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What has happened to all of the SIMS =(


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I've been gone from SL for about 8 months or maybe longer. Now that I'm back it seems that all of the Role Play sims are gone! Along with some highschools and their sims. even "disneyland" (magic land), Eden highschool, I heard even Hard Knock Elementary was gone for awhile. What's going on??!?

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8 months is an extremely long time for Second Life. Its perfectly normal that whole sims vanish, change their apperance and finde new owners in this time. Multiple times.

The costs of a sim are too high to just keep it running out of habit. Once people get bored or something gets in the way (RL, drama and else), they are likely to abond their sim. Put in the same frequency new places pop up and some sims survive for years.

So there is nothing extraordinary happening here, that hasn't happen in 2010, 2008 or before.

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Magicland I know closed a few months ago. They tried saving it with shop rentals but no luck. The others I never heard of. But in sl sims come and go like fads. This is perticurly true for the RP community. I am just getting back into urban RP after being out of it a few months just to find some of the cities I used to go to no longer exist. Nothing is permanant in sl face it. Oh well enjoy it while you can and explore and find new places to rp.

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Christin73 wrote:

Magicland I know closed a few months ago. They tried saving it with shop rentals but no luck. The others I never heard of. But in sl sims come and go like fads. This is perticurly true for the RP community. I am just getting back into urban RP after being out of it a few months just to find some of the cities I used to go to no longer exist. Nothing is permanant in sl face it. Oh well enjoy it while you can and explore and find new places to rp.

Were there two sims with the same name?  The Magicland I've seen has been around for many years on the mainland and is still open. 

Someday I'd like to see someone attempt an original theme park.  I've seen some very nice places inspired by real life parks, like the Discovery Mark 2 sim that was in the Destination Guide sometime back.  There are some cute amusement parks around, though, so that's something at least.  

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Syo Emerald wrote:

So there is nothing extraordinary happening here, that hasn't happen in 2010, 2008 or before.

Actually there is. You should have said 2011 and you'de be right. ;)

Because 2011 was the year SL's decline began and it's been shrinking at a fairly steady rate of about 100 sims a month since then. So if you've been away for eight months, you come back to a grid with about 800 fewer sims and that's noticeable, very noticeable.

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ChinRey wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

So there is nothing extraordinary happening here, that hasn't happen in 2010, 2008 or before.

Actually there is. You should have said 2011 and you'de be right.

Because 2011 was the year SL's decline began and it's been shrinking at a fairly steady rate of about 100 sims a month since then. So if you've been away for eight months, you come back to a grid with about 800 fewer sims and that's noticeable, very noticeable.

Going by user concurrency, 2008 is the year. The SL grid size graph is a bit biased for the simple reason the sims before 2009 or so were all full sims. You can see the drop after 2008 then a climb, most likely because of the new homesteads and open spaces, then in 2011 the start of a new, almost steady drop.

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ChinRey wrote:

Syo Emerald wrote:

So there is nothing extraordinary happening here, that hasn't happen in 2010, 2008 or before.

Actually there is. You should have said 2011 and you'de be right.

Because 2011 was the year SL's decline began and it's been shrinking at a fairly steady rate of about 100 sims a month since then. So if you've been away for eight months, you come back to a grid with about 800 fewer sims and that's noticeable, very noticeable.

Not exactly. Places used to vanish all the time. Back in 2008 people weren't necessary more stable in keeping places up. The only difference to SLs earlier years is, that the amount of new sims replacing the ones gone, dropped slowly over the years, which makes it a bit harder to find a new place that is "just like the old one" that closed.

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Sims come and go, but you can still find the kinds of sims and kinds of RP you like by using Search. SL is slowly shrinking, but there are still more places to see and things to do in this virtual world than anyplace else that I know of.

It's free if you want, but costs if you want to keep a sim going. Donate to the sims you love, if you want to keep them on the grid.

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  • 3 weeks later...

2008-2009 is when the economy in RL took a nose dive for many of us.. We're still playing catch up... if we ever do. That will put a serious dent into our disposable income and ability to support land, sims and many other things.

I hope Second LIfe is around for some time, as I see great potential and fun and creative opportunities in it... just gotta weather the economic storm first though...

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