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Undelivered Products ~ What Should I Do?

Laurence Skytower

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Hello...This is my first time posting here. I don't quite know if this is the right place to post. If there is a better place, I can re-post there. But.....

I ordered an item from Marketplace. My order history says the item was "Delivered" but I never recieved anything inworld. My money was taken. I checked to see what the proper course of action was. The store's policy regarding undelivered items states the customer should use the Redelivery Terminal inworld. I tried that and the terminal doesn't recognize that I've purchased anything in the past. Marketplace FAQ's says that the customer should message the owner and request the item be delivered. I tried to do that and the owner dismissed me in an IM, stating that it is not his responsibility. He told me that Linden Labs was responsible for undelivered items. The items i purchased are no-transfer / no-copy so I don't understand what makes it so hard to redeliver the items. It's not like I can give them away.

Who's responsibility is it? Linden Labs? The store owner? It better not be mine because I paid real money for these items. The store owner got my money. I didn't get my product. I messaged him asking for either my items or a refund. That was weeks ago. He has been online since and will not answer my notecards or IM's. Call me crazy but I do expect a little bit more when it comes to customer service.

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Is the item no copy and no transfer? Usually it's one or the other. With those permissions, right away I would steer clear because to me it reads 'very anally retentive merchant'. It's a shame that this happens, and merchants really should lean a bit when it comes to this problem. I guess filing a ticket or forgetting about it are your only options. 

One more thing, does the marketplace acknowledge your purchase? If so, I would resort to using the rating system with a review explaining your failed attempts to get the item redelivered.

Edit to add: Although it would be ideal to have a delivery system we can rely on, ultimately it is the merchants responsibility to redeliver or refund when something goes wrong. The merchant made the decision to use the marketplace to sell his/her items, not the other way round. If I ordered an item in RL and the delivery truck never showed up then it is the companies responsiblity to redeliver the item, not tell me I should deal with the delivery people.

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If your Order History says item was delivered, and also your Transaction History shows money was taken (please note that both are different), then it is the merchant's resposability to redeliver or to refund the money, period, there are no excuses. It really bugs me how some so called merchants behave in SL, they would not last a single day in a RL business environment. 

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since you have made a purchase best thing to do is contact the seller which you did it should be no inconvenience for the merchant to check their transaction history on the marketplace and click re-deliver even better if the merchant personally sends one to you when your inworld so you can guarantee you receive it any merchant that tries to pass the buck isn't worth shopping from again if you get no joy from the merchant you can submit a ticket which LL have hidden very well just go to help > ticket history scroll down to contact support 


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Hey thanks for the responses. Yeah, there was an exchange of L$ and it does say that the item was "Delivered." This guy is just dodging me. I am not a merchant myself so I hope I am right in assuming it's just a matter of him clicking his mouse a few times to send me my item. I have posted a review of the product on Marketplace. I do want to bring the issue up with LL but....I've NEVER really had a problem in the 3 years I've been on SL. At least none that would warrant a report to LL. So I'm sort of having a hard time figuring out how to do that lol. I'm sure I'll find out somehow.

But yeah, George is right...They wouldn't last in the real world. Bad business, all around. Not only did he refuse to give my product to me, but he took a real dismissive tone with me...real glib about it. *Sigh*....People these days. LOL...Thanks for your help guys.

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You could file a ticket with the lab but I havent found that to be helpful

The best solution is to copy your transaction onto a notecard with your name and brief explaination of the problem...then pass it to the merchant.  Most merchants will respond quickly and make sure you get the product

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Most merchants, yeah...But I did send him a notecard with the purchase orders and the item id's and was told through an IM left when I was offline that it was not his responsibility. BTW...Can anyone tell me......I know the community rules state that no personal information can be shared on the forum pages. But what about store names? I think people should know who they're dealing with. With the attitude I received from this particular merchant, I'd bet another L$1000 that I'm not the first person this store has screwed over. In the real world, when a retailer screws over a customer in this manner, they'd probably get put on blast. EVERYBODY would hear about it. Everybody has the right to know if they're risking their money when dealing with dishonest retailers.

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I agree 100% with you that when a merchant in SL behaves in a jerk manner there should be a way to let other people know here where everyone can see it, in RL that would be the case, it serves as a first line of defense against fraud to consumers because no mechant wants to be put to shame. Unfortunately it is against the TOS to do so, you may not post the store name here. What is worst is that LL will not get involved in resident to resident disputes so filing a support ticket will be of little use to you. 

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Recently I had someone contact me that an item was not delivered. Only 3 times can I say this has happend, anyway.. It showed in my panel "pending delivery" no money into my account and an hour or more later it said failed delivery. The thing is, on his end it showed the money taken from his account (never put in mine but removed from his).. I sent all information to LL on a ticket.. I sent him the item myself and about 4 hours later his account was credited the money back... He then paid me in world (granted this is not the rule, most would hahah and run) but he was honest and we both were happy.

 That any merchant will not take extra steps to retain customers is beyond me.... Do file a ticket to LL.Because it is possible you might be in this situation...


Good luck,.


(I might be fuzzy on the time frames, but it only took a day to resolve)

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  • 4 weeks later...

To Whom It May Concern,


       I have purchased 3 items as of today 4/16 2011, And have not recieved them right away. I have a wedding to attend to on SL, And no Dress? Can you please contact me, or can you help with this problem?



                                                                                                                                         Thank You Michaela Raine

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Michaela123 wrote:

To Whom It May Concern,


       I have purchased 3 items as of today 4/16 2011, And have not recieved them right away. I have a wedding to attend to on SL, And no Dress? Can you please contact me, or can you help with this problem?



                                                                                                                                         Thank You Michaela Raine

What color and style dress do you want? I am not the seller but wish to help.


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Laurence Skytower wrote:

Most merchants, yeah...But I did send him a notecard with the purchase orders and the item id's and was told through an IM left when I was offline that it was not his responsibility. BTW...Can anyone tell me......I know the community rules state that no personal information can be shared on the forum pages. But what about store names? I think people should know who they're dealing with. With the attitude I received from this particular merchant, I'd bet another L$1000 that I'm not the first person this store has screwed over. In the real world, when a retailer screws over a customer in this manner, they'd probably get put on blast. EVERYBODY would hear about it. Everybody has the right to know if they're risking their money when dealing with dishonest retailers.

IM me the name;-)


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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know why the merchant would say to use the redelivery terminal in-world.

Last I checked, items purchased on the MARKETPLACE were on the marketplace server, not a store delivery server in world for in-world shops. If you purchased the item inworld and the items were on a delivery server, you could use the redelivery terminal and get them redelivered. But the Marketplace is separate. You can't use an in-world redelivery terminal to redelivery marketplace delivered products.

So it seems pretty idiotic the merchant would tell you to do that unless they didn't realize you purchased the item off the Marketplace and the delivery failed, not in-world.


I would keep pushing until you get your money back. LL won't do squat, they don't ~get involved~ in what they call "resident disputes", even if people use their platform to cheat and steal. So tell the person to give you your money back or the products you purchased, and that it was a Marketplace order that failed and in-world terminals won't work. The merchant should KNOW that but I digress.

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Ai Velde wrote:

I don't know why the merchant would say to use the redelivery terminal in-world.

Last I checked, items purchased on the MARKETPLACE were on the marketplace server, not a store delivery server in world for in-world shops. If you purchased the item inworld and the items were on a delivery server, you could use the redelivery terminal and get them redelivered. But the Marketplace is separate. You can't use an in-world redelivery terminal to redelivery marketplace delivered products.


You can if your inworld store vending system permits it

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Ai Velde wrote:

I don't know why the merchant would say to use the redelivery terminal in-world.

Last I checked, items purchased on the MARKETPLACE were on the marketplace server, not a store delivery server in world for in-world shops. If you purchased the item inworld and the items were on a delivery server, you could use the redelivery terminal and get them redelivered. But the Marketplace is separate. You can't use an in-world redelivery terminal to redelivery marketplace delivered products.

So it seems pretty idiotic the merchant would tell you to do that unless they didn't realize you purchased the item off the Marketplace and the delivery failed, not in-world.


I would keep pushing until you get your money back. LL won't do squat, they don't ~get involved~ in what they call "resident disputes", even if people use their platform to cheat and steal. So tell the person to give you your money back or the products you purchased, and that it was a Marketplace order that failed and in-world terminals won't work. The merchant should KNOW that but I digress.


Technically the MP is responsible for delivering items ordered online, although lately that has been fobbed off on merchants. Of course, most merchants have no problem redelivering no transfer items -- the customer has after all paid for the use of an unlimited number of copies. But that does not mean that the MP does not have responsibility to make the delivery -- that's part of what our commissions are for. Otherwise, disable purchasing, as I have been advising right here in this forum. Just shut it down and make it a way to find thing but forget about buying and having things delivered.

Yes, a reasonable merchant will redeliver no trans items with no questions asked but the MP should also respond to a ticket -- regardless of what the merchant does, the MP has contracted to handle deliveries and they should do it.

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