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Land Price Increased


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OK, so from what I understand linden labs so graciously upped our prim counts on homesteads and mainland

which was amazing and much appreciated. So why does all the land merchants all of a sudden decide to increase their land prices because the sims now have more prims? The idea behind LLs objective was to give everyone a bit more prims for building purposes and to attract more clientelle to secondlife not for u greedy ass***es to make more money from. I am so done with spending in secondlife its ridiculously priced and your all nothing but a bunch of greedy people. All of you increasing your prices is going to drive the people like me out of this virtual world not bring us back in. so good on you. later.

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Except for one breif time of a few months MANY years ago, there have always been reasonable priced lands and ones that are way overpriced. I can't see that anything has changed. Some good shopping will still get you a good parcel. You just actually need to look around.


"I" think that is fun and have always enjoyed the process.  There is still land out there for a linden a square meter (so $512 for a $512).  I have seen parcels for less than that but not all that often. It is likely that some folks think they can get more. If they can't get more, they wont sell. Hence they will need to lower their price if they want to sell. The rules haven't changed. It is an open marketplace.



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queenbiish wrote:

I take it you all havent looked at land pricing lately.

you go against people who try to advice/help you here... LAND did NOT get increased prices at most landlords.

I have a homestead at Zoha Islands and also not a higher price.

With the other poster that brings already two bigger landlords who didn't raise prices.


Move out if yours did raise it. ....

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all i know is after  we  moved into Willowdale, paying a listed price for a listed amount of prims... our prims went UP drastically one day, i was confused until i heard form a friend about LL increasing our prims.... and i know our rent did NOT go up.... isn't this what you were referring to in your original post QUEEN **bleep**? you are pissed because prims were freely given by LL but the landowners charged you for this increase in prim... and like the last poster said, if you don't like it... move somewhere else... problem SOLVED!

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queenbiish wrote:

So why does all the land merchants all of a sudden decide to increase their land prices because the sims now have more prims? 

I gather this is really about Estate rental fees, not the price of Mainland (which hasn't really risen).

In one of the several threads on this topic someone explained that the US$ fees that Estates pay LL have mostly stayed the same, which corresponds to a significant increase in the L$ cost of that land (because the L$ has lost some value against the US$ over the past year). I know some Estates take payment only in US$s, so this wouldn't apply to them, and some others have enough cushion to absorb the exchange rate hit, and still others could reduce their costs because they still owned some regions with non-grandfathered fees that they could buy-down while that was on offer.

It's surely true that land in SL is and always has been way, way too expensive, which LL says they'll fix in Sansar.

[EDIT: That thing about the L$ exchange rate may have been true for a while, but there's been a reversal. Really, if an Estate owner values their sanity, they'd only offer US$ rentals at this point, and any tenant getting L$ rates should be grateful that somebody else is assuming all the currency risk.]

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 Seriously, before you comment research, sick of you people thinking yo uknow everything, i have been in SL a decade

i know what i am talking about. Do a research on land prices then post a comment when you know what you are talking about.

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queenbiish wrote:


 Seriously, before you comment research, sick of you people thinking yo uknow everything, i have been in SL a decade

i know what i am talking about. Do a research on land prices then post a comment when you know what you are talking about


you can force a ox to go to the well, but not force it to drink...


seriously... if you can't stand comments that proof the opposite from what you state, or give other points of view, advices, or simply directions to get out of the hands of greedy landlords ........ go ahead with you decade of experience, we're only here since yesterday .... Happy 2017



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queenbiish wrote:


 Seriously, before you comment research, sick of you people thinking yo uknow everything, i have been in SL a decade

i know what i am talking about. Do a research on land prices then post a comment when you know what you are talking about.

Seems to me you and mQQnie simply misunderstood each other. You're talking about sales prices, she's talking about rental prices and that's not exactly the same thing of course.

I don't know of any serious landowners who have increased their rent to match the new prim limit and for good reasons, running a viable rental business is all about keeping tenants and any landowner who raises the rent will loose customers.

But while a renter pays over and over again, a buyer only pays once and there's little chance of any return business so land sales are different. A land trader may well want to increase the price to get a few more Lindens out of buyers who haven't noticed the change yet. That's not going to last though. A piece of SL land is only worth more than somebody's willing to pay for it and with far more supply than demand it shouldn't take long for the prices to drop again.

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ChinRey wrote:

Seems to me you and mQQnie simply misunderstood each other. You're talking about sales prices...

Is she though? It was worded that way, but I do generally keep an eye on Mainland prices, and haven't seen increases really anywhere. Well, except Horizons, where prices have been stupid high since their first auction, so they too haven't risen per se.

I however have heard reports of some Estates raising rental fees recently, coinciding with the prim limit increase. As I muttered above, there may have been other reasons for those price hikes, valid or not -- all totally separate from actual Mainland sales prices of course.

Anyway, I ask because if she's seeing rising sales prices on Mainland in general, not just a few stray parcels, I'd sure like to know about it. It would seem completely crazy, especially now that Horizons is sopping-up some demand at the top of the price range.

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Qie Niangao wrote:

Is she though?

Oh yes, I think that's clear, athought they may not have been concious about the distinction themselves. ;)

Qie Niangao wrote:

but I do generally keep an eye on Mainland prices, and haven't seen increases really anywhere.

I didn't check, I just assumed that the OP's claim although exaggerated had some truth to it. ;)

I had a look at a few random parcels now though and couldn't see any noticeable price increase. Prices in the inner part of Jeogeot tended to be a bit higher than they used to but that is probably because both the two big dealers who used to sell cheap there have given up and abonden their land. There may be local price inflations in places I didn't look though.

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