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Tell me of your funniest moment in Second Life! Part II

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Hi Everyone, and Peace!

I was thinking back over my 5 years and 9 months in second life, trying to recall some of the memorable moments in Second Life.  I think that The Forum Dwellers Party (Hippiestock 1) may be the most memorable moment for me, but not the funniest!  So I began to think back, and I came up with one funny moment that sticks out in my mind!  It must have been about 2 years ago. I was living on the mainland, in Belmeade.  I had almost 1/2 a sim there.  I noticed that some of my friends where over at the Party Place, my friends land where we all went to chat, and to fellowship.  After I saw them on my radar, I did a character test male and turned into a noob.  Then I hid my name and group tag,  (there was a time when you could do this) and sauntered over to the party place where Lenni, and her friends were.  I said hi, and asked where I was.  Lenni told me that I was at the party place, and that it was okay to to hang there.  She is a very friendly person!  I said thanks and proceeded to run about and bang into her fence, over and over.  I then turned around and jumped into the lake, and just stood there.  Lenni and her friend asked me if I was okay.  I said yes, but that I was a bit confused.  I started asking all kinds of questions like, how do I walk, what is the balls on the ground for, why do I look so bad when you two look so good,  how come I walk like a duck etc.  Lenni is a real friendly person, and she answered each question the best she could, and with great patience.  My trademark response to things in conversation is the word "Ahh".  I started saying "Ahh" in response to the conversation to see if Lenni would catch on, all the time standing in the middle of the lake.  She finely caught on and screamed out "HIPPIE!   Is that you?"  She had caught on!  I was busted!  Whew!  She began to chase me all over the parcel, hurling expletives at me!  I think she wanted to beat my SL butt!  When all calmed down, we all just laughed and laughed!  Whew!  So Funny!

Okay!  Your turn!  Tell me of your funniest moment in Second Life!  If you don't have a funniest moment, then tell me of your most memorable moment!


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My funniest moments were when I had a blues club. I had put this talking parrot as a greeter and visitors counter.

At every person coming into the club he would say "welcome, touch me to start a conversation". Of course, everybody did touch the bird all at the same time and the parrot was just going hysterical, talking to everyone with absolute nonsense phrases such as "have you ever been to Europe?", "I'm glad you find it funny", "what makes you think you are special", etc.

With over 30 avatars at the same moment in the club, the parrot would simply fill the local chat and everyone was crying laughing chatting with this mad bird!


And another crazy moment was when I walked into the club one evening and found 2 of our DJs in grizzli avatars squirming on the dance poles on the bar! Lol, this was nut! :smileyvery-happy:

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I found this in the Knowlage Base!  I use a version 1 viewer but i think it is the same.

Showing or hiding usernames

To show or hide usernames inworld, both in chat and over every avatar:

  1. Log into Second Life.
  2. Choose Me > Preferences from the top menu.
  3. Click the General tab.
  4. Select the Usernames checkbox. If the box is checked, usernames are shown. If the box is not checked, usernames are hidden.
  5. Click OK.


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I've written this down before but I can't resist writing it down again ...

My first SL business was skybox rentals. The skyboxes were stacked vertically although some were offset a bit. They had plenty of space in between. One day I rented one out to a guy and within 2 or 3 minutes of doing that, I had something to do to a skybox higher up than the one I'd just rented out. For speed in flying up, I put on my carbon rod, which allows you to fly damned fast, and I flew upwards.

I thought I'd set off up to the side of the skybox I'd just rented out but I hadn't. The carbon rod is so fast that I only stopped when my head and shoulders were up through the skyboxe's floor. As chance would have it, my head and shoulders were in the bedroom and the guy and his girl were stark naked, and banging away on the bed. Luckily, I was at the foot of the bed and they were concentrating on each other so they never saw me, or at least nobody said anything to me afterwards.

It still tickles me to think of renting a skybox, and being at it on the bed, when this head and shoulders mysteriously appears coming up through the floor :smileyvery-happy:

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Hippie Bowman wrote:

I found this in the Knowlage Base!  I use a version 1 viewer but i think it is the same.

Showing or hiding usernames

To show or hide usernames inworld, both in chat and over every avatar:
  1. Log into Second Life.
  2. Choose
    Me > Preferences
    from the top menu.
  3. Click the
  4. Select the
    checkbox. If the box is checked, usernames are shown. If the box is not checked, usernames are hidden.
  5. Click


That's for you to hide other people's, but you can't hide your own name from other people.

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Phil Deakins wrote:

I've written this down before but I can't resist writing it down again ...

My first SL business was skybox rentals. The skyboxes were stacked vertically although some were offset a bit. They had plenty of space in between. One day I rented one out to a guy and within 2 or 3 minutes of doing that, I had something to do to a skybox higher up than the one I'd just rented out. For speed in flying up, I put on my carbon rod, which allows you to fly damned fast, and I flew upwards.

I thought I'd set off up to the side of the skybox I'd just rented out but I hadn't. The carbon rod is so fast that I only stopped when my head and shoulders were up through the skyboxe's floor. As chance would have it, my head and shoulders were in the bedroom and the guy and his girl were stark naked, and banging away on the bed. Luckily, I was at the foot of the bed and they were concentrating on each other so they never saw me, or at least nobody said anything to me afterwards.

It still tickles me to think of renting a skybox, and being at it on the bed, when this head and shoulders mysteriously appears coming up through the floor :smileyvery-happy:


OMG that is so funny!  They never saw ya?  Whew!  Thanks for putting a smile on my face!  LOL!


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Another one that still makes me chuckle when I think of it ...

Later in the skybox business, I improved the skyboxes with a decor system. From the menus, tenants could change the texture and colour of every inside surface, including the ceiling and the floor. There were 2 small walls inside the boxes, which they could choose to make disappear ("hide") if they didn't want them there. When they disappeared, they became phantom so that they weren't in the way. But I made a mistake when writing the system and I put a "hide" button in the  floor's menu. Clicking it made the whole skybox phantom.

It was in the system for quite a long time until, one day, a tenant IMed me to ask why he'd just fallen through the floor and plummeted to the ground. That's when I discovered the mistake. It made me laugh, and still does, when I think of unsuspecting tenants going through those menus, reaching the floor one and thinking, "I wonder what this button does" :smileyvery-happy:

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Aside from the 4am "mistake" that returned half the thing on my island home (including the floor I was on at 2000m up), the funniest experience I've had was ... well a bit racy.

My son has both male and female avi's He RP's with both and from time to time wanders around in the female avi stark naked. Our neighbors on the island were very "cool" with the idea ... I think mainly because they were mostly guys.

So I'm on the beach working and my neighbor wanders over to ask about the "hot chic" on the back lot (my son's space was behind a dune). I said "Oh that? That's .... (name here)". I IM'd my son and had him join us. Pretty soon the rest of the neighbor guys were over to "chat" a bit.

So we all got on voice.

Well everyone got a royal guffaw when my son .. the hot naked chic .. joined voice chat. It devolved from there. Turns out most of the neighbor guys have female avi's too .. and before long I was surrounded by a bevy of hot naked chics .. modeling and comparing the sizes of their "strap-ons".

Took me a good 2 hours to breathe again.

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Darrius Gothly wrote:

Aside from the 4am "mistake" that returned half the thing on my island home (including the floor I was on at 2000m up), the funniest experience I've had was ... well a bit racy.

My son has both male and female avi's He RP's with both and from time to time wanders around in the female avi stark naked. Our neighbors on the island were very "cool" with the idea ... I think mainly because they were mostly guys.

So I'm on the beach working and my neighbor wanders over to ask about the "hot chic" on the back lot (my son's space was behind a dune). I said "Oh that? That's .... (name here)". I IM'd my son and had him join us. Pretty soon the rest of the neighbor guys were over to "chat" a bit.

So we all got on voice.

Well everyone got a royal guffaw when my son .. the hot naked chic .. joined voice chat. It devolved from there. Turns out most of the neighbor guys have female avi's too .. and before long I was surrounded by a bevy of hot naked chics .. modeling and comparing the sizes of their "strap-ons".

Took me a good 2 hours to breathe again.


/me laughs!   That is so funny!  Thanks for sharing!


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Phil Deakins wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Then I hid my name and group tag...

 But you can't hide your name from other people. You can only hide it on your own screen.



Wasn't there at some point where we could? they could shut their names off over head but you could still scroll over them and get the name..

i remember having to scroll over some back in i wana say 2007 because their name wasn't over their head..

I just remember wondering why their name wasn't showing up..hehehehe

maybe it was the angle i was looking from that it was mixed with the others around  them..it was a pretty packed place all the time hehehe..


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Ceka Cianci wrote:


Phil Deakins wrote:

Hippie Bowman wrote:

Then I hid my name and group tag...

 But you can't hide your name from other people. You can only hide it on your own screen.



Wasn't there at some point where we could? they could shut their names off over head but you could still scroll over them and get the name..

i remember having to scroll over some back in i wana say 2007 because their name wasn't over their head..

I just remember wondering why their name wasn't showing up..hehehehe

maybe it was the angle i was looking from that it was mixed with the others around  them..it was a pretty packed place all the time hehehe..



I believe you are right Ceka!


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I was still in my  "cant let people see me naked " phase most us go through when we join second life. 

In the throes of passion with a special someone and I decide to take a pick using the contrl S keyboard options.

This was gonna be a great pic

Hit contol H by mistake

Home happened to smack dab in the middle of a club.  And so was I  stark naked point out the ceiling. 

I remember feeling  foolish,embarresed, and horrified.

I got back back to the bedroom and I am asked  "Where did I go so suddenly"  I explained my predicament and the person said  Whew,  I though you were making a comment on my love making!   LoL

I still laugh when i think of this story


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Roche Runo wrote:

I was still in my  "cant let people see me naked " phase most us go through when we join second life. 

In the throes of passion with a special someone and I decide to take a pick using the contrl S keyboard options.

This was gonna be a great pic

Hit contol H by mistake

Home happened to smack dab in the middle of a club.  And so was I  stark naked point out the ceiling. 

I remember feeling  foolish,embarresed, and horrified.

I got back back to the bedroom and I am asked  "Where did I go so suddenly"  I explained my predicament and the person said  Whew,  I though you were making a comment on my love making!   LoL

I still laugh when i think of this story



OMG that is so funny Roche!  Thanks for sharing!


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Well,  I just found this ... I'm not very good @ finding posts in the new forum.... but anyway.

I remember this thread from the old forum,  and at the time the funniest thing that had happened to me was,  when me & my friend (both about 5 days old)  got on a bed (@ Idea) and started clicking - and accidentially started making out, while our 3 year old friend stood at the end of the bed laughing at us. 

That was a nice run on sentence.  :-X

Let's see ... a new one...

I would have to say that it was when the same friend purchased something I think she called a piggy back ride.  I am still not sure what it was suposed to do exactly .. but at one point it shot us up in the air and we were flying in circles at about the speed of light!   We were on skype at the time, and we both laughed until it hurt.


Nice thread Hippie!

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Cali Souther wrote:

Well,  I just found this ... I'm not very good @ finding posts in the new forum.... but anyway.

I remember this thread from the old forum,  and at the time the funniest thing that had happened to me was,  when me & my friend (both about 5 days old)  got on a bed (@ Idea) and started clicking - and accidentially started making out, while our 3 year old friend stood at the end of the bed laughing at us. 

That was a nice run on sentence.  :-X

Let's see ... a new one...

I would have to say that it was when the same friend purchased something I think she called a piggy back ride.  I am still not sure what it is was suposed to do exactly .. but at one point it shot us up in the air and we were flying in circles at about the speed of light!   We were on skype at the time, and we both laughed until it hurt.


Nice thread Hippie!


So funny Cali.  You clicked the makeout ball huh!  LOL!  HEHE!  Never heard of a Piggy Back Ride.  I wonder if it is the same as the magic lolly pop.  That thing shot me into the air at the speed of light, until I detached it.  Then I plummeted to the ground!  Heehaw!  Thanks for the great post Cali!


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  • 1 month later...

Hmm.. I have two, both dealing with griefers and I'm pretty sure I shared them some time ago on the old forums.  Well, anyways on with the show!

Not too long after I started in SL, I had started building random stuff in Sandbox Island.  In this case, it was a throne, and I was talking with a friend while we stood near the project.  From out of nowhere, comes this pack of avatars chasing this one idiot, who was using a projectile based push weapon and spouting racial slurs.  I rezz a cube, sit on it and tell my friend to do the same.  So, we were watching the todo, while I filed an abuse report.  In a fit of sublime stupidity, the griefer decides that my throne must be HIS throne to sit on and toss his slurs.  I politely tell him to move his bum, because I am working on it.  He curses at me a bit.  Since the cushion he was sitting on wasn't attached to the throne, I, for some reason, decided to put the cushion back into my inventory.  With him sitting on it.  He went FLYING, cursing the entire distance he was thrown.  About the time he landed LL must have hit him with the ban hammer, because he vanished after hitting the ground.  My friend said, "And that's how we deal with griefers?  COOOLLLLL!!!"

My next one was back when I had started my DiamonX shop.  LL had just gave land owners the ability to turn off push and to deny object entry. I had turned off object entry because we'd just had a gray goo attack earlier that day.  I was working on a gown when this overly-muscled, tuxed suited guy comes TPing in.  He starts asking me questions about the bizz, which I am always happy to answer.. but it starts taking a new turn.  I guess he must have watched entirely too many mob/ganster movies, because the lines sounded like they'd been cut/pasted from one.  Including, "It'd be a shame if something where to happen, so you really need security."  At this point, I did the eject/ban and went back to work. From the parcel next door, I hear the sound of gun fire and peered out to see this wall of stopped projectiles at my parcel edge.  I IM'd said idiot and said, "Yeah.. this is why I don't need security," only to be cursed at.  Go figure. 

Hmm.. and it's always funny to be hit on by a creep.. only to see him run when I drag my dragon folder onto my avatar.  I guess they realize the only way they'd please something that big is if they were on the menu?

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