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Abbott Airport query

CaptainJack Grauman

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Hi, when you see one of the robot planes on the runway, go ahead and sit on it, . You have to act fast, they don't wait around :)

It will be a really, really good idea to remove as many HUDs and other attachments as you can before takeoff. This will improve your odds of making it to other regions without a stuck or crashed login.

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Persephone Emerald wrote:

Btw, I think this thread should be in the Destinations section.

It should, but apparently "off topic" only matters if someone thinks the thread is disruptive too. That is a shame, because the forum search will become less and less useful over time.

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CaptainJack Grauman wrote:

Once I was on the runway level at Abbott , and, before the runway fully rezzed up, I saw below it a seaplane floating on the water below. How can I reach that seaplane when the airfield is fully rezzed up?



If you are at the runway level, you'll see a large hanger at the beginning of runway 9. To the right of that (facing North, i.e., while standing on the runway facing the hanger) will be two jet liners and a fire truck. Behind the fire truck is an elevator. Click the elevator to stand on it. A dialog box will appear. Click the Next or Prev button as-needed to select the Submarine Dock location. Click the START! button and you'll be taken down to the water level.

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  • 1 month later...


Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Persephone Emerald wrote:

Btw, I think this thread should be in the Destinations section.

It should, but apparently "off topic" only matters if someone thinks the thread is disruptive too. That is a shame, because the forum search will become less and less useful over time.

Abbotts Airport is located on the mainland. It is relevant on this thread.


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I think it's great that some special residents get to make autopiloted vehicles that fly around sims and help advertise their businesses, on Linden highways or other people's sims.

What steps can you take so that we can all enjoy this privilege? I want air balloons to fly around with my logo and pick up people and take them to my rentals.



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Blondin Linden wrote:


Cerise Sorbet wrote:

Persephone Emerald wrote:

Btw, I think this thread should be in the Destinations section.

It should, but apparently "off topic" only matters if someone thinks the thread is disruptive too. That is a shame, because the forum search will become less and less useful over time.

Abbotts Airport is located on the mainland. It is relevant on this thread.


It was in community feedback at the time, and it took a month and a half for the thread to be relocated.


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To "enjoy this privilege", you simply acquire or build a vehicle that can pilot itself. Some are available in the marketplace, for example, usuall described as "autopiloting", "A.I.", "automated tours", etc, but that would vary by maker. If you are actually serious about implementing this, the rule of thumb is to be respectful of sim resources and limit the numbers of vehicles to a small number, unlike the notorious "scourgemobiles".

My aircraft don't fly around and pick up people and take them back to my land, as you imply. In fact, you're unlikely to ever see them outside of Abbotts. They are temp-on-rez and vanish on their own unless someone boards them when they take off FROM ABBOTTS. As well, they do not advertise in any way, and since you seem to be considering trying that, I would strongly advise against it.

So, to sum up, ANY resident can set up automated flights, but try to be respectful. Don't advertise; don't over-use sim resources. If you set them up, do it as a service to SL, and not for self-promotion, as you seem to want.

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  • 4 weeks later...

For those who write about what they don't know because they enjoy their own drivel: There's no crime in someone riding a plane across mainland as long as they don't invade someone's privacy and ride through their living rooms. There's a big difference between that and an unmanned vehicle hoarding protected routes and pummeling people with sales every few minutes.

Bless Cubey Terra for offering several types of rides and no solicits during a ride and a vehicle which derezzes shortly after takeoff if it is not boarded. He doesn't have to hit anybody on the head with hardsell just because they want to ride a plane to Nova Albion or Bay City. It helps to have most of a sim width for a runway. This gives residents time to catch the plane while leave very little of it around after take-off.

Likewise when I've ridden them in the past to Nova Albion, I'd often bail out with a parachute; the plane would immediately derez without a passenger.

Builders exercising ethical practices and consideration to the rest of SL residents do wonders for the morale of of Second Life and deserve more business IMHO. Let Cubey's reputation speak for itself.

Captain Jack, until recently they didn't go to the Northern Continent (which refers to Heterocera Atoll), but with the new route going west to Bay City, if you stay on the plane through Hau Koda it will continue and take the Northern Passage to leave you at Calleta.  Or so I've heard. I want to try it since my own boating and hoverboarding haven't worked out with some of those crossings.


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