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Second Life for iPad and iPhone

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I would be interested, but I fear neither the iPhone or the iPad have the graphics horsepower to render SL's 3d environment in a satisfactory way. Also, the battery would probably drain in no time. It could be an idea if all the graphics work could be done server side, but whether LL want to do that - they had a web based beta viewer out a while back - is another matter.

The iPhone also has such a small screen that I have a hard time seeing how that would work

- Luc -

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So.  To run SL satisfactorily on a computer, you have to have considerably powerful gear.  Not top end, but anything short of a dualcore 3ghz machine with a 200 series nvidia card is going to need sacrifices in order to render at a reasonable rate.  People spend 1 to 2K$ for computer power suitable to render SL.


And folks think that a puny little 1Ghz A4 processor designed to sip power is going to be able to render SL?

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And folks think that a puny little 1Ghz A4 processor designed to sip power is going to be able to render SL?


I don't see the problem. I run Second Life on a 1Ghz PowerPC iMac (viewer 1.23).
Besides, the new iPad is dual core, and the next iPhone is likely to be dual core as well. There are already nice games for these two devices.
Nothing would prevent you from using a machine with an expensive graphics card, if you need better graphics.
Other virtual worlds are moving to iPhone (IMVU, Blue mars...), why shouldn't Second Life give us this opportunity?

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The PowerPC processor in your iMac is designed to be a desktop processor, running desktop operating systems, programs and the works. The A4 and A5 processors in iOS devices are designed - as far as I understand it - to run in mobile units with a battery. They are not really directly comparable. 

Does IMVU or Blue Mars have a mobile viewer out?

- Luc -

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Luc Starsider wrote:

The PowerPC processor in your iMac is designed to be a desktop processor, running desktop operating systems, programs and the works. The A4 and A5 processors in iOS devices are designed - as far as I understand it - to run in mobile units with a battery. They are not really directly comparable. 


They are not directly comparable because my processor has one core, while iPad (and, most likely, iPhone) has two. Which is better?

As for the battery, the same processor used to be used on laptops (12" ultraportable iBooks included).


Does IMVU or Blue Mars have a mobile viewer out?

- Luc -

They are both in their early stage of development, however the point is that both companies want to enter the mobile market. And Linden Lab?


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So, you don't run any TPV programs then?  That's closed source too, unless you can show me the .cpp files for the latest version of Phoenix someplace.

I have used Metaverse for a couple of years.  I've had no security issue with it nor any other problems.  But (and this is the big but!) it is not even remotely an SL viewer for the iphone/pad/touch.  It allows me to be inworld so I can chat, IM, and pay people.  I cannot see the world around me when I'm in Metaverse.  One of the things I'm thinking of building is a pair of black eyeglasses that rez when I'm using Metaverse to signal that I'm blind.  While it offers a few uses and is better than nothing, it's not a 3d VW viewer and it never will be.

And my line in the sand is 10fps.  When graphics drop below that level, I cannot tolerate it anymore.  An iphone viewer would likely have an FPS that is best described in archeological terms.  So no, I don't see the need to hitch up SL to a mobile platform just because everyone else is trying to do so (and failing utterly).

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I've used Pocket Metaverse for a while, myself, and had no issues with it. It is a bit unstable sometimes, but aside from that; no issues.

Yes, it is mostly for chatting and IM'ing. Not something you use for moving around unless you absolutely have to. 

I like tha idea of the glasses. Sounds like a really good idea. Drop me a notification if and when you have them finished, and I'll be right there - wherever your store is - to buy them.

- Luc -

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Like it or not that is the future.

Please leave that silly comments about overpriced whatever.... No one watches porn if you ask friends but they make billions each year !

This wouldn´t only be for the iPhone, the mobile market is getting bigger than the PC market.

No matter which manufacturer, a small version of SL could run on the newest mobiles.

There was a software to connect to a running SL on your PC, bit like one here allready said. Render on a server or in the "cloud". 

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Monti Messmer wrote:

Like it or not that is the future.

Please leave that silly comments about overpriced whatever.... No one watches porn if you ask friends but they make billions each year !

This wouldn´t only be for the iPhone, the mobile market is getting bigger than the PC market.

No matter which manufacturer, a small version of SL could run on the newest mobiles.

There was a software to connect to a running SL on your PC, bit like one here allready said. Render on a server or in the "cloud". 

And when Apple decides to deny entry for the program to the App Store due to their usual preoccupation with owning their customers entire brainwave process? What then? A SecondLife app will never see the light of day in the App Store. Too much to see that is out of Apple's control.

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I am confused because,  I thought we could no longer "vote" for Jira's???

For me, personally - the screen on my ipad is too small to try and run SL.  

I'm thinking of getting an even bigger screen for my home pc,  so I can see more more more !!

 ...  but,  I can get IM's via email,  and visit the forums on my ipad- and that's good enough for me. 

Good luck!  Maybe in time.   - tho,  I agree it might not fit into Apple's idea of controllable.  ;-)

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Monti Messmer wrote:

No matter which manufacturer, a small version of SL could run on the newest mobiles.

No it can't.  One day it may do when mobile devices become more powerful, but not now.  There are netbooks that can run sl - but forget it with phones and tablets, no matter how many cores they have.


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So, here is another silly comment:

Are there really people out there who pay hundereds and hundereds of $/€, whatever currency to buy a functionally limited ( no flash enabled), content controlled device just to consume internet content and tweet about their latest digestive problems?

Lokking at all the Apple moble devices, I have to say: You get much more value and functionylity for money elsewhere.

And remember: SL uses adult content for age verified avatars, this is something that will never be available officially on any Apple product, Apple censors and controls content on their devices in some content nazi style.

The app for a very popular german newspaper (Bild-Zeitung) is not allowed to show naked breasts by apple. If you buy the print version of that paper then there are some naked breasts in that paper.

Always wondered what the 'i' in many apple product names would mean, now i know, 'i' is for 'idiot'.



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Believe it or not there is actually a way you can do this right now, full graphics and sound and everything, via an app called Splashtop Remote. Yes its another remote control program like Logmein or VNC so you'd need to have your SL PC running and configure some port forwarding if you want to access outside your local lan (although they have an experimental feature out in the latest release that does away with the port forwarding).

Now your SL PC will have to be decently fast to do this, but if you've got a PC that runs SL fairly well, you won't believe the performance you get from this. On my local lan I can move around with full graphics with almost no noticeable lag on my 1st Gen Ipad, and I hear its even better with an Ipad 2. It also works just fine tethered to my 4G T-Mobile phone, somewhat choppier but still very playable. I haven't tried it from a remote LAN but if it works on 4G I imagine it would be just fine on a remote lan.

More good news, as I said above it also forwards all sound to your ipad so you can hear SL music. I don't know if it works with voice, I have no idea if it forwards sound back from your ipad's mic to SL but I'd be interested to hear if anybody trys this. The best part is that its only around $5 or so (It may have gone up to $7 since I bought it), and you can get a free trial version that disconnects you every 5 minutes, so you can try it before you buy it.

Oh, it should also work fine on an iphone too, and there is an android version as well (although the Android version needs some work. It works, but its way behind the IoS version).

Good luck, hope this works for you guys as well as it does for me!


P.S. And no I don't work for splashtop or anything, I just think its a very cool app and would like to see it supported so they keep improving it.

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It's funny that in just about 2 months, compared to the 'puny overpriced' phones, there are already devices out that run at dual-core (Android).

For Linden Labs and Secondlife to ensure it's ongoing success, the time to go mobile is drawing very near. If they're not already developing it, they really should get started. There's no reason why they can't develop and test it on an API/dev kit, tweeking and putting it into place, ready for when a capable device comes out.

Android would be ideal, so many devices get released so many times, and it runs on Java (same as the beta web client)... So porting shouldn't be difficult.

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