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Tranquillity Therapy Clinic - available job possitions

jayster Shinn

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Would you like to be a part of supporting Mental Health in Second Life ~ and earn through doing this? These roles might be for you! We're a friendly chilled out team always here to help each other out and our goal is to provide a peaceful, safe, friendly environment for clients, visitors and staff all alike. 
We're recruiting for the following: 
○ Support Staff
○ Therapists/Counsellors

Event Staff Listing: 
○ Life Coach.
○ Mental Health Support Coach.
○ Mindfulness Coach. 
If you are interested please continuing reading for more information: 
Thank you for your interest towards joining our Staff Team. Listed is some basic information about the Staff Positions available and a link to our Application. 
○ What is Tranquillity Therapy Clinic? 
Tranquillity is a Therapy and Learning Centre in aid of awareness and support for mental health.  
We take on, and have experienced Therapists in aid towards counselling patients and holding discussions towards many topics about Mental Health/Well-Being such as self help advice, grounding techniques, awareness about certain or a range of mental health disorders, where you can get help/resources for support and more! 
We also welcome Guest Speakers to apply and hold discussions as well, if you are interested you can come in and see us about setting up. Application information is just at reception as well or can be accessed via the Staff Application as well. 
○ Services we provide 
We offer a set of packages, and/or single service. We also offer In-Patient Care packages to which patients may have their own In-Patient fully furnished apartment and 100 Prim use. 
We provide free talks and events in our Learning Centre for anyone to attend. Where Therapists or Guest Speakers can talk openly about Mental Health and Well-Being in a private safe space as support. What discussions are held is up to the Speaker within reason, and they will be enabled to log into a Tip Jar also for their audience to show their gratitude to them. 
○ Our Goal 
The goal of Tranquillity is to provide a safe, friendly, peaceful environment for people who may have Mental Health Conditions or just care about supporting Mental Health. Everyone is welcome, whether anyone attending has experience with Mental Health or not. We're all here together to help, support and care about each other what ever we may be going through. 
○ Job Positions and Description 
Support Staff:  

Support Staff will work at Reception as a Receptionist for the most part. They will greet and assist any visitors and/or patients. They will also book in patients for any of the therapy services we provide via our Therapists. Support Staff may also assist Guest Speakers/Therapists during their discussions in aid of keeping track of questions and comments the audience may have.

Support Staff with training will also be the main source of moderation within the clinic. They will make sure the clinic is safe, peaceful and have management in behavior of visitors.

Therapists work in a choice of 8 offices within the clinic in aid of Patient Therapy Services via CBT (a simplified version) or Talking Therapy. They may specialize in certain or other areas of mental health if they wish.  

Life Coach: 
Holding Discussions/Events In aid of support for various topics including, balancing relationship/families, confidence building, making friends, reducing stress, personal growth, facing fears, building confidence towards dream jobs/hobbies, and other subjects created by the Life Coach which is deemed appropriate. 

Teaching an on-going course of Meditations/Mindfulness Meditations. 

Mental Health Coach: 
Holding Discussions/Events for various topics in aid of Mental Health Support including, Living with Mental Health Conditions - or a particular condition, What is PTSD, Depression, Anxiety (or any other Mental Health Conditions), How to support someone with a Mental Health Condition, Myths about Mental Health Conditions answered, How to feel safe/in the present, Grounding Techniques, Coping with Nightmares/Flashbacks, Coping with Social Anxiety, How to help someone or yourself with Panic Attacks, and other subjects created by the Mental Health Coach deemed appropriate. 
For each of these roles, the coach will be working in an office space in the Learning Centre for shifts wrote down on the TTC | Staff Schedule. Submitting their draft for approval and being set up for their Event During the week. Each Event is to last a minimum of an hour, must also be held once every two weeks at the minimum. 
○ Application 
(No Gmail/Email required to use this form) 
○ LM/SLurl: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Casvian Caye/154/162/22

Thank you for your interest. If you have any questions please feel free to ask those in the Questions section of your Application. Or you may contact our Lead Staff before filling out your application as well. Contact details are below: 

○ Lead Staff Contact:
Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | General Manager: Ava Tresor (avatresor) 
Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | General Manager: Jayster Shinn 
Tranquillity Therapy Clinic | Head of Staff/Owner: Steffii Sugabum (steffiisugabum)
Look forward to hearing from you!  
Tranquillity | Staff Management Team.

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19 minutes ago, Garnet Psaltery said:

What real-life qualifications are expected for therapists and how do you propose to check them?

A very good question. According to the ad, no experience is required and yet, therapists will offer a simplified version of cognitive behavioral therapy, a therapeutic approach that, speaking as a licensed therapist in RL, does require training.  Also, if you look at the application for therapists and coaches, all that is required is to be 18 or over and a willingness to commit to a certain # of hours online.

I support increasing awareness of mental health issues, but I do not support taking money from people for therapy by unlicensed professionals.  If this is meant to be role-play only, it does not specify that and this is the wrong forum for it.  Frankly, I'm uncomfortable with the whole thing and how misleading it is.

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 I sincerely hope no one is considering this job opportunity for reasons already raised above.    Interestingly enough, I found the link below concerning this  clinic in one of its  similar versions from a bit ago.


In addition, if you search this  place in the world employment foum, you will find a May 13 thread with a similar title to this employment posting. In the six pages of the May 13  thread, many similar concerns were raised by other members. The owner of the clinic was asked no less than four times to provide proof she and the rest of her therapist staff were qualified in terms of education, training, and licensure, to provide therapy.  Each time, the owner  offered no proof and insisted people contact her in an instant message to discuss the issue further.  I  would link the thread here except I can't find a direct URL on my iPad. 

 Just in case anyone is unaware,  there are laws governing online therapy  in the United States and abroad. Online therapists,  like those you would see face-to-face, are required to have education, training and licensure,  and they must be able to provide proof of their qualifications to practice  to consumers, not just their employers,  so the notion all you need to do is put it on your application, is incorrect.

In addition,  online therapists go through additional training to serve clients online, so it takes more than just having a degree or real life experience to do this work over the Internet. I know this because I'm researching tele mental health practices now that I am licensed in my state as a mental health counselor.   I see no mention of  any of that on this place's website. 

 I'm deeply concerned that  places like this are putting people at risk just to make money. Please, please, please, don't take this kind of service lightly  even if  so many owners have. LL might not take this kind of thing seriously, but that doesn't make it right.

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I'm definitely not trying to reason with the company (I've been there and done that too), i'm just speaking to potential job seekers, hopefully, as the owner I mentioned in my post, is still a part of the business even though she didn't post this ad this time.  In fact, I'm not convinced the staff  listed on the website aren't  the alts of that very owner.

Again, I'd have no problem if this were clearly labeled an opportunity for role-play only, but it seems the staff are intent on claiming they are something they are clearly not qualified to be.  I took a peak at the employment application and potential staff are asked to check whether they are interested in providing, among other things, "therapy," counseling," or "psychotherapy." 

Yeah, legitimate professionals would not present at all like this.

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I would hope they wouldn't apply, Fionalein, and I would hope no one looking for legitimate help would go there either, but I felt compelled to point out concerns anyway.  As a legitimate RL professional, my ethics tell me to speak out against fraud and advocate for my profession.

The owner doesn't scare me, but having read the prior thread, I hear what you're saying and appreciate where you're coming from. ?  


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Hello again. If you fill out the application, you'll see that experience is required to complete the app. You can't not complete the app without that. Granted we stick with TOS to not disclose anyone's RL information, but we do ask for details of experience to assure there is, feel free to test out the application for yourselves if you are concerned. It also states in the description experience is a requirement aswell. 

As offered also before, you may come in and ask as many questions as you like. It's up to you to do that. No further responses from here. :) 

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33 minutes ago, QueenBSwag said:

Hello again. If you fill out the application, you'll see that experience is required to complete the app. You can't not complete the app without that. Granted we stick with TOS to not disclose anyone's RL information, but we do ask for details of experience to assure there is, feel free to test out the application for yourselves if you are concerned. It also states in the description experience is a requirement aswell. 

As offered also before, you may come in and ask as many questions as you like. It's up to you to do that. No further responses from here. :) 

You didn't answer my question, which was "What real-life qualifications are expected for therapists and how do you propose to check them?".  You say 'experience' is required.  Experience of what?  Goat herding?  Juggling?  Also, how will you check the qualifications?  No further response from you strongly suggests you can't answer those questions.

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1 hour ago, QueenBSwag said:

Hello again. If you fill out the application, you'll see that experience is required to complete the app. You can't not complete the app without that. Granted we stick with TOS to not disclose anyone's RL information, but we do ask for details of experience to assure there is, feel free to test out the application for yourselves if you are concerned. It also states in the description experience is a requirement aswell. 


People can write whatever they want on a form.  The issue is, what proof do you have they're qualified?  Do you ask for and receive verifiable educational transcripts and licenses?  How do you define "experience"?  Just because you ask the question and people give you an answer doesn't mean it's the truth.  I did check out the application and that's exactly why I'm concerned.

If this were a legitimate service being offered, you'd be able to answer these basic questions and your website would clearly define the staff's education and training in tele-mental health..  You would clearly define who this service is for and who it isn't for...there's literally so many things you need to make this a legitimate service,  I'd run out of space here. 

Queen,  I respect your desire to help people,  I truly do, and if you labeled this as a place for role-play only, I'd have zero problem, but you're asking for trouble here, and I can't fathom why someone who ostensibly cares for people would want to subject them to something she knows she's not qualified for...and  take money for it to boot.  Honestly, there's so many less dicey ways to make money.          

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No no no missus, you get it all wrong. The TOS forbid forwarding RL information of your employees if they do not consent. Given what you want to pull off, they should consent. Don't hide behind TOS that do not exist. If you continue not providing certificates of your employees qualification it is only fair to call your business shady at least.

7 hours ago, QueenBSwag said:

I'm not here to entertain concern trolling.

So speaking up for the concerns of the very same people you try to help is trolling now? Well in this case I am proud to be a troll. And again your choice of words shows you ignore the serious matters related of your "job".

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  • 5 years later...
On 9/1/2018 at 10:26 PM, Number1Counselor said:

 I sincerely hope no one is considering this job opportunity for reasons already raised above.    Interestingly enough, I found the link below concerning this  clinic in one of its  similar versions from a bit ago.


In addition, if you search this  place in the world employment foum, you will find a May 13 thread with a similar title to this employment posting. In the six pages of the May 13  thread, many similar concerns were raised by other members. The owner of the clinic was asked no less than four times to provide proof she and the rest of her therapist staff were qualified in terms of education, training, and licensure, to provide therapy.  Each time, the owner  offered no proof and insisted people contact her in an instant message to discuss the issue further.  I  would link the thread here except I can't find a direct URL on my iPad. 

 Just in case anyone is unaware,  there are laws governing online therapy  in the United States and abroad. Online therapists,  like those you would see face-to-face, are required to have education, training and licensure,  and they must be able to provide proof of their qualifications to practice  to consumers, not just their employers,  so the notion all you need to do is put it on your application, is incorrect.

In addition,  online therapists go through additional training to serve clients online, so it takes more than just having a degree or real life experience to do this work over the Internet. I know this because I'm researching tele mental health practices now that I am licensed in my state as a mental health counselor.   I see no mention of  any of that on this place's website. 

 I'm deeply concerned that  places like this are putting people at risk just to make money. Please, please, please, don't take this kind of service lightly  even if  so many owners have. LL might not take this kind of thing seriously, but that doesn't make it right.

not all states reqire licensure.  Training yes.  I have a masters in MFT and do not need to be licensed.  however as a drug and alcohol counselor I only needed a certification.  


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