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Limit creators to two inworld creations per day.

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:


I see, you only want to limit creation for things that don't fit your personal preferences regardless of how they fit others preferences.


I am expressing my opinion, yes, as you are yours.  I really do not see a hardship in limiting original posts to two per day.  I love to write and there are many ways in which I can express myself in that way in addition to 'here'.


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I must admit, I find it amusing to see the forums being compared to the in world.   I have no dog in this race, so it's all the same to me. I can be here, there, or both.  Forum ranking means jack to me, because you can be a "member" and still type up drivel, while an "honored resident," can write poetry.  I judge by what I read, not a pretty title or a high number.

But I see that people are already abusing the ranking system, as predicted.  In fact, I think the only ones that didn't expect that are the Lindens who thought a ranking system was the AWESOMES!!1!   Right now, there are no real curbs for it, but the suggested are, "limits" or doing away with the ranking system. 

I'm cool with either.  A reasonable limit (not two threads per day, but maybe two threads a day counting towards ranking, but you can start as many as you like) could be healthy.  Unfortunately, LL is a bit... draconian in it's rules and very lax in it's enforcement/execution. 

*shrugs* There aren't really any good answers, except maybe just getting rid of ranking and let us all be equal.

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I doubt I'm going to read this whole thread, but I wanted t comment on Suspiria's OP & analogy.

"I see, so to you creation is not creation?

Is one kind of creation better than another?"...etc.


Valued creativity is about quality, more than quantity.  Any resisident can rez a hundred spinning boxes with textures on them, but that isn't really the same caliber of Creative Content as one realistic virtual pet.  Starting dozens of repetative, uninspiring threads is just the same type of quantity over quallity.


IMO, limiting new threads/day to perhaps 5 or 6 would be reasonable, though 2 per day might not be enough.


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Persephone Emerald wrote:

I doubt I'm going to read this whole thread, but I wanted t comment on Suspiria's OP & analogy.

"I see, so to you creation is not creation?

Is one kind of creation better than another?"...etc.



Ummmm, maybe you should read the whole thread. I never said "creation is not creation" nor did I ever say "Is one kind of creation better than another? etc...."

Can you point to the exact post(s) you read those statements?



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This discussion about creativity is pointless... did you see the forums? Filled with spam. Limiting threads will limit spam. When did this become about in-world creation? Why should it be about in-world creation? Makes no sense to compare these things as they do not relate to the problematic we face in the forum. What a pointless debate... is this the creativity you speak of? Well, bad news, this "creativity" is gonna get diluted in a sea of scam site spam. Unless threads are limited, or some coder improves the forum system. Guess which one is the more immediate solution? Unless, of course, you like spam. Maybe you don't want to limit spammer creativity aswell?

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Suspiria Finucane wrote:

I see, so to you creation is not creation?

Is one kind of creation better than another?

Suspiria Finucane wrote:

Ummmm, maybe you should read the whole thread. I never said "creation is not creation" nor did I ever say "Is one kind of creation better than another? etc...."



Was the first statement - "creation is not creation" - seperated from the question? Yes. But it's a direct quote, regardless.

Did you NOT say "Is one kind of creation better than another?" It, too, was a question posed to another, but it does seem to be a direct quote NOT taken out of context.



Suspiria Finucane wrote:

 Can you point to the exact post(s) you read those statements?


You asked, I pointed.

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If nothing else, I could see LL wanting to limit posts so that people would spend more time inworld, which is sort of the whole point here?

That would be the most logical reason for such a policy (another "policy proposal", I expect, which only exists in the minds of people who are not LL policymakers, just rumormongers).

I doubt it has much to do with stifling creativity. That's what The Grid is supposed to be for.

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Astolat Dufaux wrote:<snip>

That would be the most logical reason for such a policy (another "policy proposal", I expect, which only exists in the minds of people who are not LL policymakers, just rumormongers).

I doubt it has much to do with stifling creativity. That's what The Grid is supposed to be for.


Actually there's no 'proposal' at all - this has merely evolved from discussions elsewhere about possible ways to limit spamming, and also about the theory that some people are starting lots of seemingly 'spurious' threads in an effort to 'game' the rank system.

This thread just brought that 'discussion' to another fantasy level is all - in my opinion. :smileyindifferent:

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Proposal was probably the wrong word, I apologize .I should have stuck with rumormongering.


I bit my tongue and refrained from suggesting that people might be starting threads like this just to stir things up. I probably just should have stuck to what I do best -- which is stay out of the forums. :smileysad:

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Astolat Dufaux wrote:

Proposal was probably the wrong word, I apologize .I should have stuck with rumormongering. 

I bit my tongue and refrained from suggesting that people might be starting threads like this just to stir things up. I probably just should have stuck to what I do best -- which is stay out of the forums. :smileysad:


Ahhh don't stay away - we need all the people we can get who aren't afraid to speak their minds (but not while swearing or bleeping). :smileyindifferent:

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 Interesting point Astolat, some people do seem to literally dwell in the forum at times and perhaps they do need to go in world to smell the roses abit more. I see no problem with limits to posts(should be higher then two I think), then possibly there would be less rank seeking(pointless and kind of adolescent in my opinion) and more actually meaningful discussions and actual problem solving...but then again some forum dwellers would rather have more opportunities to post  videos and pictures...to each their own I guess.




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Mmmm it is intressting to read the Op i do not get it totally here i might missed few postings on limiting as such.

Thing is there few funny things that i observe as contentcreator/ longtime resident of that amazing world we call second life.


1 Most ppl lack creativity

2 The rather buy the nice templated stuff and pretend the are creative (sort of a imposter to me) do not get me wrong good for the sculptors who sell builderskit (im one of those) 

If come and think of it, there not so many in MY eyes (yah i could be blind) that are remotely capable of making something decent to begin with. I mean checkout mainland (im a small estate aswell) when i look there how much CRAP there is rezzed out. And i do mean really pink hugeprim buildings that make you vomit even looking at it let alone live in.  Or builds that are " prim" saving that look like complete *BEEP* to me...


No offence, i do not mind the limiting of creations if it comes to that lol.

But i also totally agree with the OP, there should not be any limitations on that area at all. I mean was that not what made SL so intressting to begin with ? The freedom we all have, the ability to rezz a cube and halfhour later you pooped out a entire mansion that gies you even a few dimes for the trouble here on marketplace.

No personal opinion (mind you is mine in this post) no need to agree on it. Should make any difference in that or that of LL.

Now i could be way off topic here because seems little bit vague the OP but yah its my opinion about our fine world. Have fun ..:smileywink:


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Yeah, I think you may have missed the point, the Op has a way of sometimes being purposefully obtuse in order to further her own agenda, quite creatively I might add.

Though I believe creating threads, and even posts within a thread, can be a creative process, I don't believe it can be compared to creating content inworld. Which makes it a disingenuous argument from the start.

I, myself, have never felt the need to start more than one thread every now and then, making it a non issue for me. Though, I wouldn't even know how to game the system if I wanted to, nor do I care about anyone's rank, especially my own.

The way I see it, let people game the ranking system if they want. To the people who know how that's done it will probably be pretty obvious that that's what they're doing, to the rest of us it shouldn't make a bit of difference. I know I couldn't care less

The spam issue is a different story. I'm for any idea being brought forth on limiting people's ability to spam the forum. That's why I suggest, if anyone honestly thinks new thread limits would help, add it to the CTUG agenda, let's discuss it there and see what Amanda and her crew have to say about it.

Until we get feedback from them, we won't know if this is really an issue for which we should even be concerned.

Also, I'd like to briefly go a bit off topic to say that I disagree with what you said here:


muziekfreak1980 Miles wrote:

2 The rather buy the nice templated stuff and pretend the are creative (sort of a imposter to me) do not get me wrong good for the sculptors who sell builderskit (im one of those) 

People buying sculpt maps and textures and using them in creative ways are in fact being creative, not just pretending. The fact that they lack the skill or talent to create these from scratch does not take away from the fact that it does takes a certain amount of creativity to be able to put them together and create something unique, useful or simply beautiful.




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[People buying sculpt maps and textures and using them in creative ways are in fact being creative, not just pretending. The fact that they lack the skill or talent to create these from scratch does not take away from the fact that it does takes a certain amount of creativity to be able to put them together and create something unique, useful or simply beautiful.]

VERY true. As much as people like my sculpted building components, I really do not have great ideas about how to use them, and I'm almost always surprised by how well they are used, and in ways I wouldn't have imagined. If I had to install them personally in order to sell them, I'd probably just quit the whole operation.

Anyone who uses imagination to make something more useful is creative, and we should not fail to recognize this.

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