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Secondlife 2


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Secondlife already launch for 10 years at least. The graphic cant compare with others game already.

That is nice we can create anything ourself, but i think is time Linden Lab need to come out another version and more interact. I see the graphic in GTA V is good, and i hope this years Linden Lab have that idea. Because SecondLife is a good game, but it might be beaten by others game, as long as others game have the same concept with the SecondLife.

Nowadays the graphic has increase to another level, i hope Linden Lab have some thought and can share it to use. 

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arios0927 wrote:

Secondlife already launch for 10 years at least. 

12 actually.

arios0927 wrote:

The graphic cant compare with others game already.

Seems others have already told you that Second Life isn't really a game, or at least it is not only a game. ;)

But the graphics can compare. Usually it doesn't but that's because of how we build here. It's a bit of a dilemma really. We want to let everybody build but we also want a professional looking end result. A new platformVersion isn't going to solve that.

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With the advent of mesh, in conjuction with incredible texture maps, and well-placed sculpts and prims (I know people give flexi-prims a lot of flak, but when used the right way, it can still be the better choice for a particular project--especially if you want to emphasize movement and flow, over form; there are really lovely mesh items that are coupled with flexi-prims that give a fantastic effect), I have found that the graphics of SL 1.0 can more than match the graphics of the latest MMORPGs I've seen put out. It's all a question of design skill, really.

In fact, my friend and I had been talking about SL 2.0, and we had no complaints about the graphics. Instead, they were related to the issue of the sea of abandoned land in certain Mainland regions, and my own pet peeve of being unable to have custom keyboard and mouse bindings (for example, I'd prefer to set mouse steering on the right mouse button, the ability to just click on an object to be set to something like CTR + left mouse button, and once clicked, bring up the menu with something like Alt + right mouse button; this way, the left mouse button can be dedicated to using weapons in combat sims, with the right mouse button available for steering the avatar, so I don't have to go into first-person view), more functions that can be customized with LSL (like, oh, having access to the right mouse button, just saying), etc. As far as the creation tools go, the only thing I could think of that would be nice to have, in addition to what's already there, would be the ability to either upload our own custom bone structures or, barring that, having some other preset bone structures to use for our meshes, such as a four-legged bone structure for animal avatars, etc. Other than that, we have most of what we need to make what we want. In fact, I'd rather that we keep the in-world building tool, especially the features such as flexi-prims, as well as the ability to import sculpts, as they allow us more choices in how to approach our creations. On the social front, I hope that Linden Labs ports over the Linden Realms idea. I think it's a better way to introduce people to the metaverse, as many are often confused when they first try it, thinking it's a game, so they never even give SL a chance, as many don't even know what to do, once they get past tutorial island. With Linden Realms, new arrivals have something to do that allows them to get to know SL and its functions, better, and as they do this, they're learning other ways in which they can enjoy SL, either socially or creatively.

So, yeah, for the most part, I don't see a lot wrong with SL, to be honest. Certainly, rebuilding its code from the ground up so that it can better adapt to changing technology, such as mobile devices and the occulus rift, is needed, but a lot of what's in place really works, often better than what new and upcoming virtual worlds have tried to give us (and I've tried quite a few, always coming back to SL).

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Kenbro Utu wrote:

KeeperS Karu wrote:

and my own pet peeve of being unable to have custom keyboard and mouse bindings

You can do this.  Just edit keys.xml in the app_settings folder. 

It's a workaround that I've been using, for a while, but having it part of the user-interface, along with a wider variety of things you can bind (such as what calls up the menu on an object, etx.) would be absolutely lovely. My bigges issue is mostly with binding the mouse buttons. I would prefer mouse steering to be controlled with the right mouse button, rather than holding down the left mouse button. That way, I can use weapons in third person mode. I absolutely hate the first person viewpoint. It's very disturbing and disorienting, for me. And, yes, I've tried all the tricks to widen my peripheral vision. None of it helps, for me. It never has. Combat in third person mode requires me to have access to mouse steering, though, which I don't have, because that's often the trigger button for the weapon. I've made a bit of a workaround for that, too, mostly in the sword script I've been playing around with. Again, it helps, but it would be nice to be able to actually do exactly what I want with my mouse and keyboard functions. It's a pet-peeve, as I said, and doesn't make it a deal-breaker for SL. It does keep me from participating in SL combat, though, until I get my weapons script set up, finally.

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We still don't know whether Project Sansar will be compatible with the existing SL grid.  LL say they would hope it to be, but not if it compromises the new virtual world platform.

If Sansar is to be a top-end platform requiring expensive new computers and very fast internet, and it turns out not to be compatible with the existing SL grid, then I think there will be scope for LL to also develop an SL 2 that would enhance experience of the existing grid.   Existing SL would then continue as the 'budget' brand, with Sansar as the luxury brand.


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Conifer Dada wrote:If Sansar is to be a top-end platform requiring expensive new computers and very fast internet, and it turns out not to be compatible with the existing SL grid...

There is a lot of information and speculations about Linden Lab's new virtual world service all over this forum and elsewhere and it's still difficult to see exactly where they are going but:

Sansar will be much heavier to run than Second Life. And Second Life is of course already much heavier to run than regular computer games. That is, it should be possible to create light weight, low lag environments on the new platform but the focus is clearly on high end users.

Linden Lab is talking about compensating for this by offering a game streaming service, similar to SL Go but It's not clear if such a service will be free. It's not an ideal solution anyway. Game streaming can never give high quality graphics. It doesn't matter how powerful the stream server is when all it can squeeze through the internet connection to you is a grainy, fairly low resolution video.

Content can not be transferred between Second Life and Sansar. That is confirmed, Of course, mesh is mesh, textures are textures and sound files are sound files. So any of those you have created yourself and have stored on your own computer you can upload both to SL and Sansar (and any other virtual reality) but that's all. And it won't work for wearables anyway. The avatar will be so different that nothing avi related - clothes, skins, animations - will be compatible.

Sansar is not a replacement for Second Life. Linden Lab is very clear about that. Sansar isn't going to be much like Second Life at all, it's more similar to game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine (although is seems LL has a concept that is a bit different from those too).

Linden Lab is not giving up Second Life. That's not just something they say, they prove it too. There have been more, better and more focused upgrades to Second Life after the new grid was announced than ever before. Whether it's too little and too late remains to be seen but we are moving in the right direction now and there are even some small indications that the decline rate may be beginning to slow down.


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