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Group for my Land settings

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I have set my land to group and yes,  deeded it.  I have three main roles in this group.  


FOOF Worker


I have set (Everyone) to just send and receive notices, join group chat, voice chat  everything else is unchecked.

I have set (FOOF Worker) to same as above plus always allow create objects , 

everying is checked for Owner.

My question is,  I would think that just people in the FOOF Worker   role would be able to rez on my land,  but everyone in the group is able to rez.

I have even unchecked the Build, Object Entry, under land options.  tried it both ways  and it is still the same.

WHat i am wanting to do is  make it so just the people with the role  FOOF Worker   can rez items on the land.  I don't want anyone else in the group to be able to rez.

What can I do or where can i get this information.  I have been searching on here for two days.

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@Biker Sharkfin

If you want to limit which group members can build in a group owned parcel, you need to disable Group Build in the parcel settings (World -> About Land -> Options), and enable "Always allow 'create objects'" for the specific group roles that you want to grant build powers to (by default, only Owners and Officers have this ability).

I suspect you still have group build enabled in About Land, which will allow any group member to rez.

Edited by Whirly Fizzle
added clarification.
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I tried it without the build in the land and it would still would let everyone in the group build even tho I only have the one ROLE in the group marked as to build.  I will go threw and double check it again shortly but just seems like its not working properly.  Than you for the info , i will double check my settings again.


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ok with the Group Build unchecked , all three things unchecked on the land.   No one in the group can rez but me,  even tho i have the  create objects  checked in the role that i want to be able to rez.    So for some reason their is a conflic somewhere.   I have 4 people in that role and none of them can rez,  even tho they are wearing the correct tag.   If i check the  group build in the land ,  then everyone in the group can rez even tho i only have it set to just the one role.   don't understand why its not working.  I have the land deeded to the group.  everything seems to be correct.


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45 minutes ago, Biker Sharkfin said:

ok with the Group Build unchecked , all three things unchecked on the land.   No one in the group can rez but me,  even tho i have the  create objects  checked in the role that i want to be able to rez.    So for some reason their is a conflic somewhere.   I have 4 people in that role and none of them can rez,  even tho they are wearing the correct tag.   If i check the  group build in the land ,  then everyone in the group can rez even tho i only have it set to just the one role.   don't understand why its not working.  I have the land deeded to the group.  everything seems to be correct.


Can you post a SLURL to the parcel?

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9 hours ago, Biker Sharkfin said:

I tried it without the build in the land and it would still would let everyone in the group build even tho I only have the one ROLE in the group marked as to build.  I will go threw and double check it again shortly but just seems like its not working properly.  Than you for the info , i will double check my settings again.


if i'm not wrong:

when the land is deeded to the group, ánd group is allowed to rezz, it is all of the group, no matter the setting in the groupsabilities.

When the land is set to the group, the setting in the groupsabilities is active.

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3 hours ago, Alwin Alcott said:

if i'm not wrong:

when the land is deeded to the group, ánd group is allowed to rezz, it is all of the group, no matter the setting in the groupsabilities.

When the land is set to the group, the setting in the groupsabilities is active.

You can deed land to a group, and the group owns the land, you can also set the land to group the two are not exclusive, best to do both

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24 minutes ago, Biker Sharkfin said:

Ok I have already deeded the land to the group ,  not sure what you mean by setting the land to the group ?  Sounds like I should have done that first ?

you can't deed without first setting it to group.

But if you only set it, without deed, you keep ownership and the group has only limited rights

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Ok,  so is this why its not letting people with the correct tag not to be able to rez or maybe i should give it more time ,  like 20 to 30  min.  to take affect.  Someone told me that maybe im not giving it enough time to take affect before we try to rez ?     THe land is already deeded to the group so the group must have already been set.  From what your saying.

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It sounds like they are saying, if you 'deed' the land to the group, the deed over-rides any group role abilities.  If you just 'set' the land to the group, the group role abilities over-ride.  That's what I think they're saying.  The reason I think that is, that I have a long time group, and it works exactly the way you are expecting yours to work.  But its not deeded, just set.  And then the role abilities work, in the group, like you are expecting your role abilities to work, but they aren't..  I hope you keep posting/updating, I am following to see how this is resolved for you.  

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Well,  I was never able to actually get it to work so what I ended up doing was making a new group for the land and just deeding it to the new group.  I will be more carefull on who I add to this group.  It actually solves my problem but still makes me wonder why you can't just have one set role in the group to rez and the other roles not to rez.  

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One of my alts is in the 'Everyone' role on Nonprofit Commons. The role does not including rezzing ability. The land is deeded to the Nonprofit Commons group, and the alt can't rez anything there. However, when I put him in the 'Everyone' role for my land group on my region, he can rez objects on land that's either set to my land group or deeded to it, though the Everyone settings are the same as in the Nonprofit Commons group (basically allows group chat only). BTW, the parcel was set to allow group build.

I set the parcel to not allow group build. My alt lost the ability to rez objects there. I then deeded the parcel to the group. He still couldn't rez. I put him in a role that allowed rezzing and he was able to rez as long as the land was either set to the group or deeded to the group. That's what I'd expect. However, the Nonprofit Commons parcels are set to allow group build but the alt couldn't rez there as Everyone. This is weird.


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Ok everyone keeps saying  the land is set to group is that not the same as  deeded ?    From what i am understanding , for the group options to work poperly as far as setting the roles to rez and some not to rez  that the land has to be group owned.   I noticed that I owned the land, not the group , even thow the land was deeded to the group it said i was still the owner.  From my understanding that the group needed to own the land for this all to work properly.  I really don't know but its getting really confusing to me. all i wanted to do was  keep my group  that i had set for the land and just have different roles in that group that could rez or not rez  but  was never able to get it to work.

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@Biker Sharkfin


Ok so that parcel only has the land group set, it isn't deeded to that group (group owned), so currently any group member will be able to rez on that parcel.

Go to World -> About land (World -> parcel details if using Firestorm) -> General tab.
Make sure that the correct group is set under the Group setting.
Tick "Allow deed to group" and then click the "Deed" button.
The Owner should now show as "Group Owned".

(Watch in full screen)

Then under the Options tab of About Land, make sure Everyone AND Group are unticked for Build.
Enable "Always allow 'create objects"  for the specific group roles that you want to grant build powers to.

Does this fix the problem for you?




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Since I went and created a new land group I no longer need to allow roles in the group to rez but,  I did copy your information down for future use.

I assume that was my problem, since I was the land owner and not the group that it was not allowing the actual roles in the group to work. It makes since.

I was setting the group but I was not deeding it like i thought i was.  Thank you for the information.  I might end up doing it that way just don't need to do it right at the moment.  

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