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Why is griefing wrong, and what are griefer tools?

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I've seen the ONDUTY **bleep**. I've read on the Second Life Enquirer that it is a griefer tool. My question is,

Why is griefing wrong, and what are griefer tools?

Here's the article:

Investigative Report on the ONDUTY **bleep** Part 2- Conducted by Lanai Jarrico and Hal Jordan

The SL Enquirer has been working closely with The Green Lanterns of Second Life in an effort to keep the Second Life community informed about griefers that can affect resident’s virtual experience in a negative way. The Green Lanterns is an organization of dedicated volunteers who have made it their mission to help protect the SL community since 2006.
SLE was contacted by The Green Lantern’s Head of operations, Hal Jordon (greenlanternexcelsior). He had concerns about a product called ON DUTY **bleep** and wanted to make the SL community aware of this griefer tool as well as an open letter from “Anonymous”   that was posted last week asking for our help.

About the ONDUTY **bleep**
This griefer tool is a free product associated with the ON DUTY Premium Escort Network owned by Ana Lowe. The object when used by a griefer impregnates unsuspecting women that are not even wearing conception HUDs!

What is a conception HUD?
Conception HUDs allow couples to engage in consensual sexual contact and has the options to simulate pregnancy and gestation.  The ONDUTY **bleep** can scan an area and cause pregnancy without these using the HUDS and without sexual contact with women. It has causes couples to bicker due to questions of infidelity and has griefed those that must terminate the pregnancy with an SL abortion in order to restore women a negative pregnancy status.

Hal Jordan shared some interesting information and insight about this obscene griefer object. In his statement he said,

“I first heard of the ONDUTY **bleep** one evening at a dance club, but I was unable to find the person who was wearing it. I have my handy emDash on at all times, and its channel scanner showed me several transmissions from someone's **bleep**. Finally, later on I was at a less crowded club and was able to cam around and find the person who was wearing this transparent device”
Hal went on to say,
“It's a mystery to me why a **bleep** would have to inform its owner of its x y z coordinates in the sim every two seconds, but apparently that's hard-coded in the device”.  “Apparently this device is so well-known that people are developing countermeasures against it.”


The device Hal mentioned above is called ONDUTY Channel Spam Alerter. It alerts the griefer and informs the perpetrator that his **bleep** is spamming local chat on channel 2 and asks them nicely to detach it. You can get this alerter on marketplace for free and it is full perm so you can give it to all your friends so they can protect their establishments from ONDUTY **bleep** users.

Hal Jordan spoke with “Anonymous” to learn more about SL pregnancies and how conception huds worked.  She explained how normal SL pregnancies are achieved. Each partner wears a HUD. The Pooterbilt “Daddy HUD” talks to the “Mommy HUD” and if daddy agrees to give and Mommy agrees to receive, and then pregnancy occurs.  Hal also went to her clinic to see firsthand how the medical equipment is used.

There is a “check up” that can be done at clinic facilities associated with the conception HUDs. Aside from the Pooterbilt conception System, another popular one is made by Mama Allpa,   Mama Allpa certified doctor can scan their patients using a Mama Allpa Scan HUD and it allows them to confirm pregnancies and monitor the baby’s growth during the gestation period.  This process is done in a clinic setting associated with the system being used.  Both doctors and couples participate in clinic visits and check up role play which including, ultrasounds, blood work, internal exams, labor and delivery.

 The Mama Allpa Female HUD shows the woman how many weeks pregnant she is and provides additional information on the trimesters and stages as weeks go by in her gestation. For the Male HUD does not have access to that information but can participate in the clinic visits as well as the labor and delivery process.

For reassurance to all Mama Allpa Users, this HUD system has been tested and approved by The SL Enquirer and provides a legit service to Second Life couples. The Pooterbilt is another trustworthy system. The difference between the two systems is Mama Allpa has a forced feature and Pooterbilt does not.
For further information, Mama Allpa has an informative website about the HUD for both males and females, SL pregnancies and what to expect. 


 To learn more about it visit  https://sites.google.com/site/hudmamaallpa/

For information on the Pooterbilt conception system visit https://www.allthink.com/v/instructionspooterbilthu
Here's what makes this story bizarre.
The ONDUTY **bleep** has the ability to impregnate any woman in the scanning range of  this griefer/rape device. The scanned victim’s name gets put into a database, where it detects the pregnancy from the ONDUTY **bleep** used. Here is how the systems work.
 About these Systems
 The Mama Allpa and Pooterbilt systems both use their own daddy HUD and mommy HUDs, and the mommy HUD interacts with their lab equipment after conception to confirm the pregnancy.

The ONDUTY **bleep** does not require a mommy HUD, because the woman is not affected at all. The only thing she sees is a message from the rapist's **bleep** that says "Congratulations, you are pregnant and will give birth in 9 days."
 The Mama Allpa and Pooterbilt equipment is unable to detect that she is pregnant because they use different systems.

What Happens when the ONDUTY **bleep** is Used?
Allegedly, when the ONDUTY **bleep** has been used, it sends a message to the wall scanner in the Happy Birthday Clinique, recording the name of the father and the victim. Then when the victim shows up at the Clinique, the scanner finds her name in the list of  and claims that she is pregnant.
What happened when a pregnancy is detected?
 If a victim ignored the message from the **bleep** and took no action, she could still conceive using her Mama Allpa or Pooterbilt Hud  with no problems.  However,  her name would still be on a list in the Happy Birthday Clinique database, it may appear harmless but the harmful part is the message that she has been raped and impregnated against her will, along with the implied requirement to visit the Clinique and give birth or have an abortion.

 Who can it Affect?
 The violator using this **bleep** can affect a woman such that when the Happy Birthday Clinique doctor checks, they will find that the person is pregnant and it can affect women who weren’t even trying to conceive or who have never had SL sex.

Making Horrific a Choice
The only way to clear this problem is for Mommy to visit the “Happy Birthday Clinique” associated with the ONDUTY **bleep** and get an abortion or chose to have the baby which is laid out on a table with a fee of 300L if the victim wishes to keep it, otherwise she can walk away.  Either choice is horrific.
 If the victim chooses abortion, this procedure in done in the presence of whoever else is in the room. What makes this even more disgusting is the abortion equipment makes a loud sucking noise during the procedure.

Observation of Creator(s) and Facility Staff
 Whoever created this ONDUTY **bleep** Systems and abortion equipment must have no empathy or sensitivity towards anyone who has been violated or who has had an abortion due to a rape.  Abortion is a sensitive topic that should never be forced on a woman. It can be a very difficult and painful decision a woman who was impregnated against her will has to make. The experience can be mentally scarring and make a woman feel as though she has been virtually raped.

Finding Peace after a Violation
Only after the ONDUTY **bleep** "pregnancy" is resolved can a woman regain some peace of mind and experience the real Mommy-Daddy pregnancy with her significant other.  Warning other woman and talking about it with friends can be therapeutic in overcoming a virtual rape.

Investigating the Happy Birthday Clinique
 During this investigation, SLE went to the Happy Birthday Clinique to have a look around. What was observed were griefers running amuck.  One of which was visibility pregnant carrying a semi automatic weapon and a few others who seemed to be newbies with no directions on where to go or what to do with themselves.  Attempts to speak to the this woman resulted in being cursed out in another language.

Curiously enough the clinic is owned by Kayla Kitalpha who is also a member of the ONDUTY Sex Hotel. It is possible that it is Ana Lowe’s Alt. Since it appears from Ana’s profile, the lindens had deleted “all her stuff” and she states she is coming back with a lot of “new stuff”.   Reviewing her feed on the Second Life website shows a laundry list of unsatisfied customers making complaints that are ignored.


Further Investigation by Hal Jordan and Lanai Jarrico
Further investigations show a co owner of the ONDUTY Premium Escort Networks Group named Scarlette Niven, another alleged ALT or co conspirator of Ana Lowe.

Hal Jordan explains,  “There is also something fishy about these clinics where they confirm that you are pregnant and you have to pay them to make you un-pregnant. So after  “Anonymous” explained to me what was happening, I understand why some bad men are walking around wearing these transparent penises - they want a few minutes to dance with a lady so they can use their ONDUTY **bleep** with its version of the "Daddy HUD" to tell the database that they have impregnated the lady”.

 Hal added, “This might all be chalked up as bad boys causing problems for nice girls, and costing people a few Lindens to change a one to a zero in a database. But what if you're a woman who has been raped? Or what if you're a woman who has had an abortion? Now the practical joke with the cheap **bleep** isn't quite so funny. You have been raped and you have to get an abortion before you can get pregnant "legitimately" in SL. All of the old memories come flooding back for you to deal with again. The anonymous practical joker has already forgotten about you, but you are traumatized.”


Closing Statement
 Hal makes a valid point about how something like this can affect a woman or even a man that is helpless against protecting his loved one from such an invasive situation.
The SL Enquirer and The Green Lanterns of Second Life would like to advise woman to be aware of their surroundings when they are out exploring Second Life or at an event where there are possible ONDUTY users lurking. This is to bring awareness and help protect woman against unwanted pregnancies. Venue owners(even new) should provide added protection for their guests by getting a free copy of the ONDUTY Channel Spam Alerter and banning ONDUTY **bleep** users from their land.


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Are you trolling?

Griefing is the activity of causing someone grief. Surely you can see why that is objectionable. No?

I would think it obvious a griefing tool would be something used to cause someone grief, mess up something they are doing... or were you hoping for a list of them?

The problems with griefing tools is that they often also have legitimate uses. A hammer can be used to build things or break things, even kill.

The Green Lanterns tend to drift into vigilantism. So, while theirs is a noble ideal, it doesn't always work out so well.

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That's a long and involved article there, pardner!

Here is why the OnDuty genitals are considered a griefer tool.

1.  They cause emotional distress when women find out they are "pregnant."  We see people in the Answers forum asking about this all the time, seriously concerned about "what will happen to them."

2.  This can be used to trick newcomers into paying money to "get an abortion"

In actual fact, all SL pregnancy is roleplay, and if you don't want to be pregnant, you aren't...no matter what some stupid gadget says.  All the thing can do is to chat.

As for pregnant women running around birthing centers with assault weapons...well, that's another type of griefing.  It's an attempt to disrupt the roleplay of people who want to take the act of pregnancy and giving birth seriously.  It's up to the land owners to keep those types of jerks out. 

Remember that you can "get rid" of such annoyances by right clicking them and choosing Mute/Block from the context menu.  Problem solved!

To answer the questions asked in your subject line:

Why is griefing wrong?  Because it spoils things for everyone else.

What are griefing tools?  Anything used by a griefer to spoil things for everyone else.  Note that many things can be used for Good, in the right context.  An assault rifle is great, in a combat region.  In a birthing center, it's a griefing tool.  OnDuty genitlals can be fun, if used by a consenting couple who understands how they work.  Used on an unsuspecting woman new to Second Life, it can become a griefing tool.

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Could I have the member list [account names] of all the SL Enquirer contributors and employees & The Green Lantern squad so I can ban the lot of them from my Islands. Pretty please.

Griefers are easily dealt with. Silly HUD Rapists are easily dealt with. IMHO, Yellow journalists and Green Vigilantes are just P.I.T.A.s and need to be just outright blocked and banned.


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Sorry, I think this line is the best written on SL Forums, ever:


 If the victim chooses abortion, this procedure in done in the presence of whoever else is in the room. What makes this even more disgusting is the abortion equipment makes a loud sucking noise during the procedure.

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Tuinol Shuffle wrote:

Sorry, I think this line is the best written on SL Forums, ever:


 If the victim chooses abortion, this procedure in done in the presence of whoever else is in the room. What makes this even more disgusting is the abortion equipment makes a loud sucking noise during the procedure.

I'm always amused by how little it takes to get a reaction from those with an imaginative mind. Second Life, with all of its limitations, wins again.


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DemitryaKatrance wrote:


The SL Enquirer has been working closely with The Green Lanterns of Second Life in an effort to keep the Second Life community informed about griefers that can affect resident’s virtual experience in a negative way. The Green Lanterns is an organization of dedicated volunteers who have made it their mission to help protect the SL community since 2006.



Your SELF AGGRANDIZATION is duly noted and summarily dismissed for the bull**bleep** it is.


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First, anything that disrupts another SL resident's enjoyment is griefing. New residents that haven't learned the ropes in SL don't understand that regardless of what any hud says, they can only be "pregnant" if they want to be. If they get solicitation from that clinic, all they have to do is abuse report it and them block it.

As for griefing in general, there are a lot of ways to grief. It can be as simple as persistent Bloodlines bite inquiries. You could be caged and/or orbited. A griefer can create particle effects that can cause some to crash. They can create self replicating 10 x 10 meter cubes that can be anything from Borg cubes to obscene pictures on them that fill up a sim's prim count and the sim either crashes or prims start being returned and not in the last rezzed first returned. In the sim I'm an admin in, we've had damage to the sim builds by this kind of griefing. You can get follower, objects that will follow you around. There are deformers. There are things given to players that open them and they start spamming the nearest avi with menu request that cause them to crash. There are items that can cause a sim to crash.

So, griefing isn't a passive thing. In the estate I'm an admin in, we've had a griefer make a mega cube the size of a sim that went up 300 meters that made it impossible to get into the sim to even get rid of it. LL had to do it for us. We've had an item rezzed that crashed and locked the sim. It took LL over an hour to finally clear the sim of the tool.

Some are just annoyances and some with serious consequenses. The griefer may think it's fun, but it's never fun for those on the recieving end.

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