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Project Valhalla: CEF - Media on a Prim and in-Viewer Browser Overhaul

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

After being logged in a while on Valhalla, I now have 29 llceflib_host.exe processes running.

Is that normal?

Valhalla isn't my project so take this with a grain of salt...  CEF adds additional processes as part of its isolation and sandboxing strategy.  But 29 may be more than expected.  Worth a Jira in case a limit isn't having effect...


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  • 2 weeks later...

Not sure if it's too late to give feedback, I didn't notice this thread or the new project until yesterday. Sorry.


This is a great project that can add a lot of value to Second Life. :)

But there is one huge problem, there seems to be no way to limit the range of the media. I made a player running a YouTube video on a sound proofed parcel and I could still hear it when I moved off that parcel. In fact, I had to move two whole sims away to make it stop!

This is something that has to be adressed, not only because it's a very good griefer tool as it is now but also because the range makes it unsuitable as a parcel media player (and we really need something better than the old parcel media function there) and for several other purposes too. I think it's essential for the new media player to have both a function to limit the range in meters and limit it to a single parcel.


Btw, I didn't check the scripting options for the new media player but I assume it is possible to disable the default popup control bar and operate the player entirely by custom buttons from a HUD or inworld object. That's rather essential too.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Thats fixed upstream already,

That's good to hear. It doesn't say anything about limiting the sound to a parcel though. That is a serious problem with the current media player and the reason why we still have to use the antiquated parcel media function with channel changers that have to be deeded to group, sound that carries all the way to 4000 m height and all the other problems associated with it.

Also, there's no mention of adjsutable range. That's not essential but it would be a really great function to have. Sometimes you need to spread the sound wide, if it's a big class or event for example - maybe so big you have to spread the audience across several sims even. On other occasions you will need to limit the range.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Those are new feature requests though, not bugs with CEF. 

It's worth filing a  feature request
. Now is the best time to do it while it's still a project viewer.

But I swore never ever to file a JIRA again!!!

Oh well, it's done. Had to file it under the Bug Project since there is no separata Valhalla Project at the JIRA but I hope it gets to the right people anyway.

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Whirly Fizzle wrote:

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Anyway, the reason why I swore not to file more JIRAs was partly that nobody was paying me to teach Basic Practical Mesh Building for Beginners to the Lindens but mostly since the whole system at that time seemed to be so overloaded it was unable to function efficiently.

But I suppose they've learned their lesson now (if not there'll be trouble - *their* trouble - next time we meet!) and they seem to have finally found a way to handle new JIRAs efficiently rather than let them drown in the Ocean of Past Sins. If I'm to be absolutely honest, one or two of my other alts may have filed a JIRA or two recently (and btw, I'm not responsible for my alts' actions, they're responsible for mine!) and if they have, they've been processed with no problems at all.


I forgot one part of your previous post:

Whirly Fizzle wrote:

Those are new feature requests though, not bugs with CEF. 

That is an intriguing statement and it raises two rather interesting questions: what is the purpose of Media on a Prim and what is the difference between a bug report and a feature request.

In this particular case I would say that if private home media players is one of the intended uses, omitting a parcel restriction feature is a bug - it seriously reduces the feature's intended functionality.

If private media player is not one of MOP's intended uses, it's a feature request - a suggestion how its use can be expanded beyond the original intention.

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  • 1 month later...

I'm VERY interested in this, it works surprisingly well, especially on the things I didn't expect it to (construct games work! woo!) the frame rate is a little slower thant I would have liked (around 30fps), but I can't complain otherwise.


one thing I would really like: Is it possible we could allow certain colors to show as transparent on prims/meshes? I know people are going to say 'THIS WILL BE USED IN GRIEFING" but it would open up endless possibilities for creative things . for example, shooting galleries that could have targets on many layers, or floating holigrams that use html code to change the display like in star wars; none of which would cause server lag if used properly. if I were to have that, I could make multi-layered pinball tables that worked!


I wouldn't hold off the release of project valhalla if it didn't come out or anything, but if it was at all possible, I would love to see it!

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 months later...
  • 6 months later...

Is there a way to prevent browser redirects while using Media on a Prim?  I have certain URL's which I want to use, but they proceed to open a link in my regular brower.  I find that annoying.  You can disable browser redirects in Chrome and Firefox.  Is there a similar option in WebKit and Media on a Prim?


Maui Mike

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