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Inventory items gone missing from the folders?


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Some forms of inventory manipulation have no confirmation popups on them. It's very easy to accidentally click something and drag it to the inside of another folder without ever seeing that you had even selected it.

My preferred viewer also recently had a bug that was moving some of the inventory into the 'lost and found' folder - so there's always the possibility of bugs and glitches.



Use the field for searching your inventory and see if the thing you're looking for got 'moved' somehow. It happens, and if the cache solution above doesn't fix things, try this next.


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1 hour ago, XRosaIconX said:

Can anyone please help me? Alot of my items in my inventory have vanished from their folders. How can I get these back?

Lots of possibilities including that the items are actually gone. Let's hope that isn't the case. Meanwhile here are the approved steps to take -- most likely applicable to the Linden viewer or other third party viewer if you don't use Firestorm.



Edited by Chic Aeon
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Sometimes it's just poor connectivity. One day I had a scare because my entire bodyparts folder was missing, including all my shapes, skins, hair etc. And my avatar was stuck as a cloud because none of it could be found or worn. Re-logging on the same day did not help, but the following day, everything was there and back to normal.

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