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Married in RL but SL Single? Anyone?

Danica Sparta

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Extraordinarily happily married in RL, but partnered in SL to a totally talented builder friend of mine who I’d worked with for a couple of years… He was having a horrible time with some of his more dramatic SL ‘partnerships’ and on an out of the blue whim he ‘partnered’ me and I accepted because I knew him well and truly wasn’t looking for any serious partnership so I figured it was fantastic cover… plus I figured there was some degree of humor to it.

Well, the funny part of this, but I don’t know if it’s still true because I didn’t bother to check, was way back then it cost like L$25 to ‘un-partner’ yourselves so I told him he’d have to pay for that since he got me into it for only L$10 at that time.  So just like RL it’s apparently more expensive to split than connect… really?  I still laugh at that… and now more than a year later we’re still partners because I’m sure not paying to fix his relationship problems… oh dear, still laughing… it’s a running joke amongst close SL friends.  Bets are out as to who’ll pay for the annulment… but persistence is my middle name… sooooo… no single SL life for me in any future I can imagine.  (SL Prenuptials anyone?)

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Perhaps my use of the word "still" is being taken in the wrong way.  I simply mean, whether by choice or not that you're avatar is single.  

I can appreciate both sides to this and honestly am just curious how others feel on the matter.  I didn't start this thread to put down one choice or the other.  But I sense a bit of hostility in a few of the responses.

Simply put, everyone is entitled to their own opinion/choice and I respect it either way.

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While there are many midlife crising spouses who use SL as a means to escape reality (as a friend of mine called Daria once succinctly described their motivation: "ohgodpleaseloveme!!! ignore the c-section scar I'm a young pretty girl deep within please love me I'm not old yet ignore the kids in the background on mic just love me take me away!"), I think you'll find that the opposite is a lot more common (meaning lonely, ageing geeks / nerds / losers in RL who frequently partner and unpartner in SL).

But even more common are geeks, nerds, crazies and weirdos who don't manage to (and, as a coping strategy, often tell themselves that they don't want to) find a partner in either world, and generally suck at social interaction of any kind. And of course there is a number of people who really don't see the point of getting partnered in SL, or otherwise engaging in romantic relationships with little polygon dolls.


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Daria?   I seem to recall someone named Daria, but it seems like perhaps a dream or some cloudy memory of a person who enjoyed poking her finger in my eye over the most ridiculous **bleep**...like my spelling, or inability to form a logical **bleep**ing paragraph....maybe this is all in my imaginations , though  and I remain a ghetto thug with a chip on her shoulder and an overwhelming desire to overthrow the United States gubbermint by any means (preferably violent) necessary...so look out Uncle Sammy.  you sack of monkey excrements .I got your ass in my crosshairs    :)  affectionately, Moxie   hope I ain't too far off topic :)

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I'm very happily partnered in RL with two kids. In SL, I'm a free agent. My partner's not really into the virtual world at all ("playing space invaders", he calls it, which will give you an idea of our age group :P) he knows all about my SL exploits and is remarkably cool about it all - which just makes me love him all the more really :)

I guess I'm just a lucky girl :D

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My RL wife and I are both in SL together, so it works well for us. It gives us a chance to do fun things we would never do in real life. Many folks are surprised to find out that the two avitars they see are controlled by two people sitting at the same table on laptops :)

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