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I Love Jelly Dolls

BilliJo Aldrin

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It seems the fan on my video card failed and my computer kept going into sleep mode as the video card over heated while in SL. A new decent card will cost me a couple of hundred I think.

But in the meantime, I've limited my frame rate to 20, dropped my draw distance to 32m unless i'm building, and lowered my avatar render complexity level to 20,000. Of course I always fully render friends and people i'm talking to.

So far it works great.

TY Linden Lab for giving us a tool i initially scoffed at, but now find highly useful.


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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Welcome back to pre 2009 SL and LL servers seemingly from the same period. Go see if you get these jelly beans in WOW or Elder Scrolls Online.

Jellydolls have nothing to do with LL's servers.

Basically, because there are no real caps on the rendering impact of avatars, SL's community of content creators never felt any need to learn how to optimize their content. SL is filled with content that is not practical for realtime 3D rendering and content creators who are oblivious to how textures, high-poly mesh, and lack of LOD impact framerates for all of us.

 LL sort of understood this when they implemented "prim limits" and "Land Impact", but they ignored textures so content creators continue to stuff environments full of more textures than even the most expensive high-end gaming cards have the memory for. Avatars are an even worse offender because there's essentially no restrictions at all. There are avatars out there that take more horsepower to render than an entire level map, including items and  NPCs, from any modern AAA videogame.

 Ideally, Land Impact would include texture use in its calculations, and avatars would have a similar limited pool of points with attachments each costing a portion of those points depending on how much rendering resources they use up. This would create a market for the best looking content with the lowest point cost. With the rendering resources freed up from bloated, unoptimized content, SL would look better and run better than the SL we know today.

 Unfortunately, that's not how LL chose to develop SL. The longer they wait before pursuing real solutions to the problem, the more difficult it will be for them. Given that we're presented with an SL where unoptimized content is the norm, it's good to at least have the option to derender avatars that are an excessive performance hit and, hopefully, the addition of the feature will push some of the bettert content creators towards optimizing their creations going forward.

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Hoshi Kenin wrote:

Welcome back to pre 2009 SL and LL servers seemingly from the same period. Go see if you get these jelly beans in WOW or Elder Scrolls Online.

Please think twice, before you make such claims.

1. The introduction of the "Jelly Doll" feature has had no impact on the servers. Rendering ocurs on your machine, not on the server. You can off course turn it off and experiance SL like before, but with the consequences of being forced to render even the most resource-hungry avatars in existance...and every forced attempt to crash your graphic card.

2. The Jelly Doll feature did not change the avatars around you. It just highlights an aspect that has always been there. Users with older or weaker computers can now deciede to lower the demand put on their system by chosing not to render the most complex avatars in the room.

3. You won't see Jelly Dolls in WoW or Elder Scrolls Online because... a) its a feature only implemented in Second Life and b) neither WoW nor Elder Scrolls are build like Second Life. Both MMORPGs are entirely build by professionals and pre-loaded on your computer. Their avatars and environments are as efficient as it can get. The only time you will encounter performance issues in one of those games is, when your graphic settings are too high or when your connection isn't fast/stable.

Second Life on the other hand has nothing preloaded on your computer. The whole environment gets constantly streamed to your computer and this environment is entirely build by users and those users are often far from being professionals. They are self-taught hobbiest with varrying knowledge and building skills. This creates avatars and environments that tend to be far less efficient as you'll find it in WoW or ESO.

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Isn't it a bit sad though? I mean, I understand the need to use this feature. But sad in a way LL let it get to this stage...once you could see all sorts of wonderful avatars...now, anything 'too complex' causes major lag or is just a blob...never really seeing others

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I don't know.  Before people had to set the maximum number of avatars to render low because you never knew who would be the lag monster.  Even with it set very low, one person could crash you by walking in front of you.

With the new version, you can turn max avatars up and ARC down so you can see more people at a greater distance with less strain on the GPU. 

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I have seen a similar feature in a Korean MMO called Vindictus (awesome game btw). When too many avatars are in a town, or if there is massive lag, you appear as a cloaked figure until your fancy outfit loads completely. Everything loads eventually so it's not used as a way to get slow computers working with the game. 

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  • 1 month later...

is there a way of restrict avatar rendering like, for example, not rendering over 50k, or 100k, or whatever you choose?

last night i encounter a real lag monster... 600k.  i had to talk to her and explain that she can't do that on sploders places... there where over 40 avatars on that place, and i wasn't on my older computer (who, once again, got behind SL, and has to be replaced... again :-(  ) if i were, it would had crashed dead.  Well, she coudn't have benn less interested in lower the impact on everybody.  I mean, how desperate have to be to have the need to show off, on a sploder place! and doesn't care about everybody?

I have a necklace, a beautiful one (i wish i have it in RL) and i had to take it off because it weight 40k...

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