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Pretty please?

Dusk Footpad

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Pretty Please, most of us in ungren suffer already from users who use alternet accounts that are created specificly just to use graphics crashers and crash people who are hanging out in ungren. Many of us cant do anything about this. There is even one who uses my name "losangelesgraf"

from my understanding this was done because a linden saw some one using a partical spamer with the image of a weinner. Even with the scripts disabled these users are still able to use their partical spammers.

There are many of us who have made a routine of standing around in ungren and chatting with each other. to be honest ungren regulars are very nice compaired to the other safe hubs.


i just think the regulars at ungren shouldnt suffer for these greifers who dont even hang out at ungren. its most likly the person who was caught doing the partical spam was from aother safe hub and cause of him now we all are suffering. so in a way this attack on ungren caused even more damage then they intended and im sure they are pleased and may find it hilarious.

so for all the locals in ungren that come just to see their friends and chat or meet new players pretty please with a cherry on top can scripts be enabled.

(and if any lindens come by ungren i would like to take a picture with you for my stream ^_^)

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They are here...the Lindens...watching us wallow in agony. How could they be so cruel to deprive us of that which is so vital to the function of items we have poured our hearts and souls into.

Headsitters and group dancers...fart walkers and wheelchairs with police sirens...my blow-up doll with custom animations...all that creativity and expression...lost.

No, my forum friends, they are here. Watching. Laughing. Twisting the knife as our bubble machines gather dust.

A lone tumbleweed rolls gently across the once colorful landscape that was once Ungren...

Alas, no...it just sits there...for the scripts to make it tumble no longer work.



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No, they are not watching. 


Maybe it suprises you, but even the Lindens have a life and of course work to do...and they are not part of the forums, at least not those you want to reach to discuss the allowing of scripts on Ungren.

But if reading, understanding and writing a ticket is too much of a hassle for you or your group, then I guess a public spot like Ungren isn't that important. And I have to be honest, I never understood why people stayed at a place that looks like an invitation to all kinds of weirdos and griefers of various kinds.

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Syo, I refuse to give up hope...I refuse to stop reaching out. Deep inside my heart I desperately hope that they will hear our pleas for mercy and forgiveness.

While I understand that the complexities of the emotional satisfaction we gain may elude some, as well as a few others, the depth of emotion and sheer joy the scripted objects bring is simply too important to not fight for.

But please...do not think that we do not appreciate the individuals with thousands of forum posts taking time out of their busy schedule to offer up some insightful advice, indeed it is most welcome. It is comforting knowing that there are so many wise and helpful individuals out there, just waiting to help those in need.

To you and those like you, I raise a toast. Please...please keep the wisdom flowing.

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Judging by the first 2 posts, it sounds like you don't deserve scripts back on. In your post you promised to be good from now on, which imples that you were not good before scripts were turned off. The same inference can be assumed from the 2nd post. That being the case, I hope you don't succeed.

Incidentally, you don't need scripts on to just hang out and chat, which is what one of you said is all you want to do.

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I really really doubt very much that the Lindens will turn on scripts again in Ungren. I used to love to go and watch you all "grief"/have fun with each other, but maybe LL just got fed up with acting like baby sitters, or the tit for tat fun just got a bit too violent o.O .

Best to get your playmates together and invest in a playground of your very own where you can blast each other into a million pieces without alienating the newbies and unsuspecting.

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Phil, how could you be so heartless? What of forgiveness...what of second chances? While I appreciate the incredibly clever manner in which you divulged our spotty past, for yes a few of us may have sinned, your hope that we fail in our endeavor to make a beloved region whole once more chilled me to the core. Haven't you read the desperate pleas posted by tortured souls in this thread? Search deep inside yourself and try to find that dormant sliver of compassion.


Join us Phil, embrace us and let the warmth of our friendship melt that icy armor surrounding your heart.


Everyone deserves a second chance, maybe even a third or fourth.


For Ungren. For the Scripts.


PS All of us stand in awe of Dentistic's crowd dives.





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Dusk Footpad wrote:

Phil, how could you be so heartless? What of forgiveness...what of second chances? While I appreciate the
clever manner in which you divulged our spotty past, for yes a few of us may have sinned, your hope that we fail in our endeavor to make a beloved region whole once more chilled me to the core. Haven't you read the desperate pleas posted by tortured souls in this thread? Search deep inside yourself and try to find that dormant sliver of compassion.


Join us Phil, embrace us and let the warmth of our friendship melt that icy armor surrounding your heart.


Everyone deserves a second chance, maybe even a third or fourth.


For Ungren. For the Scripts.


PS All of us stand in awe of Dentistic's crowd dives.





How many 'second chances' do you think you should get?

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First, I must once again thank you all for your continued support in this matter. The YouTube videos are very heartwarming and mayhap will succeed where words might fail.

Pierre, such great conundrums are best left for more impressive intellects to ponder over. However, if pressed into answering how many times do I think a person deserves forgiveness, I would answer only this...

“Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.”
                                                            -Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Karen the song were lovely, but please see that in the future any videos dedicated to our cause are secular in nature. We would like our movment to include people from all walks of life. We don't want to alienate anyone. That being said, if you have any connections with the jolly fellow, perhaps you could include us in a post script?

Stay the course. Make Ungren whole again.

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Dusk Footpad wrote:

Phil, how could you be so heartless? What of forgiveness...what of second chances? While I appreciate the
clever manner in which you divulged our spotty past, for yes a few of us may have sinned, your hope that we fail in our endeavor to make a beloved region whole once more chilled me to the core. Haven't you read the desperate pleas posted by tortured souls in this thread?
Search deep inside yourself and try to find that dormant sliver of compassion. 

I searched. I really did. So deep that I found things there that I'd never been aware of. Scary. And so wide that I got lost and was lucky to eventually find my way back. But, sadly, I never saw that sliver of compassion for your situation. Sorry. Some thing just ain't meant to be.

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