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Inventory issues!


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Since the Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance I have been having several different problems.

"Cannot derez object due to inventory fault."
"Cannot create requested inventory."
I also can't take items off of my avatar and cannot rez stuff on the ground.

Any idea what's going on? Scheduled Inventory Database Maintenance shows as Resolved..
Anything I can do myself or do I need to contact someone?

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My partner and I have been having the same problem.  The maintinence was supposed to have been resolved yesterday, but today we were maving massive issues, and he tried to take a boxed item out of another rezzed box.  It said 'cannot create inventory', and the item vanished.  It contained ALL of his clothing, aos, and tattoos and we can't even file a LL ticket about it.  this is getting VERY frusterating.

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These error messages have been occurring for several residents to my certain knowledge for several weeks now.

Linden Lab have instigated several bouts of "Inventory Database" and "Inventory Server" maintenance recently but the plain truth is that the problem is not getting any better. 

I have had sporadic "failed to create requested inventory" "inventory server failed to respond in a timely manner" and "cannot derez due to inventory error" messages since well before Christmas and others using the Linden default viewer have had the same.  I also find that some items are frequently superglued to my avatar whereas others drop off after teleports on a regualr basis.  Relogs usually correct the isssue but there is a commmunication breakdown somewhere.

Whether or not The Lab will ever admit that either the inventory database has corrupted or that the hardware is failing I do not know, but I DO know that this issue is in need of urgent attention.

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Yes, inventory faults have been becoming more frequent each day. Purchased items lost because of inventory faults, items inworld cannot be derezzed, outfits messed up, etc.

Really, this needs to be taken care properly and that is not being done — I can tell from what's going on everyday, many times a day.


P.S. — And no, those issues I mention are not due to undergoing maintenaces.

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I've run into these problems too. 

I tend to think that when they do database maintenance regions may have problems until they restart the region. Not all regions have the problem. I see the problem in one region. Moving over to another region my problems clear up. I don't have enough information to say that is the definite solution/work-around.

I do not see this as just an inventory or database problem. I beleive there is something more complex at play.

Also, the inventory API is changing as is the communication protocol to the servers. I would not be surprised that there are bugs. However, it is being worked on as part of the HTTP and Server Side Apperance projects. 

The idea that the Lab is not 'admitting to problems' is out of touch with reality.

If you are running into these problems, file JIRA bug reports. Especially file reports if you can repeat the problem with a well defined set of steps.

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The Lab's "admitting to issues" is "out of touch with reality"....really?  No.  Simply that if this issue is explainable, they should explain it and not just to  those whose RL committments allow them to get to office hours or Server Group meetings.

Yes, OK, it would be out of keeping with their general disinclination to tells us about things if they aren't "shiny and new".

As far as it being OK once regions are restarted after Maintenance, this simply is not true. 

As far as JIRA submissions are concerned I am sick and tired of submitting BUG reports with reproducible data only to have them either closed as duplicates or discounted unless I use the Linden Viewer.

That there are significant and persistent communication issues between the sim-servers and the central asset servers is an utter no-brainer.  LL should not sweep this under the carpet.  Some of us would respect them more if now and again they would actually be straightforward and honest with the userbase.

Perhaps I also ought to add that I and many others are grateful to both you and Inara Pey for disseminating information, in your respective blogs, to those of us that cannot attend Lab meetings.  I think our disparate attitudes to what we consider is right and proper for Linden Lab to do are products of our different cultures.

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Today, for example, the inventory faults occured at four different regions. Filing a JIRA is out of question because the faults are intermitent and there's no way that I know of reproducing them, they are inventory faults that occur for no apparent reason — on the client side, I mean.

Also, I'm sure the Lab is aware of problems, that's why they keep doing maintenace after maintenance since Christmas — a couple of them lasting for more than 24 hours, that I remember.


[update] Inventory faults happen even at my Linden Home (Sparkleberry) and from what I've been discussing with other people it seems to be more a grid-wide user and timing issue than a region one.

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Putting in my two cents, we've(my bf and I, we're in 2 different states atm) been experiencing 'cannot rez due to inventory fault/failure' on several different regions. Doesn't matter if one of us is wearing an item or trying to rez/wear it or receive it. It happens intermittently. It's really -really- bad today. I've checked everywhere to see if there was an update to maintenence or whatnot, but once again, nothing. Only thing I find is several people here are actually talking about it. 

I know it'll never get done but I for one like to see the people that get big chunks of microtransactions own up to a little 'oops, we're working on it and we do value all of our userbase' every now and then. But, as they say, sh.... in one hand and wish in another, which one fills up fastest..

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Yep, been having these inventory issues myself since the last update, so maybe it's spreading? I wasn't having issues until the last few days.  >.<   Hope it gets resolved soon.

Just now in a premium sandbox, I try to take a copy of something rezzed, it gives me a "cannot derez object due to inventory fault" (but I'm not trying to delete it or anything..) and after the error pops up, the object shows up in my inventory.  Makin' me nervous about the stability of the object that is now in inventory.

This has happened in my own store estate sim, in premium sandboxes, and in the RC sim in the Nautilus area where I also do building.

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I have also been having issues for the past few day...cannot rez items, cannot derez items, getting error messages, unable to attatch or detatch clothing items, and have had items ( entire folders ) dissapear from my inventory, none of which have come back.  I have been watching a certain Viewer chat group and have seen many different people ask if there is a problem with Second Life and state the problems which they are having.  The only answers I have seen come from them is to go to another region, have their region restarted or to reboot their modems/routers ( stating that it may be a connection problem ). When a large amount of people are experciencing the same issues in the same period of time, I highly doubt it is a connection problem!  I am not going to have someone come to restart my sim each time I try to rez an item or try to change my clothes.  The problem is NOT the sim itself, the problem is in the Server.  I realize problems occur in the Servers, but just one time I would like to see these so called experts admit there is a problem going on and stop blaming the sim performance or our computer systems.  My opinion is LL needs to shut down the Servers, kick us all offline and fix the problem instead of just putting a bandaid on the wound.  I think we can all live without SL for a few hours if it means we have a better user experience.

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That popped up many, many hours after I even logged off for the night. Seems like they actually took notice there was a problem in the inventory server and worked on it overnight. 

Who knows if it'll be better today. Can't properly build with all these issues. Can't buy anything with these issues, can't tp or try on things with these issues because you don't know if you're going to lose a skin, or get things stuck on yourself and have to relog just to have to do it over again 5 minutes later. 


People invest tons of money into their inventory. Some RL money, others with money they've earned within SL itself. You'd think they would take better care of it.. In Eve online, 10yr old inventory is still remarkably stable, and can be sent back to you in the case of some weird hiccup, They wouldn't dream of saying 'Sorry about that but all that rl money you put into it is completely irretrievable..' I know it's not the same but still, inventory server databases aren't that different across the board. I find it very sad that LL, has difficulty keeping similar ethics when it comes to real cash transactions and exchanges. I love my SL but I don't put anymore RL money into it because of their indifferent and almost callous attitude when it comes to inventory issues. Too many horror stories the past few months. Inventory and land ownership is where their bread and butter comes from. You'd think they would take better care of it. We give them much by logging in every day, making microtransactions, or in some cases of land teir, ownership/rental.. big transactions.. The least they could do is make sure our inventory is safe (it is primarily in their hands after all). That's a lot of money spent when you look at it,, 30-50k people log in every day, spending money, making money. And LL gets a chunk of it every time. Look at the marketplace for example. 5% of sales goes to LL. That's pretty huge when you bundle a days transactions in MP sales alone, much less say a week, or a month or all time. It can go poof in a heartbeat and LL still has our money, and we have nothing? Where's the fairness in that?

/endrantish rhetorical questions/post.


*edited for spelling*

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Aeromia and everyone

It is sad to realise that, no matter how we, the users, feel about SecondLife, The Senior managers and Board of Linden Lab do not share our conception.  They quite simply do not consider anything that is associated with our accounts, be it inventory or monetary assets, to be truly ours.  The Terms of Service state it baldly and nothing we say will alter that.  I know, I was told that long ago.

That Linden Lab staff care about us is also undeniable but they, like us are bound by the terms of their contracts to a policy that in any other walk of life would be commercial suicide.

The Linden Lab model of customer service is not used in any other system that I know of and while the American attitude of, "you have no rights because we say you don't" may not irk some, it irritates the life out of me.

While internal politics occupy the Board I very much doubt that anything will change for the better - we must just hope that the aims of the senior operations managers at LL have the same overall emphasis as ours.  If they don't it may be a very bumpy 2014.

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I've been getting a whole lot of "cannot create inventory item" issues.  Picked a bad day to cull the wardrobe I guess :)

I have found that relogging fixes most things that either won't go on or won't go off.  I've relogged a whole bunch today.  I'm really hoping the rolling restarts fix our inventory problems this week!

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Unfortunately, I believe you are right and I can only say this: if my inventory will ever be lost and not recovered, I shall abandon my mainland holdings, cancel the premium membership and won't spend a single Euro in SL again. Possibly, I'll leave SL for good, too... It would be terrible having to start all over again.

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This is becoming a nightmare, really.

Now everytime I change outfits I end up naked and without hair or with one and a half outfit on... Or whatever. Not to mention a lot of issues rezzing or derezzing objects.

It seems the Lab took a bite on more than they can chew. This is a mess.

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It's still really bad today too. I just logged in after 3 days of not being online and the first thing I do is make sure my outfit is saved because I really want to go check out the fantasy gacha.. of course, it's not so I save it, low and behold, cannot create requested inventory. I relog, and the outfit that I just saved, is only wearing 1 part, a sculpted part of my sock, no skin, no eyes, nothing. So I resaved it, switch to my low lag plush avi, and again, cannot create requested inventory... guess where I won't be going to look today..


And yus, the TOS says that somewhere in it's many recent changes.. but if a bank acted this way with customers, lost money and said (Sorry not our problem and no we can't replace it even though it was in our possession at the time of loss), as many as SL has? Or a major appliance company acted this way when something needed fixing under warranty, people would be up in arms and things would get crazy in a hurry. What LL is doing is akin to economic collapse if they keep shrugging their shoulders and saying 'yeah whatever' when real, legitimite issues pop up. Copy botters are back, the market is full of stolen content  and we can't assist with taking care of the problem. There was a blatant copybotter on the sandbox sim we frequent the other day, and they even were so bold as to be using their on file account. They were popping from platform to platform nabbing peoples work, They dropped in on me and I was lucky enough not to have anything out but the conversation was so weird that I followed as they hopped on a box and saw the crime in action. I notified the creator and they hopped in quick fast and in a hurry to catch her in the act as well.


Most companies and gaming communities aim to protect their bread and butter, the customers, keep them happy. The blase attitude that LL seems to have is reminding me of those facebook games that people constantly play, glitches and errors never get truly repaired, it gets worse and worse until people can't even play anymore yet they keep punching keys, keep slamming their heads against the desk, still throw money at it in hopes it's going to work correctly again at some point.

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I'm still having inventory issues too.  My biggest fear is loss of inventory items, it happened to me once in the past and it was a nightmare.  Now that I run an estate it would be even more devestating.  There is maintenance scheduled for Monday, hopefully this will be the one that fixes the problems.

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silverskyranch wrote:

My partner and I have been having the same problem.  The maintinence was supposed to have been resolved yesterday, but today we were maving massive issues, and he tried to take a boxed item out of another rezzed box.  It said 'cannot create inventory', and the item vanished.  It contained ALL of his clothing, aos, and tattoos and we can't even file a LL ticket about it.  this is getting VERY frusterating.


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