16 hours ago, MaiMaisonia said:

but at the club nobody said ANYTHING in that chat and it seems to be the case every club i go to.

   Most people in SL don't go to clubs to socialise, but to listen to music (often whilst semi-afk, using it a bit like a radio), to earn money (from sploders and raffles, also often whilst afk), or to pick up people (which is generally done in IMs). This isn't always the case, but if you go by venue traffic those sort of clubs tend to be at the top. Back when I used SL as a means to explore music (before I had Spotify!) I'd go by DJ rather than venue as I quickly found that a good DJ is a lot more important than high venue traffic, especially as many DJs spin the same playlist over and over, containing 80% of the music the DJ before and after them will play (i.e. all-time rock/pretends-to-be-metal classics with some of the more 'popular' songs of recent years - if I hear a DJ play Disturbed's cover of Sound of Silence, or Despacito, I'm out!). 

   In addition to playing more interesting music, putting some thought into what's on the playlist, a good DJ and host will engage with their audience. Most hosts out there greet people with a macro, and use macros for asking for donations, tipping the DJ, or making requests on repeat, or whether anyone wants a group tag, and say little else. If anything, it prohibits any actual conversation by killing the atmosphere. Besides most of the 'conversation' in many clubs seems to be spamming gestures. Any half-decent venue should have gestures banned. 

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