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Oculus Rift - CV1 support

Faerierain Lane

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With the launch of the CV1 2 days ago , i'm hoping that i'll be able to use my new CV1 rift with second life. 

I did try using the current viewer provided : 

Second Life Project OculusRift Viewer version



When I launched the game I did the normal steps and I just couldn't get the display to show up in my rift.   

Anyone know of any information for this ?  Being able to navigate second life on my cv1 is one of my biggest reasons for looking forward to getting it! 


Thank you!

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They, the Lindens, are in the process of updating the Project Oculus Rift viewer. THey have been working on it for months. The word is 'real soon now.'

There is a CtrlAltStudio viewer. I think it too is out of date. But, you could contact the author and see what he recommends. His changes were adapted to the Firestorm viewer so you contact some of the programmers on the Firestorm Team and see what they recommend.

Or... there is an Open Development meeting   at Oz's Raft on Wednesdays @ 07:00-08:00 PT/SLT. Oz Linden is normally there. He can give the best info about the SL version of the Rift viewer.

I expect the Linden and Firestorm viewers to support Oculus. How well SL will support Oculus is a question. The 1920's Berlin is built for use with Oculus in mind. Jo Yardley the owner of Berlin regions is a fan of Oculus. She has a blog and poscast radio show. You can contact her and see how she uses Oculus.

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Second Life is THE best VR application! Getting to explore SL in my Rift DK2 has been wonderful, despite all the performance limitations in the "early" software. Right now the only viewers available use the pre-consumer Oculus runtimes, which won't work on CV1. I'm not expecting the Cntrl Alt Studio viewer to get an update either. We're at the mercy of Linden Lab, and hopefully they are also thinking about Vive/OpenVR support as well.

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Oculus Rift support is currently broken but Linden is still advertising it on the Second Life website. Dear Lindens, please update SL to work with Oculus runtime 1.3 / Oculus Home, so we can use our DK2 and the consumer version of the Rift.

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Yes please please Lindens <3 People who make this wonderful game - please update for the CV1 ! 

I did contact firestorm , and they are sending me in the direction of Cntrl Alt Studio , has anyone had any luck contacting the studio yet? 


 Maybe a updated time estimate of when it might work? I've been seeing that a lot of programs and apps are getting the 1.3 update pretty quickly so I 'hope' this one won't take much dev time for everyone.   I just am so looking forward to this! 

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this really could be the infusion of new meets old... I would hate to see the hype of the cv1 die down and Linden not take advantage of it. I'm surprised they didn't try to meet the launch date.  i really hoped to see an SL icon in my home view.  not yet.

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David Rowe's CtrlAltStudio viewer at http://ctrlaltstudio.com was compiled for the earlier Oculus runtime and worked up to runtime 0.8.  You can add comments to the blog posts abouit the viewer and Oculus support there, and david is often very responsive to questions.  but read his existing comments first as he is hoping LL's own viewer will come soon as his work was meant as a stop gap.

We have been using both the LL viewer (while it worked) and CtrlAltStudio in Second Life and OpenSim fine until recently...


But note that with the arrival of Oculus 1.3 CtrlAltStudio viewer can no longer be used for VR in Second Life.  Its a great pity as we often demonstrate educational experiences such as an Oil Rig and seabed equipment as an example of virtual worlds for education and it works great in VR...


Oz Linden did say back in January on the JIRA...

It is certainly our goal to have a version available and reasonably current by the time they're delivering consumer units; hopefully much sooner....  If you post in the forums, we'll see it and possibly respond ...

Hopefully the good folks working on this will be able to get an updated project viewer in our hands soon.  Oz and graham.... if you need someone to test things on DK2 and CV1 setups, just give me and others expressing an interest here a shout.





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Looks like there has been some progress! 

On CtrlAltStudio's blog comments , David has included a link to the video for the alternate viewer meeting that was held last week.  

The linden lab team is currently hard at work on a update for their viewer to support CV1 - they have ran into some obstacles with the SDK ... but they really do think it will be soon. 

Very good news - i'm craving this experience!


For now - i've been using the steam app 'Virtual Desktop' - which is by no means what I'm hoping for.  For now though - that program allows me to put a huge screen close to my face and with zooming in I can almost make myself think i'm flying around in a first person view of a 3d environment.   But it is just a flat screen - and is as good as putting blinders on your glasses and blocking out everything aside from the computer monitor and playing that way.. ... well a bit better than that but not much. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My CV and Oculus-ready PC arrived this week and it's as good an improvement as I had hoped. It pains me to have to use the DK2 / MacBook for SL. On the new PC, the SL viewer displays a message that my video card is not up to snuff and stops the launch process. I  seem to recall that there is a 'list' that the app uses to decide if the vid card is acceptable .. and that if you edit the listto include your vid card, that you can get SL oculus viewer to open. 

Does anyone know if this is true??? My memory could be playing tricks again.

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The list you are looking for is called gpu_table.txt, you can find it in your main viewer directory. Might take a little while to work out how to format the model name for your specific card, there are other threads about it here, I had to patch mine when I got my 970. You can also try an alternate viewer such as Firestorm. Also, a person on reddit has released wrappers on github to run Oculus 0.8 and 0.7 applications on CV1/1.3. They seem to work fine so far for a lot of applications. Same dev is working on one for runtime 0.6 which is what the last CtrlAltStudio Rift viewer is complied on. If it gets released and if it works with the viewer, I will be posting about it here for sure.

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The 0.6 Wrapper is out today but sadly I have been unable to get it to run with the CtrlAltStudio viewer. Could just be me/my stsrtem though so somebody else should still give it a try, but back to runtime 0.8 for me for the time being.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another month has gone by since I recieved my Oculus Rift and still no Second Life Support!  At least they could change the Webpages

"Explore now with the Oculus Rift!

Check out the world's largest interactive virtual reality playground."


Because it only works with the developer kit not the released version . And the only workaround i got working was to edit the gpu table to at least identify my nvidia GE Force GTX 970 video card.

So is there any new news?  I am used to LL moving at a glacial pace with changes but this is kind of ridiculous. Seems they are blowing a golden opportunity to make their mark in the coming VR world. Yes, The equipment is new and no one expects perfection but at least some level of support since they had the DK version working before.

becoming concerned. 




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I got SL to work with my CV1 with "Vorpx"....    I was using it to get skyrim to work in VR....    From what I saw online I didn't think it would work at all but it does....  Vorpx is not the best experience and it's not as smooth as I would like but the head tracking does work pretty well....  You just need to adjust the mouse movement and FOV a bit as with everything in Vorpx...  I was surprised that it worked and I think it's all we have to get head tracking in SL until LL gets with it and has something better......  Before I tried Vorpx I have been using "Virtual Desktop" to play with the CV1 on a HUGE screen in front of me in VR with no head tracking.....

Virtual Desktop is $15   http://store.steampowered.com/app/382110/

Vorpx is $40    http://www.vorpx.com/



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What is the best way to set up the dk2 to run sl . I will wait to us my cv until ll decides to fix this mess . I tried to get the 0.8 run time back but when i down load it from oculus it says it crupt. Has anybody come up with a way to make the dk2 work good on here ?

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Tried this method out myself, with Vorpx and Firestorm.  Works nicely for what it is.  When running in mouse look view, the head tracking works as one would expect, for the most part.  Turning was pretty smooth and didn't produce any "VR sickness".  However, I found myself needing to move my mouse around a bit to recenter the view.  And, indeed, the initial FOV does need adjustment.

As compared to the native CV1 support in High Fidely, for example, I acutally felt more comfortable using this method in SL.

Regardless, it's pretty amazing to walk and fly around random environments as though you were there.  Obviously, there's work to be done on making a VR-centric interface, but if you simply can't wait to immerse yourself, this is a decent way to check it out.

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Getting to explore tons of player created content in VR would be perfect! I think the Rift CV1, DK2 and Vive would be perfect for SL! And I would bet there's a lot more that's not commenting, but still want this feature for SL here.

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As a long-time resident I'm very much looking forward to seeing CV1 support. I've been in Second Life since 2006, had a DK2 (Oculus Rift Developer Kit) and can attest it's an incredible experience in VR. Since I've had my CV1 this just isn't practical. I think Second Life is truly a "killer app" for VR - come on Linden! I know you guys are working hard but you've got to keep up the urgency. 

As an aside, Ready Player One, being directed by Steven Spielberg, just started filming. The film has many similarities to SL life and so we need to keep up with the popular culture! 

Very much looking forward to seeing SL in VR! Hopefully it's very soon!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been patiently waiting for runtime 1.3 support..... 

Vorpx sucks.

runtime switchers make it unstable. 

you have an Oculus Rift on the front page of Second Life... and no support?.... 

please.... just please..... give us what we want.. :(


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Its a;; a bit sad atm isnt it ...

I simply went back to an old occulus runtime to continue using cntrl-alt-studio.

But this means  i cant run a lot of newer occulus stuff, but SL was a priority..for more than a demo.

A previous OR run-time can be tracked down


I think more engery is going on Sansa, and next level vr?  i might be wrong.

Had a go on Vive today and Ohboy ..my dk2 feels like an old calculator. Being 'in the room' more phyiscally than occulus  with controlers, was great.
Cant wait to for  ..Sansa! ...or next level SL... if they update!

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I laid out $3K for computer and oculus just for SL.i got the list and put it in and SL now recongizes my CV1. In fact, when I toggle HMD i get the double screen of oculus. But sadly i cannot get it in the oculus headset. There seems to be no switches in the Oculus app to allow SL into the Oculus.

Its a bit frustrating to see the double screen and not be able to view it. $3,000 $ spent expecting SL to have the program as they still advertise it. Maybe Im missing something somewhere.

I realize that most of these posts are about this very subject and the aggravation of having a CV1 that wont work with SL.

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I can't even get it to display double screens. when I log in it says 
"cannot enter HMD mode because your graphics card does not support the minimum requirement Vertex Shaders and Vertex Buffer Objects are required for proper rendering in HMD mode."
I've been waiting months. Why haven't they solved these issues yet?

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I was able to get this latest Oculus-ready viewer to work.

You may recall they Linden Lab released one almost two years ago... that one showed so much promise... it was gorgeous and worked so very well! I was really expecting something special with this latest attempt.

Here's what I got instead:
















Now, you may recall that Linden Lab made an Oculus-Ready build back in 2014. Here's what that looked like:
















or this:




















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