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Curated events groups


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Are there any groups on SL that send out notifications for all sorts of events/activities happening on SL, but rather than letting anyone submit whatever they want, the list is curated?  Because general events groups seemed to filled with "come to my DJ set" or "new club opening" kind of spam.  I'm looking for activities on SL that are really unique or interesting.

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16 minutes ago, TheKhajiit said:

Are there any groups on SL that send out notifications for all sorts of events/activities happening on SL, but rather than letting anyone submit whatever they want, the list is curated?  Because general events groups seemed to filled with "come to my DJ set" or "new club opening" kind of spam.  I'm looking for activities on SL that are really unique or interesting.

None specifically geared toward ALL events.  You might try specifying in group search.  I know there's a Live Music Enthusiast group and another for dance shows.  I'm sure there are some for most of the Arts.  Chances are someone will come along here with more groups they're aware of.

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1 hour ago, TheKhajiit said:

Are there any groups on SL that send out notifications for all sorts of events/activities happening on SL, but rather than letting anyone submit whatever they want, the list is curated?  Because general events groups seemed to filled with "come to my DJ set" or "new club opening" kind of spam.  I'm looking for activities on SL that are really unique or interesting.

I've been looking for the same thing but without luck. We have to follow different categories. I was thinking that instead of a group, maybe someone can make a calendar or blog posts for events. I'm sure this was done in the past. Of course it'll take a lot of work though, collecting event info and posting it. I'd be willing to do it, if I had a small staff of volunteers. 

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5 hours ago, TheKhajiit said:

Are there any groups on SL that send out notifications for all sorts of events/activities happening on SL, but rather than letting anyone submit whatever they want, the list is curated?  Because general events groups seemed to filled with "come to my DJ set" or "new club opening" kind of spam.  I'm looking for activities on SL that are really unique or interesting.

There's one called Everything Indie - all indie/alternative clubs can apply to the group owner and get notice rights. So if you join that, you get notices for all of the clubs who've signed up to it. And it helps club owners to reach more people  than just sending notices in their own groups. The mods will ban anyone trying to promote contests or non-related events, so it's usually quite accurate if that's your thing :)

There was also a big techno one but that was ages ago, and it was never really my scene, so can't remember the name...

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I found a few places that list events, activities, etc.


This one has mostly sales but does have some hunts, blog posts https://secondlifesyndicate.com/

This is LL calendar https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/0/embed?src=c_kphtklo9degke40dpk7nr6cclc@group.calendar.google.com

I looked through some groups, but not much besides DJ events.

Gosh, there has to be something else out there? Or I may have to ponder starting a blog and calendar.


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