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Where are all my friends? Come on in and lets get comfy by the fire!

Hippie Bowman

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thankies Lillie!!!!! :matte-motes-kiss: *meows*

PS. @everyone ->my wednesday song selection, perfect track to chill out after a long stressy day at work ......!!!!

All that you are
all that you are,
all that you have,
all that you give


You hear me ravin'
you hear me ravin'
ravin', ravin'

you see me cryin'
I'm grieving from my hat down to my shoes


All that you are
all that you are,
all that you have,
all that you give

all that you give.....

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Hi Ladysue! It's a banner day for this thread :-). Hi everyone!

I know there are a lot of cat lovers here (even a cat who IS a lover :smileywink:). A couple weeks ago I saw this poster on a bulletin board and it kind of made me go 'Awww'. The last time I looked the poster wasn't there. I don't know whether Stinky was found or not, but it was obvious from the poster that Stinky is a much-loved kitty. I couldn't resist taking a picture.



So think good thoughts for Stinky, and if you're in Monterey County keep an eye open.

Hugs all around :-). I guess if people don't stop by the fire often enough they don't get a spot in the nursery :smileysad:




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Hey Dil,  Wildcat Hugs. Love the tune Wildcat:)

Dil, Val has the nursery in the workshop expanding and adding pandas. She might have snuck out for some sleep, but I am sure there will e more in the pic tomrrow.

I was looking for you too, poor stinky:(

Hugs Maddy, how are the Dave's:)

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DQ Darwin wrote:

how are the Dave's:)

They're doing well, Dave #9 got a part in a movie. Top billing went to the shark because she was willing to sleep with Lorenzo Llamas.

Dave 9.jpg


Dave #11 has taken up residence in a Japanese city park where he's been eating hapless children.

Dave 11.jpg


Dave #3 still lives in my basement, playing SL all day. He only comes up to empty the pantry and complain about my cooking.



How are you, Dee?!


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Maddy that's just lovely. Isn't it great when things come together:)

BTW I had heard that about sharks, they tend to be a bit sluty (watch at al the letters we get now). Also heard this " Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear,  And it shows them pearly white". They even wrote a song /snaps fingers and rocks in her chair - wooot

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Dillon Levenque wrote:

Hi Ladysue! It's a banner day for this thread :-). Hi everyone!

I know there are a lot of cat lovers here (even a cat who IS a lover :smileywink:). A couple weeks ago I saw this poster on a bulletin board and it kind of made me go 'Awww'. The last time I looked the poster wasn't there. I don't know whether Stinky was found or not, but it was obvious from the poster that Stinky is a much-loved kitty. I couldn't resist taking a picture.




So think good thoughts for Stinky, and if you're in Monterey County keep an eye open.

Hugs all around :-). I guess if people don't stop by the fire often enough they don't get a spot in the nursery :smileysad:



 Aww, let's hope he gets found. I hate it when I see posters like that. We've just inherited another one. He hung around our deck until, in the end, we let him in. I'm turning into Simpsons cat lady!


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