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What Does 50% More Prims Mean for Mainland Rentals?

Prokofy Neva

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Rey323 Restless wrote:

 many of us choose private so that way we are able to do things such as terraform, parcel, our own restarts and not have the lag off of other sims.

Exactly. Private lands will still have those abilities -- the ones that you opted into. Even if islands do not get the prim boost (I am personally doubting that as Inara's post that came down thanked two Lindens :D), it was a choice. I have pretty much opted for mainland except for a few times in Winterfell. It has its issues although lag doesn't seem to be one of them these days. Most of them can be worked around -- although I do get the blue ball bit. I have lands abutting those in two places :( .   Thank goodness for Trompe Loeil's old but still gorgeous sky bubbles LOL.


So we still have choices no matter what happens.


And so far as the OP, I would hope that rental prices don't go up. I am not willing to pay much more for my land than I am paying now and would likely move to smaller quarters. I can move those 3000 prims in a day as I always keep backups, but it is NOT fun :D.


So would just as soon stay where I am.  Since everyone is getting more prims I can't see how raising rent will help landlords. Likely folks would just buy. I am renting because it has been cheaper than buying mainland and paying tier.



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The way I see it they already confirmed that they are going to carry the prim limit increase to private estates shortly ? 

I quote: "In addition to this, we will further carry the prim limit increases to the private estate regions shortly.  Keep your eye on our blogs for more information!"

So ... maybe best would be to sit tight for now and see what will be ... no panic ... :)

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What I get from the painful video - and this whole botched announcement - was that this is a wild experiment the Lab are doing because they thing mesh designers will put in higher LOD4's - while everyone who has been in SL more than a few months should know people will fill the space with extra mesh and textures. And lag.

They say they are holding off on Estates so they can look at the numbers on Mainland, one imagines how bad the lag becomes.

The biggest takeaway though, from all of this, is for a huge announcement the Lab botch it with forum censorship and then put out a blog about 50% off the price of premium for month 1.... and a weak video from a ladie with a bad voice skills.



Patch is cute though. He can visit my estate and look about any day! :D

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As of this post LL has announced Prim increases for Mainland of 50 % as well as increase for Linden Home owners. This is to be "shortly" followed by increase in private regions.Those who have been around SL a long time know that  Mainland has always had an issue with keeping land occupied.That coupled with "lag" created by close proximity of land owners makes mainland hard to sell. Those who looked around at "other" virtual worlds can see that "Land" is very much cheaper than here in SL. Prices range from $12 for Canadian Grid 15,000 prims to InWordz $40 for mainland 30,000 prims to $75 Estate with 45,000 prims.Also notice that once again Homestead users will be cheated out of this 50% increase. So this increase in prims as well as recent reduction of price for "buy in" for large land owners is no give away for Linden. It probably is made as a way of trying to hold onto what is already at stake that is survival of SL. Whether this will keep people here and revitalize Mainland remains to be seen. We have heard about project Sansar or sometimes referred to as SL 2.0 but have yet to know exactly what this project will give to virtual users and how it will effect SL users. From the above we know it is capable to have more prims at lower cost. Of course this effects bottom line of profit and ability to provide good service to virtual users.SL has come far in last 13 years it remains to be seen if this virtual world created by ITS users will remain on forefront of the virtual space. Stay tuned for more :D

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I am going to respond to this simply because it is so filled with incorrect information.

Firstly there was a time where there wasn't enough mainland to go around, many years when 512 waterfront lots sold for 20,000 linden (had some -  sold some).

Great Canadian Grid ($5 when I was there) is now $25 per region.

Homesteads DO get a bonus. They will be 5,000 prims instead of 3,750.

The quotes from Ebbe on how much money SL produced for Linden Lab last year (I don't remember the numbers but they were NOT SMALL and are financing Sansar in part) shows that it is still very viable platform and producing income for The Lab as well as plenty of content creators.


I can say from the number of surrounds that I sold today (not full sim but smaller sizes of various dimensions) that a bunch of folks seem to be using their prim bonuses up in the sky to make new areas. Will that LOOK like mainland is revived? Maybe not, but people are investing in goods so that is a start.




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Ok I will respond to correct what is stated as incorrect. If one is to go around mainland presently there is more Abandoned land then ever has been in SL. Also if one looks at map the Mainland areas have been changed to accommodate more "sea" fairing functions then exsisted before. These are owned by LL. Prices have not varied and are still ridiculous in pricing. The addition of extra prims MAY increase mainland occupation but remains to be seen.

Second:  as to Canadian Grid the price is still (to be exact) $11.37 US fir single 256 x 256 region 15000 prims. Region can be upgraded to 90,000 prims if want at additional cost.Look up site is simple to do.Might check InWorldz when there.

Third yes Homesteads are be given a 33% increase in prims while full regions and Mainland will be given 50%.I am not sure why Homesteads are not allowed same increase guess Homesteads are not bread and butter for LL though I believe that if LL would offer Homesteads to people who want to buy WITHOUT having to own Full region they could pull in more revenue.

As for what LL is making we really do not know, They stopped putting out any real numbers or data about 5 years ago.As for creators I have seen quite a few who have left and as for sales I see the economy shrinking. The reasons are not clear but as for any Mature business that is what happens if "new" or "improved" product is not introduced or one has a niche market which as we know virtual worlds is not niche. One may also see that value of $L to the $US is inflating for many years it was 255-260 I believe it has increased lately to around 268-270. Inflation is not good when trying to pay to convert to real money.

As I said remains to be seen what this move will do. Is this marketing "new" or "improved"? will it bring more revenue to LL? Will the opening of Sansar( Not sure when) help? So let me know where I am incorrect please.


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According to the release video Patch Linden said that homesteads and all private lands would increase  by 33%. AND that down the road (he mentioned three months I think but no promises) people would have the OPTION of changing to 30,000 prims for $30 fee and $30 a month extra tier.


There have been other reports of double prim lots (some on mainland) so it is possible (I certainly don't KNOW this) that they are testing the capabilites on a few folks to see the viability. That came to mind because my local ISP used me as a tester (often without my knowledge) as they knew I wa actively on the computer most of the day.


If  LOT of folks start reporting instances then that will be something else. According to the video private lands weren't supposed to get upgrades for quite awhile -- during the mainland test period.


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Agree that was my mistake on the GCG land quote. There US conversion rate never actually worked for me (in US) though. Fees and such pretty much ate it up or maybe Paypal used a different conversion rate.  Edit: I guess I should add that the last time I logged in there a group message said that rates were going up AGAIN :D. Didn't say what to.



Agreed that there is TONS of empty mainland.


So far as the money conversion goes I can only speak to the last few month. I have started converting money in 100,000 linden hunks as I am SO not good in money conversion in any country :D.   Cashing out has been going up for me, just a few dollars. But I may have just caught it at the right time. So no real comment there. I don't buy lindens so have no clue on that end of things.


I can only say that my business has been much better than normal the last few days mostly with skybox or skybox with buildings sales but with other items also. So increase in sales (at least on the Marketplace) will help The Lab's coffers.


I think this was a smart move. I had mentioned actions like this years ago to perk up mainland. I am not sure that folks will be doing the premium member bit although it was obvious that was part of the hope and plan. But for those owning or renting  mainland it is a nice bonus. Eventually when private lands get there "prim" increase things will likely sway in their direction. I have always been on mainland because of the savings which helps my bottom line :D.



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Wallace Wirefly wrote:

I believe that if LL would offer Homesteads to people who want to buy WITHOUT having to own Full region they could pull in more revenue. 

No, it would mean Estate Agents pull out of the market.

That will hurt the Lab's bottom line in increased support, in chasing delinquencies, and in marketing.

The need to own a full region is a barrier to entry that ensures there is (probably) enough knowledge in the person and also that if they don't pay on time they lose a very large sum of money.

The loss of just a homestead is not a biggie in terms of dollars. The loss of a full region and homestead is more likely to sting enough that people make sure the funds are there before time.

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I haven't posted any incorrect information, dear.

Bloggers should not be timid. In a closed society when no information is given out, they are forced to get such informatio as they can and then try to correct it. That is simply how the press HAS to work in a closed society, which we are in.

Inara's information was true but she feared the Lindens' wrath and there was no reason for it.

Wild rumors thrive when people put out things and then retract them.

Prostrate fanboydom does not help the Lindens improve their product or help the consumer.

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The problem with those other worlds, which are all knock-offs of Open Sim, is they don't have people in them, and the last time I checked, they don't have the ability to group land (perhaps this changed).

I could see no reason whatsoever why I'd move my business to one of these other worlds where I wouldn't be likely to find customers and would have no amenities.

Second LIfe has people -- customers -- and content. That's all there is to it.

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I was not championing other worlds. What my point was they are able to allow for more for less. Yes maybe they do this because they do not have what you describe but what it does do is to show what is possible. Now the LL has "given" land owners more prims, and if they did do "buy in" at reduced cost than was before. What remains to be seen is whether SL can sustain this world even though it does have more people for now and yes content creators. As we know prims are the "spice" of SL and land equates to that. I still believe SL can move forward because of it's people but form what I read and hear Sansar is to be a "closed" system so is this the direction we are headed? Is this more prims a way of keeping SL around while new platform is implemented? Like is say... remains to be seen. Optimism and hope is all we have because it is not clear yet where this virtual world is headed. Stay tuned :matte-motes-big-grin-wink:

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