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Deploy plan for 2021-01-08

Grumpity Linden

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Second Life Server: 

Version 2021-01-08.554824 (No release notes available currently)

Scheduled Friday 2021-01-08 12:00-16:00 PST

Second Life RC:

Version 2021-01-08.554824 (No release notes available currently)

Scheduled Friday 2021-01-08 9:45-12:00 PST

On Region Restarts:

We're restarting the grid due to a recent outage with our service provider (AWS). We don't anticipate this being a regular occurrence, and have engineers actively working to develop solutions to ensure that grid rolls will not be required when we encounter situations like this in the future.

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Better late than never... But the login system is unstable right now. I couldn't login in multiple regions, including my home one, which had already been restarted about one hour ago. After trying several regions, I finally logged in at home just to see that there wasn't any other restart applied to it.

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14 hours ago, Mazidox Linden said:

Literally nothing, it's the exact same build, we're just unable to re-roll the same version number due to technical constraints (one more problem we're aiming to fix soon!)

You know, you could have put that single line in the original post. I saw a cancelled announcement of a restart earlier than the final announce-ment/starting/finished triple. I wondered if it was just the usual "works better after a restart", clearing the decks for the weekend, but it was late in the week.

About three hours to restart everything, that went pretty well, you can be pleased about that, but you're still treating your customers like mushrooms.

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