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Could you live in a Zootopia as your Second Life in a VR Simulation?


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I know virtual reality is a big thing and can lead to many possibilities real life can't handle, but would you live in a place like Zootopia from the movie but in Second Life? I'm talking putting real life into a virtual reality and living in a Zootopia as a furry so would you take the challenge if it's possible? I don't mean physically disconnect your personal life but I actually mean use VR in Second Life to live in an ACTUAL replica of Zootopia where there's real life rules. With more content being made for VR and companies building more hardware for it it's pretty much gonna be something like The Matrix so why not do it with SL? If anyone hasn't heard sensors are being made to manipulate our electronic signals in the brain to simulate everything we do in real life so yeah again would you do it? There's really no wrong answer through this thread it's the matter of opinion...

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but why Zootopia? why not just Second Life, or some other version or variety, I mean we go to the store to get pretty much anything we have a wide assortment of choices, so hopefully when this kind of technology is available, Zootopia isnt the only choise on the menu, and personally I am choosing something else. Maybe Middle earth from the Lord of the Rings, I would much rather live there.

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I wouldn't care to live in Zootopia, personally.  It's just not my thing, although I love animals and have nothing against furries.

I might try and use VR suits/headsets etc.  But I wouldn't want to be hooked up into VR 24/7, and I won't pay a fortune for them. I have a RL I enjoy and friends and family that I love who would never do it.  I wouldn't want to be so cut off from RL, ever.

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I wouldn't want to, but even if I did, I never could, lol.

I can't use VR gear(most of it on the market today anyway, and likely much that is not yet on the market) due to the vision loss I have. It makes things incredibly more difficult to accomplish, though I have tried. They use VR gear in certain treatments and even to test vision capabilities (though that may only be during clinical trials/experiments, I haven't yet seen it outside of that scenario personally...but my knowledge is limited to my own experiences). I participated in it once and they, very quickly, realized how terrible a candidate I was, and that they were likely to do more harm than good, including decreasing the time left until full blindness. I'd rather not speed that process up any more than it already is. 

It kind of sucks to know you'll never realy enjoy it, but VR, and what can be done with it, intrigues me. I am speaking of things beyond virtual worlds like SL, of course, and delving into an actual immersion using VR gear, into all kinds of scenarios(including everyday life). It's a fascinating topic, even if I'll never be able to experience it, I like reading about others' experiences with it :D 

I think I got off track...apologies, lol.

Back on track...nice concept, but honestly, even if I could enjoy it, a world geared around furries(thoug I have NOTHING against them) probably wouldn't intrigue me nearly as much as a more real life scenario-minus all the typical bs real life comes with(make sense?). Though it might be fun to enjoy for a short time, I can think of loads of other scenarios that would be cool too, though none long-term, so to speak. Real life still interests me too much to let it go ;) 

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Two parts : if there was a total immersion setup (not involving the current set of kit which makes me look even more of an idiot than usual) then - sure. Would be fun. As long as it was free and you could build in it :)

Now, as a partial fur could I live in the cartoon you used as an example? Get rid of the bit about ".. where predators and prey species peacefully coexist" (from wikipedia, admittedly often a fount of nonsense) and it could be even more fun. Prey is prey  Ψ=^_^

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In a Zootopia... sure.


But lets be honest, it wouldn't be a Zootopia.

It would be full of glow-neon-purple & black wolves with 24" male genitals, female boobs, spiked collars, and pierced tongues. Using the word 'yiff' all day long while blasting death metal, talking about video games, painting confederate flags on stuff, and complaing about 'whiny minorities'.


I don't mind nudity in my VR... and I like furries... but subtlety is lost in this.


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