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Is there something wrong with me?

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

their employee was actually a crass, drunken, misogynist moron

You wouldn't be able to fire someone for that in Europe.

It might get you elected Prime Minister in the UK, though.

Or Head of State in quite a few other countries - even the USA.

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Good grief dude, another alias, this one slipped past.....  You still messing with Scylla, leave her alone!  I don't get out much anymore, never paid attention to 'this' author.  Do carry on, with your particular brand of  whateva whateva....  (was that grammatically correct?)  I stay in my lane.  And while you're at it, have a blessed and beautiful day!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Good grief dude, another alias, this one slipped past.....  
You still messing with Scylla, leave her alone!
 I don't get out much anymore, never paid attention to 'this' author.  Do carry on, with your particular brand of  whateva whateva....  (was that grammatically correct?)  I stay in my lane.  And while you're at it, have a blessed and beautiful day!  :matte-motes-big-grin:

Yeah!!! What she said!!! You leave me alone!






(Thanks Treasure, I've got this one covered . . . :smileywink: )

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

What is probably most amusing about this thread is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie, but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer.  

Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is.

We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people.

There's nothing else to see here . . . move along!

It was Friday when I started the thread . . .

. . . and there was no sign of a thread about a Canadian female reporter who got annoyed about sexist sports fans and got them fired.

Is there one now? Have I missed it?

In fact, your comment is a characteristic distortion of the facts. 
did nothing to get the one (1) fan fired. The company employing him, unhappy to discover that  their employee was actually a crass, drunken, misogynist moron, did that. 

I've not seen anything anywhere to suggest that Hunt even lodged a complaint about him. All she did was accommodate the evident desire of said moron for a national audience by airing the segment.

Rather obliging of her, I'd have said, wouldn't you?


It was foretold that you would arrive on Friday to cast your pearls before us.

Lamentably, it was not to be.

Nonetheless, the valiant and intrepid Derek, hereto banish'ed, wandering hither and yon, will be sad of heart to know that he missed your appearance this day.

Fear not!

For he shall return in a fortnight to take up his righteous sword that he may once more bring Light to the ignorant darkness.

PS To answer the OQ; Even in His imperfections is perfection found. To thine own Self be true and have faith His will be done.

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heraldprophet wrote:


It was foretold that you would arrive on Friday to cast your pearls before us.

Lamentably, it was not to be.

Nonetheless, the valiant and intrepid Derek, hereto banish'ed, wandering hither and yon, will be sad of heart to know that he missed your appearance this day.

Fear not!

For he shall return in a fortnight to take up his righteous sword that he may once more bring Light to the ignorant darkness.

PS To answer the OQ; Even in His imperfections is perfection found. To thine own Self be true and have faith His will be done.


You aren't really a very good prophet, are you?

I mean, you've got all of the "Woe is me!" and "Behold! A sign unto us!" stuff down just fine, but it seems to me that the essence of propheteering (so to speak), the real meat of it, is to successfully, well, prophecy stuff.

It's bad enough, surely, to arrive announcing after the fact that you had successfully prophesied something when no one else was listening. But to show up and reveal, in (you must admit) rather purple prose that you were wrong about something that no one even knew you'd predicted seems . . . um, unnecessary. And maybe bad form.

Is there a Prophet Union? Some sort of professional organization that sets standards? For your sake, I hope not.

I hope Derek is ok. I rather imagine him wandering around somewhere in mildly disembodied form, with hollow eyes and gaping mouth, and a visage that speaks of unnameable horror, pointing with shrivelled hand for all who pass at the SL Answers section. 

You know, sort of:

And all who heard should see them there,

And all should cry, Beware! Beware!

His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

But with a screenshot tucked under one arm.

Anyway, I'm not "Fearing" too much, but thanks for asking. :-)

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ZoeTick wrote:

Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

Based on your forum posts, I see no evidence of it.

You might have similar problems with the cosmological explanation of quantum entanglement . . .

. . . but it doesn't make it any less true.

Actually I don't have any problems with it.  Facinating stuff. 

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

heraldprophet wrote:


It was foretold that you would arrive on Friday to cast your pearls before us.

Lamentably, it was not to be.

Nonetheless, the valiant and intrepid Derek, hereto banish'ed, wandering hither and yon, will be sad of heart to know that he missed your appearance this day.

Fear not!

For he shall return in a fortnight to take up his righteous sword that he may once more bring Light to the ignorant darkness.

PS To answer the OQ; Even in His imperfections is perfection found. To thine own Self be true and have faith His will be done.


You aren't really a very 
prophet, are you?

I mean, you've got all of the "Woe is me!" and "Behold! A sign unto us!" stuff down just fine, but it seems to me that the essence of propheteering (so to speak), the real 
of it, is to successfully, well, prophecy stuff.

It's bad enough, surely, to arrive announcing after the fact that you had successfully prophesied something when no one else was listening. But to show up and reveal, in (you must admit) rather purple prose that you were wrong about something that no one even knew you'd predicted seems . . . um, unnecessary. And maybe bad form.

Is there a Prophet Union? Some sort of professional organization that sets standards? For your sake, I hope not.

I hope Derek is ok. I rather imagine him wandering around somewhere in mildly disembodied form, with hollow eyes and gaping mouth, and a visage that speaks of unnameable horror, pointing with shrivelled hand for all who pass at the SL Answers section. 

You know, sort of:

And all who heard should see them there,

And all should cry, Beware! Beware!

His flashing eyes, his floating hair!

But with a screenshot tucked under one arm.

Anyway, I'm not "Fearing" too much, but thanks for asking. :-)


Meh, you take a shot. You win some, you lose some.

There are those who did hear the word though, and you did appear, albeit a day later but a dollar short (evidence the lack of a Friday contribution), so in my defense I would call that 'close enough for rock 'n roll'.

Thankfully, there is no governing body to speak of, but a few of us get together now and then to play Circus Maximus. Does that count?

Ah, the valiant Derek was seen partaking of a cool summer drink at a patio bar t'other day, happily admiring female passersby in their summer frockery whilst penning self indulgent couplets. Something of a Victoria Day weekend tradition, weather permitting.

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Scylla Rhiadra wrote:

What is probably most amusing about this thread
is the way that nearly everyone, with the possible exception of Perrie,
but myself included, has treated it as a serious question requiring an answer.  

Rather than as the satiric and rather nasty insult addressed to pretty much all of us that it actually is.

We have been measured by the fastidious, the all-powerful Zoe, and found wanting, people.

There's nothing else to see here . . . move along!

OHRLY?  Granted I only posted once but sheesh.

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Earlier I posted that wearing an avatar that looked nothing like you in real life was a form of deceit. I realize that 'deceit' was too harsh a word - I should have used a word like 'costume' and I apologize.

I must confess I have a certain uneasiness about showing up in a virtual world in a young body when I am, in fact, an old woman, but I also like the fact that I can put together an avatar that perhaps reflects my 'beautiful soul'....this is a puzzle to me.

I remembered, vaguely, some quotes from George Bernard Shaw's "Don Juan in Hell" so I looked it up.



THE OLD WOMAN Do not ask me how old I was - as if I were a thing of the past. I am 77.

DON JUAN A ripe age, senora. But in hell old age is not tolerated. It is too real. Here we worship Love and Beauty. Our souls being entirely damned, we cultivate our hearts. As a lady of 77, you would not have a single acquaintance in hell.

THE OLD WOMAN How can I help my age, man?

DON JUAN You forget that you have left your age behind you in the realm of time. You are no more 77 than you are 7 or 17 or 27.


DON JUAN Consider, senora: was not this true even when you lived on earth? When you were 70, were you really older underneath your wrinkles and your grey hairs than when you were 30?

THE OLD WOMAN No, younger: at 30 I was a fool. But of what use is it to feel younger and look older?

DON JUAN You see, senora, the look was only an illusion. Your wrinkles lied, just as the plump smooth skin of many a stupid girl of 17, with heavy spirits and decrepit ideas, lies about her age. Well, here we have no bodies: we see each other as bodies only because we learnt to think about one another under that aspect when we were alive; and we still think in that way; knowing no other. But we can appear to one another at what age we choose. You have but to will any of your old looks back, and back they will come.

THE OLD WOMAN It cannot be true.


THE OLD WOMAN Seventeen!

DON JUAN Stop. Before you decide, I had better tell you that these things are a matter of fashion. Occasionally we have a rage for 17; but it does not last long. Just at present the fashionable age is 40 - or say 37; but there are signs of a change. If you were at all good-looking at 27, I should suggest your trying that, and setting a new fashion.

THE OLD WOMAN I do not believe a word you are saying. However, 27 be it. [Whisk! the old woman becomes a young one, magnificently attired, and so handsome that in the radiance into which her dull yellow halo has suddenly lightened one might almost mistake her for Ann Whitefield].

----------------end quote------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Syo Emerald wrote:

how long until you drop ZoeTick and start over again?

That, unfortunately, is not entirely up to me . . .

. . . but if you are bored with Zoe's intentionally fairly unremarkable style I can fashion something else, perhaps more Bombastick.

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Is possible he respects elders?  Virtual Ability recently concluded a class for seniors,  honestly, those were the coolest people ever.  Normally, I am rather an isolationist in SL, but these folks, I enjoyed immensely.  They caught on quickly to the tech stuff, and were the most interesting people ever, to just stand and chat with. 

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Vulpinus wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

Rufferto, PLEASE become a regular forumite.

I would prefer to be excoriated by you than to be damned by the faint praise of the less literate.

My word, have you found a friend at last?

Forum respect is a very different thing from friendship.

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Treasure Ballinger wrote:

Is possible he respects elders? 

I am an elder myself.

But I do not respect someone simply because they have managed to avoid disease, accidents and genetic disfavour for any arbitrary length of time.

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ZoeTick wrote:

Forum respect is a very different thing from friendship.

Re: your OP

My alt had written a quote from Confucius in his profile: "Have no friends not equal to yourself" 

People use the term friendship so loosely.  I don't - not in RL or SL.


For most of my SL I have considered you a friend -- one of the few, very very few.  I do not have the education standards you demand, but I try to post intelligently whether it be humor or opinion, and I know I fall short at times.  I also know we share some interests; reading and sports to name two, and there is more..  I've never met you in-world but I have my other few friends; and I adore and respect Venus, Cinnamon and Keli Kyrie, as you well know.   I share this same sentiment with you.  I learn from you, and I laugh with you.  I felt like I lost a friend when circumstance kept you from posting.

Make me laugh . . . tell me I ain't your friend.   



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DejaHo wrote:

ZoeTick wrote:

Forum respect is a very different thing from friendship.

Re: your OP

My alt had written a quote from Confucius in his profile: "Have no friends not equal to yourself" 

People use the term friendship so loosely.  I don't - not in RL or SL.


For most of my SL I have considered you a friend -- one of the few, very very few.  I do not have the education standards you demand, but I try to post intelligently whether it be humor or opinion, and I know I fall short at times.  I also know we share some interests; reading and sports to name two, and there is more.. 
I've never met you in-world but I have my other few friends;
and I adore and respect Venus, Cinnamon and Keli Kyrie, as you well know.   I share this same sentiment with you.  I learn from you, and I laugh with you.  I felt like I lost a friend when circumstance kept you from posting.

Make me laugh . . . tell me I ain't your friend.   


Zoe, being anodyne, doesn't have any friends.

Pep has lots.

Which may surprise, and dismay, his enemies.

Deja Storm, inter alia, will understand.

The rest of you might want to read William Gibson's "The Peripheral" to get an inkling.

Those of you that can read.

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