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Phil Deakins

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Useful and smart information - hardly the first time this has happened either. CSS3 took a long time, people got eager to pick a workable spec. Thanks, will use to improve future accuracy. :)

Hopefully these mistakes in Trident rendering can be corrected.

Thanks too to Coby for the expansion of 'default'. Words.

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i think whenever Microsoft do make a fully compliant HTML5 IE it will still also have all their IE6 and before hacks in it as well. Just so that their enterprise customers (inhouse Sharepoint intranets still mostly these days) content will still continue to work (not break)

Microsoft will most likely encourage these customers to make new content using HTML5. Just mark the hacky stuff as deprecated and advise that they not be used by devs going forward. Is how they have always done it in the past and not likely to change from that way


just a other thing about Microsoft

IE browser itself is just a small part of their rendering. Their render engine is all integrated in just about everything they offer since 2012. Visual Studio and Office and the whole Metro/Mod UI app system for example. Just the Azure/Outlook (MS Dynamics) rendering is a huge system all by itself

so is a big ecosystem for them to consider as well. Unlike say Google and Mosaic and Firefox, etc. Where the browser is it. And they dont have all these other existing systems in place (which also use the rendering engine) to also maintain and support


is good tho that is finally a formal HTML5 standard now

i think as well that most of the people who got involved in Whatwg at the start just did bc they got frustrated with how slow standards processes can be. Slow mostly bc Microsoft was the one dragging the chain. Dragging it bc they werent going to be rushed into anything. bc for them (Microsoft) is not just only about individuals surfing the web looking at/for/buy stuff (retail)

some people from Whatwg probably argue that Microsoft did it deliberately. Like slowed it all up so they could get 2012/13/14 version apps and Win8 out the door before agree to HTML5 standard

Microsoft executive most likely go: I am offend. That anyone would think such things of us. Whatever is the world coming to these days. Cant trust anyone to think nice things of you anymore. Is terrible !!! (:

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irihapeti wrote:

some people from Whatwg probably argue that Microsoft did it deliberately. Like slowed it all up so they could get 2012/13/14 version apps and Win8 out the door before agree to HTML5 standard

Microsoft executive most likely go: I am offend. That anyone would think such things of us. Whatever is the world coming to these days. Cant trust anyone to think nice things of you anymore. Is terrible !!! (:

I've a few colleagues who share my theory that, if Microsoft had never existed, we'd be a decade further into the future of computing than we are now.

I have an ex-husband who, if he weren't such a sweetie, would theorize that he'd be ten years further into the future of his family life if I'd never existed.

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Madelaine McMasters wrote:

I've a few colleagues who share my theory that, if Microsoft had never existed, we'd be a decade further into the future of computing than we are now.


is the same with LL. Just think how far 3D worlds would have advanced without LL Corporate dragging the chain on everything all the time since forever

like for example Philip R would have already uploaded his brains into his virtual avatar self already most likely

jejeje (:


ps. I just add on a fyi for people interested in browser rendering engines


about 20 months ago Ener Hax ask if people could do the Fishbowl HTML5 animation test on their browsers and OS. Is here: http://iliveisl.com/use-fish-to-test-your-hardware-graphics/

is a HTML5 gfx speed rendering test. the Fishbowl

i had Win8/IE10 so I had a go and report on there how it went back then. Others report as well on how Chrome, Firefox, etc went


i just now test the IE11 to see how it compares to IE10 that I posted back then. I have same hardware now as then. 8.1 now instead of 8.0 only change

at 60FPS then IE11 desktop gets 2970 fish. IE11 metro gets 3575

IE10 was 2710 and 2980 back then. So IE11 metro about 20% faster than IE10 metro

i test also the latest Chrome 38.0.2125.122 m just out of interest.  2150 fish. So seems Google got some work to do if they still going to claim they have the fastest browser going into the HTML5 future. At least on the Windows platform. Dunno how well Chrome goes on Linux. Might be faster than 2150. dunno


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ps more. just bc I got nothing else better to do right now (:

is a parallel between Microsoft and LL like I mention before. A few years back LL like Microsoft took their eyes off the ball. Some staff parked up under the banana tree resting up in the shade thinking they untouchable. Other staff off in the jungle somewhere hunting the golden pineapple. The one with Jesus powers. Like the loaves and fishes. Can feed the millions with a single golden pineapple apparently (:


then Rodvik Linden came to SL. And he say to his disciples get up and get back to work. Here is the ball. Is called the viewer and server. I want it working. Now. So they go ok boss and go back to work. bc what was the actual case then was the staff was actual all in the grandstand corporate box slurping up pina colladas watching others (TPVs) playing soccer with the ball

Oz Linden then said something after the LL devcrew went back out on the park and back in the game. He said: "Watch our dust". Was heaps SL people start sniggering at that at the time

the serious devs on the TPVs they never snigger tho. They know whats coming. They know that when a devcrew like LL get the word then they are not slouches. The LL crew can outdev any other 3D world devcrew ever. And they back themselves to do this. They got a t-shirt even which exactly says this. When it comes to 3D worlds we are the best that ever was. ever now. and ever will be. Is true this and has been true for over 10 years now


whats happened bc LL dev crew is back on the park and in the game, is that some of the TPVs are really struggling now to even keep the dust cloud in sight. Oz Linden is now having to slow down his LL devcrew pace so that those TPVs can keep up

Is quite admirable that I think. Like Oz Linden suck up all the sniggers. And even in the end put his hand up to be the one to take SL into the future. Knowing that SL2 is coming

I sometimes think some of the SL devcrew have a cunning secret plan. To kick SL2 devcrew butts off the planet. Dunno if is true this. But knowing a little bit about how devcrews think then at least one or two of the juniors be thinking these kinda ebil thoughts anyways (:

the parellel is same with Microsoft devcrew. They are on the job again now. Focussed. The browser render speeds I mention before yes. Like the SL TPVs, the other browser makers need to lift their game. Or they be toast on the Windows platform

when devcrews like LL and MS do have the resources like they have, a focussed management team, and do get their heads in it, then they pretty hard to beat at their own game. Devving


also as well

ever so slowly more and more TPV devs are moving over to submitting stuff direct to LL as code contributions. Sure they still maintain their TPVs but what they finding is that when they do have something good to offer then Oz Linden is pretty good about putting the contribs in

is pretty admirable that as well I think

if anyone do remember the contrib difficulties back in the day that people like Nicholas Bereford had then is pretty good to be a SL dev these days I think. In or out house

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Please update your question with the requested information as follows:

Select the Options drop-down menu to the right of your question and select Edit Question.irihapeti wrote:

KarenMichelle Lane wrote:

FYI - The overlap error will move to the 2nd forum page in affected IE11 browsers when the topic "
Your Vote Is Needed~201
" is pushed off the 1st forum page.

It seems that the CSS template as processed by IE11 for this field has applied a nextline rule that does not properly process long contiguous strings of letters or "words" such as this topic title is using. It finally truncated the word  at a maximum cell length that caused the whole rendered table to be pushed under the sidebar element. 

If that topic title had used spaces or dashes between the words you would not see this effect using IE11. I tested this on one of my old Forum posts and the results were the same, overlap occurs on the page that I used a long string of letters in the post topic.

Now what the long term  fix is I'm not sure of.


so basically IE11 is seemingly broken bc it allows the user of a forum software to use the maximum cell length for text

am not undestanding why that would not be the case. Like why would a render engine not do this (render to a maximum cell length) when the designer of the page sets it to do this

how do you (the royal you) rationalise this when you allow maximum length text to be entered by your users. and when it is then go:  oh! IE is broken

Well broken is not the actual condition I think. The pre-text formatting processor seems to have conflicting logic which can be attributed to the order it reads and processes the table cell CSS formatting or the absolute cell formatting attributes against the table cell contents. In the case of this particular error the maximum cell length rule was applied. Since we do not see this formatting error on cells with long titles in them where spaces or dashes are used between the words, we can assume that the CSS formatting process logic for IE11 was not designed to post process the character string against the CSS defined attributes again when a maximum character length condition is encountered. In this case the local table cell rule was applied.

I'm guessing a fix to Visual Studio Library DLLs will be forthcoming....if this issue was ever raised to Microsoft.

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