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I can't click on my huds.


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Redoing this to be clearer: I cannot click on any of the huds I had on when I logged in yesterday. For some reason they act as if I'm in a no script region, when I'm in an area where it is allowed. I try to detatch and reattach, but that does not solve my problem. 


This issue is happening on all the viewers I've tried: Catznip, and Firestorm. I logged onto my alt account, to see if the same thing was happening, but it was not. For some reason this bug is only affecting this account.


However if I log onto the LL Officlal Viewer, I cannot attatch the affected items at all. 

If I try to "Touch" the affected item, like say my AO, it won't work at all.


Literally every scripted item I wore yesterday, when I logged in no longer works. My mesh body for example, I can't click the hud, and I can't alpha it.


I don't know what happened, but it seems as if nobody else knows. 

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9 answers to this question

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First of all, don't clear your cache unless you are trying to solve a specific inventory issue. All that you'll do is create more lag for yourself until the viewer rebuilds your cache again.

Your AO and other scripted items might fail to work if you are in an area where scripts have been disabled, so try going to another region, or simply flying up a few hundred meters.

Items might fail to attach if you have already filled all of your allowed attachment points, so try detaching some items to make room.


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It's not clear from your message which viewer is causing you problems and which isn't.

Nor am I sure I understand exactly what the problem is.

Do you mean that you can't click on your AO  (boots, gloves) when you're wearing them, or do youi mean that when you click on them in your inventory they don't attach?

If things work in the Official Viewer but not in (for example) Firestorm, my first suspicion would be that you've got some RLV restriction activated that prevents you wearing thing and/or touching them in world.  

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I'm having this same problem as well! If I make a copy of a hud before hand, I at least still have a working copy I can use later. I've done everything, recompliked scripts, reset them, etc. They seem to work, but I cannot click them at all for some weird reason. Someone has to have an answer for this.

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I'm having this same problem now on my alt. None of my HUDs are clickable. It's not like they're stuck or anything, because I can still detach and attach them, but they're simply not clickable. Has anyone found a way to fixe this? It's very strange because my HUDs on my main account are just fine.

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This is a bit of an old thread. There are recent threads about this problem.

The fixes that have been working are to reset the scripts and get a new copy of the HUD.

Resetting... right-click the HUD and edit. In the main top menu select BUILD->Scripts->Reset while the HUD is selected. WARNING: This will permanently kill some appliers.

You may have to get a 'Redelivery' of the item. I tend to keep the boxes things come in, so I unpack a new copy. I trash the broken HUD and use a new copy.

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For me, similar issue started today on Firestorm : HUDs non responsive to mouse. I discovered that from inventory I can right-click the attached item to find in the menu and click 'touch', then the expected dialog appears faithfully. I also found that if its an attachment with script that responds to channel messages or other event (chat, timer, link messages...) not coming from the interface (mouse), it will work too (I'd like to hear your experience if you tried inventory or chat messages to test access to attachment's scripts). So in my case its not the scripts, they are working fine, the mechanism is active inside. its the interface with the HUD. The mouse behaves exactly like if it was under the RLVa restriction to prevent access to the HUD by a submissive, except RLVa is not active and I have no RLV script active either. Also. all my HUDs are affected, not just one ! And that is cross accounts, my alt have the same problem. This last point is definitively different then what some other here have been experiencing.

Edited by Zigomar Abruzzo
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The problem Nalates is referring to is that a lot of HUDs permanently break, if the region you're on crashes and dumps you out of SL.  Her proposed fixes will work great if this is the problem, as it most likely is.

Another possibility, although it's pretty bizarre...if you have somehow attached a really big, transparent prim to one of your HUD screen attach points, it can block your attempts to click the HUDs, even though you can see them clearly.  (I've had a few HUDs that have a huge area, even when minimized, and block others, too).  Try detaching EVERYTHING that is on any screen attach point, then add HUDs back one at a time and see if they work.

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