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XxSarahxX Quintessa

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I have been renting from e$t@b@n D#ver(name has been edited for my own account safety) for about 2months I logged on today to find the entire sim empty. I lost everything including my home and everything in it. I paid rent in advance for 6 weeks about 5000L does anyone know how i can get my L back he is not answering me at all anyone else renting from him and have this happen??

this is what the land says now"sim was reclaimed because esteban Dover didn't pay tier fee on time.Please contact e$t@b@n D#ver directly if you still have avaiable time on your parcels." what do i do????

XxSarahxX Quintessa

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Sorry Sarah, but it looks like your outta luck.  Moral of the story... don't pay in advance to a fly by night sheister.  Unfortunately, things like this happen to people every single day.  You may as well kiss your 5k goodbye, however.. I do suggest submitting a ticket to labs and trying to sweet talk them into allowing you access to the sim long enough for you to gather your things... for what good that will do.


There are plenty of reputable real estate companies within secondlife that have quite a long history behind them.  Whenever your looking for land, the key thing to do is find out how long they've had their sims under that business.  You may contact me directly inworld and I'll be more then happy to give you the name of my landlord.  He's been around since 2006.


Hope this helps.

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Aww man that totally sucks. Well I just rented some land from this estate that's really pretty and before that I had some land from someone else fo a few months. the one Im one now has a payment box and the other I paid him directly. Both encouraged me to pay for several weeks ahead but I only pay for a week at a time. When you pay then, there suppose to pay LL the tier and if they don't it goes bye bye. As for the house, most that Ive seen are copyable so do check to see if you have the rez box or something. And yes do look in your lost and found folder as well. Sorry to hear about all that, good luck.

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yes i did submit a ticket this was their answer


Thank you for checking on this. Unfortunately, due to our privacy policy, I am unable to discuss the status of this residents account with you. However, I am happy to give a general overview of what can be expected.

Rental agreements between residents are considered personal agreements and can not be enforced by Linden Lab. If you feel your loss is significant and you wish to involve your local authorities, we do cooperate with real world law enforcement agencies.

I hope I was able to provide a better understanding of how the policy works.

Jason Linden


so basically im SOL but thx maybe i will get with you and your landlord

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Hello Sarah, I hate these rip off clowns with a passion, people trying to play god and feel important at anyone's cost, sheesh it stinks.  If you go to one of my shops, probably the Maclane one as there is a vendor there as well Look round the houses and walk round them, choose a house that you like, send me a notecard with the name of the house, and I will sent you one free of charge, I cant offer land but at least you will have a house to put on the land when you get it xx


The slur for the Maclane shop is here:       http://slurl.com/secondlife/Maclane/83/18/26/

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XxSarahxX Quintessa wrote:


yes i did submit a ticket this was their answer


Thank you for checking on this. Unfortunately, due to our privacy policy, I am unable to discuss the status of this residents account with you. However, I am happy to give a general overview of what can be expected.


Rental agreements between residents are considered personal agreements and can not be enforced by Linden Lab. If you feel your loss is significant and you wish to involve your local authorities, we do cooperate with real world law enforcement agencies.


I hope I was able to provide a better understanding of how the policy works.



Jason Linden


so basically im SOL but thx maybe i will get with you and your landlord

Congrats, another linden lab lube job.  my butt still hurts from the one I got recently.  you didnt really figure they'd be of help did you?  just never go premium... secondlife isn't worth paying for.

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Remember, it could always have been worse, a LOT worse.

There are horror stories of people losing entire cities that took them many months to build and hundreds, sometimes thousands of RL dollars.

And you got a reply on a ticket from a Linden in a very short time, unlike some of us... I've been waiting for 4 months for any kind of reply on my tickets....

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Yes, as it happens many times, they are crooks, of course he will not answer you, but you have to believe in What goes around comes around, I would keep checking his name if I were you, because most certainly he will get another sim, rent it out, and keep the money again, i guess it might be a common practise.

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Purchasing things on SL is 'buyer beware".

Under the doctrine of caveat emptor, the buyer could not recover from the seller for defects on the property that rendered the property unfit for ordinary purposes. The only  exception was if the seller actively concealed latent defects or  otherwise made material misrepresentations amounting to fraud.

From here:


Unless you can prove fraud your out of luck. Fraud is a TOS violation and a crime.

Note: And yes that definition does not quite fit and that is important.

I am not a lawyer nor do I practise law anywhere. (This is common knowledge). It would be best to seek advise from an attorney before accusing someone of fraud. (This is common scene.)

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Sarah -

Sorry for your loss. Definitely file an Abuse Report against the person you paid, that's about all you can do.

The unfortunate thing is that situations like these give all Estates a bad name.

We are in our 4th year in business now and I have seen this happen more times than I can count.

In this case it sounds like you were not dealing direct with the Estate Owner. That's pretty much a recipe for disaster.

A word to the wise: you want to deal as high up on the food chain as you can.  If you don't mind mainland you can deal directly with Linden Labs.  The next best thing is to deal direct with an Estate Owner.  The farther down the food chain you are the more that can go wrong.

Years ago when we started I posted a couple of articles on our website, and they are just as true today.

Do yourself a favor and read both before you spend any more money on Second Life land.

Good luck!

Lizard Howl

Segarra Estates Owner

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You can abuse report them if you like but don't expect anything to come from it. Unless there is some absolute proof they purposefully took your money with no intention of ever keeping their end of the bargain LL won't do anything. Even if by some miracle there is the most they will ever do is go after the person's account.... but if the L$ have already left the system you are out of luck.

The number one rule in renting land on a private estate is always to do some research and get to know your landlord. There are decent ones out there. You just have to find them.

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Question...the answer you received looks like it was in regard to your lost rent. Did you submit a ticket specifically for access to your lost stuff? I'd try that if you didn't as the answer you received didn't address that at all.

Also, FYI, naming names like you did in your OP is a violation of the TOS. I know you'd like to let everyone know the guy's a snake, but at the very least the thread is likely to be pulled, and at worse you could get banned. You probably want to edit that and remove the names.

Good luck!

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XxSarahxX Quintessa wrote:


I have been renting from esteban Dover for about 2months I logged on today to find the entire sim empty. I lost everything including my home and everything in it. I paid rent in advance for 6 weeks about 5000L does anyone know how i can get my L back estaban is not answering me at all anyone else renting from him and have this happen??

this is what the land says now"sim was reclaimed because esteban Dover didn't pay tier fee on time.Please contact esteban Dover directly if you still have avaiable time on your parcels." what do i do????




XxSarahxX Quintessa

You lost all your stuff? Didnt it get returned to you when the sim was emptied? Did you check your lost and found folder? As for your L$, yeah, you are SOL...sorry...

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The same thing happened to me once and I could take back my house and other objects. But in this case, first I couldnt reach my land, i didnt know what was happening. I went to live chat and they said to me the sim was closed due no payment. In this case, LL allowed enter in the land and take back my stuff and some other objects have returned to my lost and found folder later. But the money...better forget. You should try contact LL to get your objects.

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Sorry to hear about what he did to you and sad thing is his profile still shows he is leasing land out still to others.  I usually pay in advance as well though only if the person has been in buisness for awhile, but even then some things can go wrong and you can end up out on your bottom with nothing to show for it.  I hope you find somewhere else to lease from I can give you the LM to a parcel near me it has an amazing prim bonus and the landlady is awesome and there is rarely anyone but me and my family on the sim, so lag is like non existant, just depends on how much your looking to pay.  Look me up inworld if you'd like a LM.

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