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Hi all...

I bought a small rezzing platform, the info said this

The platform has a small crate to sit on so griefers can't shoot you into oblivion.

Umm, what am I to underatand from that? How can griefers do that? I heared that sittig on a prim can prevent you from getting hurt. Is that the same in a safe Sim?

Just...worried... :)



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Many SL viewers offer the option to “Sit on the ground”, even if there’s no visible prim on which to sit; some also offer a sort of “movelock” which achieves essentially the same but without even having to “sit”. Any of these allow you to protect your avatar from such griefing everywhere, without needing to carry, rez, or remain at any platform.

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SweetLadyMell wrote:

The platform has a small crate to sit on so griefers can't shoot you into oblivion.

Hi Mell,

If it's a milk crate, watch out!!!...


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Thank you all for these encouraging and helpfull reactions. And I did find out that there are regions where you CAN die but these are marked inthe viewer wirh a red heart (at least...in mine, I use Sungularity) :)



@ Madelaine - ooo, okaydee, I'll watch out :)

@ Medhue - reggae helps..always, Marley is king :)

@ Ren - so, sitting helps, well, I'll sit a lot then hehe

@ Amethyst - well, home building then, hehe

@ Prierre - was that the one with 'the late' Robbin Williams?

@ Bobbi - that caging seems somewhat severe, if that happens, I'll log off and log back on straight in my home...

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Griefers are perhaps one of the worse type of users on SL. They make it their job to make sure your Second Life expirence is a living hell for their pleasure. But No worries! Their are ways to defeat a Griefer and hold your ground with Sandboxes, rezzing platforms etc. Without the need of rushing to a small crate to sit on. >.>;

1. Get a decent Movelock.  Movelocks are great, and whenever I am in a sandbox to test out an item or fiddle around, I make sure this is equipped. Why? Because when a griefer tries to fling me into the air, my avatar does not move. BUT their are some griefer items that can fudge you up a bit, but the Movelock makes it less sucky. You can get a Movelock for free from a buddy. C:


2. See if you can right click the item that the griefer is using on you, and send the item to your Black List. This will immediatly make the item disappear at once so you can continue what you are doing until the griefer tries to throw something else at you.


3. Report this user and block him or her. 



To escape the pressure of a griefer I pretty much have the following items: Movelock, Car Gun, My own quick fingers, and a Spirit Bomb if the sim is rather empty. 

Do not fear this Griefer. YES the mofo will be annoying. YES he or she will make you think that your viewer is messing up. BUT all in all, remember it is just a jerk face and he or she can be over come. C: Push comes to shove, just leave and come back later. <3

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