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Genus BoM - BoM will work for the head but it doesn't for the eyes


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4 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

That's a really cool thing, and much better than my suggestion! 👍

I tried the BOM applier (with my alt who uses Genus) and while it works, it's STILL better to get a separate pair of (modifyable) mesh eyes and make them BOM. The reason is because the BOM texture on the Genus eyes will be too small, basically giving you a teeny tiny pupil and iris, with a large white sclera. And because the Genus eyes are no-mod, you can't edit the texture to make them bigger.

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3 hours ago, Maitimo said:

I tried the BOM applier (with my alt who uses Genus) and while it works, it's STILL better to get a separate pair of (modifyable) mesh eyes and make them BOM. The reason is because the BOM texture on the Genus eyes will be too small, basically giving you a teeny tiny pupil and iris, with a large white sclera. And because the Genus eyes are no-mod, you can't edit the texture to make them bigger.

Ah, thanks. So it's two different solutions now, a free HUD, if that does not work, get the eyes. My alt with a Genus head is using an applier, so I have not spent time on BoM for her eyes.

Now with "modern" system eyes, the sclera isn't only white, but has shadowing that could be way too visible - like sick or infected eyes.

Edited by Marianne Little
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I'm going to go back to the Catwa unrigged eyes.  They work with any mesh head if you have any editing skills.  They're also BOM or work with appliers.  I've also now been able to wear a lot of my older IKON eyes since they've never updated any to appliers.  They look perfectly fine.  I'm sure some of the other unrigged mesh eyes work just as well but the pupil dilation with the Catwa is just too awesome to ignore. There may be other out there that do this as well.  It gives your eyes a more alive look IMO.

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To the OP and anyone else reading this topic, my advice is to try it for yourself and see what the results are.  It will cost you nothing but some of your time.  System eyes vary a great deal between vendors, some are large, some small and so whilst there are definitely some textures that show tiny on Genus rigged eyes, there are also some that show larger with much less sclera.  I personally have had some great results but as usual demo before you buy system layer eyes so as to avoid any disappointment.

The biggest complaint people seem to have about the Genus rigged eyes are the rolling back effect that some people experience.  I have found that mostly this can be traced back to using the built-in head animations.  I found if these are avoided completely, the problem doesn't manifest at all.  If you have already used the head animations, a new copy of your head might be necessary to avoid this.

For those who still decide that the rigged eyes are definitely not for them and don't yet have any unrigged BOM eyes, I also provide a free set of those too that come in three different texture sizes here:  https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Graven-Hearts-Mesh-Eyes-for-BoM-Unrigged/19358363

Obviously similar items can be obtained from other places as well.

Disclaimer:  I gain nothing from providing these except the knowledge that it helps others solve the problems I encountered when exploring using system layers for eyes.

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There are three main aspects to using BoM for eyes that make them attractive to people:

1. It allows a fully BoM avatar to eliminate the final alpha layer that is used for hiding system body parts.
2. One less set of appliers and applier HUDs for changing your avatar. (I say one less rather than none because we still need appliers for nails and eyelashes for example).
3. You can see from your inventory which eyes you are wearing in the same way BoM gives that advantage for any system layer.

Edited by Gabriele Graves
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I didn't even know one could have BOM enabled eyes for Genus heads until this thread so thank you! My alt has the free one and it really is such a pretty head. I'm so pleased with it besides the eyes because I've been wanting to use old system eyes I find really pretty. 

I'll give all the suggestions a try here so thank you! 

@Gabriele Graves, I think it's amazing you have provided all those tools at no cost. Thank you. They are most appreciated. 😊

Edited by Dafadilia Wayfarer
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23 hours ago, Gabriele Graves said:

2. One less set of appliers and applier HUDs for changing your avatar. (I say one less rather than none because we still need appliers for nails and eyelashes for example).

   Depending on your 'getup routine' and your inventory management, I'd argue that eye appliers probably win out against eyes.

   Why? Because it's more versatile, and takes up less inventory space. The Genus eyes are a single attachment, and a HUD containing any number of textures is a single inventory object, whereas system eyes in different colours and styles would require one item per setup. Furthermore, system eyes' UV is a single eyeball; with appliers you can choose to apply different colours (or textures, rather) to either eye (depending on the HUD).

   I for one change my eye colours and styles a lot, from my regular eyes that do maintain the same colour most of the time, to demonic, all-black, cyborg, etc - so in my world, appliers for eyes are superior, since there's no need to layer textures with alphas on the eyeballs, the way layering tattoos, body hair, scars, wounds, dirt, wrinkles, eyebrows, belly button fixes, muscle toners, breast shaders, or such, on your actual skin.

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Sure, you can make a similar case for any appliers vs. BoM.  Both systems have their advantages and limitations.  I certainly mix both depending upon what I need.  A lot of people have been convinced however that it is a one-time, all or nothing conversion and that BoM is the new way, appliers the old and that they shouldn't be using the old any more.  I think a lot of BoM advocates have been characterizing things this way to simplify moving people away from appliers in general, especially helpers in groups and messaging from stores and there is clearly a push to move people away from all appliers in general.  Obviously eyes is one area where if system layers are present, they are almost always sold along with appliers but that may not be true going forward.  It's my personal belief that this simplified messaging is even having an effect on the sale of HD makeup appliers for the very same reason.

As you have said, it comes down to what is most important to you and what works for you.  There is no correct answer, just a bunch of tools available that we can use to achieve the effect we want.  I personally use both BoM and applier eyes as I have oodles of both.  I find it no hardship to switch between systems as my needs warrant it.

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