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SL's response to my rez issues on my 2005 Account

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Case: 01120700
Avatar: blaze Sion
Type: Web Login Issues
Status: Waiting for Customer Acceptance
 Hello blaze Sion

Thank you for contacting Second Life support, sorry to hear about the trouble with your Avatar. However, our records show that your Second Life account has a Basic (free) membership.

Basic members have many Support options open to them (you can file cases about most account issues, billing issues, marketplace issues and some technical issues), but it seems like your issue in this case is not one that is supported for Basic members.

If you have a problem or question not covered by these issue Types, you may be able to find answers at our Self –Help support portal. Here are some options for you:

*Second Life Answers:

*Second Life Knowledge Base Wiki:

*Second Life Bug Tracker: http://jira.secondlife.com (and a quick tutorial:

If this still does not solve your problem, and you would like extended support
options (like live chat help and expanded support case Types), you can upgrade your membership to premium here:


Remember that you must have a valid form of billing (PayPal or credit/debit
card) on file, and that you will be charged immediately for the full amount of
the membership.

Thank you for being a valued resident and contacting Linden Lab Support. Have a great day.


EricA Scout
Customer Support
Linden Lab




my response...

Are you saying because i have a basic free account you cant fix this issue? I have other accounts i pay on but this is a basic account and i cant have an issue resolved because i dont pay? what kind of crap is that? so for all i know you caused this issue to my account so that i would have to buy a premium account to get the issue resolved. I have played sl since 2005 and now suddenly technical issues can only be resolved if i pay for them? i have never heard of anything like that in all my years i have played this game and i can not believe you would even suggest that kind of service.




I can not believe that because my account is free they will only fix it if i pay. Is this how they plan on getting rid of free accounts?

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blaze Sion wrote
my response...

I can not believe that because my account is free they will only fix it if i pay. Is this how they plan on getting rid of free accounts?


The answer will be 'Of Course!' ... LL isn't exactly Britian or Canada where people worked hard to compensate for their taxes so poetic hobos and artistic vagabond on the street can have Xanax for free. LL is a company for profit... They're getting profits from people who does pay for the premiums. Yes, you are a premium member from another account, so am I... but every avatars cost money and maintenance.

LL announced Fee per Service not too long ago and it was heatedly discussed in the old forums. In the end, people just need to realise every single issues you have with your avatar requires times and effort from someone... and that someone isn't your local volunteer at Help Island. We complained about Ontyne of how ridiculous they were, not to mention their rudeness... so LL got rid of them and brought in Scouts, and along with Scouts, the new rules of paying members.

Frankly, people should start paying for every single avatars they created but nothing as ridiculous as $10 per-setup. Perhaps $2 per avatar. Or at least 3 avatars per billing account before they start charging.

Anyway, I do feel sorry for you. Perhaps you could file in a ticket using another paying avatar about your issue. Scouts is really just a help desk greeter... what you really want is to get hold of the Lindens and see if they can do something about it. Wish you the best of lucks.


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Also note that if you turn your Basic avatar account Premium for just one month, you would pay something like $10, but get back $L 1200 in weekly stipends & $L 1000  in bonus money. That works out to a little under $10, so it would only cost you about a $1 or less to get support on this issue.  Then you could put this avatar back to Basic if you wanted to do that.

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

Also note that if you turn your Basic avatar account Premium for just one month, you would pay something like $10, but get back $L 1200 in weekly stipends & $L 1000  in bonus money. That works out to a little under $10, so it would only cost you about a $1 or less to get support on this issue.  Then you could put this avatar back to Basic if you wanted to do that.

You are correct that Premium membership is almost free, but your example of one month membership isn`t quite correct, because the 1000L bonus is only paid after 45 days.

However if you pay the whole year's membership of $72 upfront, the weekly stipends for the year = $62.40 & the 1000L= $4.00 so the actual cost to you for a full year is $5.60 (less than 11c a week).

11c a week is hardly a bad price for full support and a tier free 512sqm of land (or Linden Home).

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blaze Sion wrote in part:

i have never heard of anything like that in all my years i have played this game and i can not believe you would even suggest that kind of service.

Then you've not been paying close enough attention.  The time to fuss about that policy was about three years ago, when it changed.  If anything, they've been answering a somewhat broader set of support questions for Basic accounts than they did back when they first instituted the change.

To your specific avatar-rezzing problem: you're not the only one to experience this, specific to one account.  One person I know not only has Concierge-level support but has been trying to work directly with senior Linden developers for over six months on just such a problem, without success.  By not getting a support response, then, you may not be missing much.

On the other hand, maybe you could trick them into committing to solve the problem if you pay them the US$10.  If they fell for it, however, I think they'd be very eager to refund the $10 at the end of the month.

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I am sorry that you are running into issues.  However, I am a bit surprised that you've been here since 2005 and are only now realizing how little regard LL has for any of us, regardless of our account type.

A lot of people have unrealistic expectations as far as SL and LL go.  They expect to receive things like support, and customer service and all other sorts of things that LL really has never provided terribly well.  If I buy a pig and then get upset because it won't fly, is it the pig's fault or mine?

Just enjoy your little piggie as long as it is fun and when it isn't take it to market.

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Hey blaze, I'd suggest refile the ticket under your main (premium) account. It is maybe a little silly of a method.... but Linden Lab doesn't have good ability yet to cross-reference who owns what accounts, unless you tell them that info.

Make it clear you own both accounts and explain the issue is with your alt account. Then you will likely get served promptly. Best of luck! :matte-motes-asleep-2:

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