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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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Hugs Lia! 

My dad is up and down. They are moving him today out of the hospital and into an extended care rehabilitation facility.  There are still some conerning issues that we're keeping a very close watch on, but he is in better spirits mentally, which is very good all things considered. 

If anyone wants to see pictures of the car from when we went and cleaned it out Friday, here is a link http://s1106.photobucket.com/albums/h367/LillieWoodells/Wreck/  I won't post the actual pictures on here, just a link so you can go look if you like.  We're very very very lucky.  That is all I can say. 


Love to you all!!



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DQ Darwin wrote:

@Storm; Between Vancouver going home after the second period and Lundqvist doing a great job in the net, the Rangers deserved that one. I'm  just glad there was no riot, lol


Is that the game where a bunch of big men dress up in silly costumes, knock a piece of plastic around for a while, then start hitting each other?

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Lia Abbot wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

@Storm; Between Vancouver going home after the second period and Lundqvist doing a great job in the net, the Rangers deserved that one. I'm  just glad there was no riot, lol


Is that the game where a bunch of big men dress up in silly costumes, knock a piece of plastic around for a while, then start hitting each other?

That sounds like my uncles playing checkers.

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@Lia: Yep that's the one Lia the sport has done wonders for dentistry, chiropractors and sports medicine as a whole.:)

@Maddy: Okay I really lol on that one thanks, still smiling:)

 ETA for the quote

Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Lia Abbot wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

@Storm; Between Vancouver going home after the second period and Lundqvist doing a great job in the net, the Rangers deserved that one. I'm  just glad there was no riot, lol


Is that the game where a bunch of big men dress up in silly costumes, knock a piece of plastic around for a while, then start hitting each other?

That sounds like my uncles playing checkers.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

Lia Abbot wrote:

DQ Darwin wrote:

@Storm; Between Vancouver going home after the second period and Lundqvist doing a great job in the net, the Rangers deserved that one. I'm  just glad there was no riot, lol


Is that the game where a bunch of big men dress up in silly costumes, knock a piece of plastic around for a while, then start hitting each other?

That sounds like my uncles playing checkers.

Outstanding. :matte-motes-bored:

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Thank you Val, great big hugs for you!   Thank you for breakfast, I've been a bit busy to "cook" for everyone.  I love your pictures Val!
@Wildcat, thank you for sharing the music!  *sets out a great big tuna steak for you*

@everyone, thank you for your kind thoughts regarding my dad.  It is very much appreciated. 

Hugs to everyone! 

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Wildcat Furse wrote:

goodmorning all, oh I see breakfast is ready .... yummy .... /me jumps on the table :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: *meows*

PS. a good song I heard today on the radio while I was stuck in a TRAFFIC JAM!!!!!!

PS2. now I really need to dance ......WOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT

Good morning Wildcat!  Great tune!



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