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Everything posted by Kittenix

  1. If the alternative, mesh-free Second Life also had legacy name options, I'd go there in a heartbeat. Miss the days when the sandboxes were full of people making things with prims and when you could hold objects without half your body disappearing. And think of all those years of system avatar clothes, being trashed or unused in your inventories...what a waste
  2. Isn't it a bit sad though? I mean, I understand the need to use this feature. But sad in a way LL let it get to this stage...once you could see all sorts of wonderful avatars...now, anything 'too complex' causes major lag or is just a blob...never really seeing others
  3. I want to log into SL BEta but it seems the only viewer that allows that is Firestorm? Which runs too slowly and keeps crashing on my computer. Can I not access SL Beta through the official SL viewer? I've looked at the start-up page but can't see any way to head there - it only lets me log into SL. Any advice much appreciated...
  4. I've just given up smoking in RL! Would be cool if there's other people trying to kick the habit who wanna meet up inworld and give each other encouragement, support etc. Especially if you dont think you can get it from your RL environment, or dont want to tell family/friends yet! No strings, no fees, no con, just people getting together every now and then and helping each other quit cigarettes, maybe starting a group...?
  5. ARE YOU one of the 428 cool residents with the surname SLUNCE? Since 2011, every November, we have held an annual SLUNCE SAUSAGE SUPPER, where all members of the Slunce clan gather for beer, sausages and BBQ, zombie-shooting, fireworks, high-speed racing and live music/DJs. The only rule is: if your name's not SLUNCE (display names don't count, must be legacy!) you're not invited! PORKER SLUNCE, spiritual head of our clan, will be on hand to make a mic speech and congratulate the Slunces on another year of existence in SL. We hold this on a secret sim, to deter non-Slunces, but if you ARE a Slunce, IM me inworld and I'll send you full details. Weapons allowed? YES Particles allowed? YES Adult behavior and language allowed? YES Furries allowed? YES Non-Slunces allowed? NO!
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