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The griefers can control your avatar with deformations and sexual harrasment animations.

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I am going to have to step in here and - sadly not for the first time - express even more my irritation at the arrogance and attitude of the usual forum clique.

1) The OP is not a native english speaker.  Cut them some slack, here.

2) Guess what?  Once again, the OP is fully entitled to express their probelms however they like. You ( the ever-irritating clique) do not make the rules of this forum.  Moderation permitting, folks are allowed to whine, and - gasp - make another post if they find your smart alec replies not very helpful. You got that? You sure, now?  

3) Griefing is - and always has been (even Torley's videos have had griefers in them) a royal PIA that the Lindens do precious little to control.  Smart Alec replies to move out the sim are not helpful to anyone but the griefers, who effectively win with this dubious advice.

I suppose the only good thing that may come out of this is that hopefully  the OP realises not to bother posting anything here without clearing it with the clique-ites first.  :matte-motes-wink-tongue:

The sheer gall of rookie OP's, huh? Sheesh. :smileysurprised:

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1. if u use or used the regular ll viewer it is possible for an object to get your animation permissions if u click on it(u r not asked to give consent). i am not familiar with other viewers so is possible that if for example u used firestorm u would get a chance to accept or not if indeed u want to be animated. 2. currently stopping animations with ll viewer only works against the prims that are already rezzed. if somebody were to rez from their inventory a new copy of the object that has your animation permission than u would have to stop animations again, and again... 3. this guy asked for help. there is no need to jump on him(or anybody for that matter) just because what he says contradicts what others believe to be the absolute truth. p.s. for all i know i could be wrong, but imo it is very unlikely in this case:)

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Clique this.

"1) The OP is not a native english speaker.  Cut them some slack, here."

Only one person who has posted in this thread so far has said anything about the OP's language skills or clarity. That one person would be you. Did you have a problem understanding him? I don't see where anyone else did.

"2) Guess what?  Once again, the OP is fully entitled to express their probelms however they like. You ( the ever-irritating clique) do not make the rules of this forum.  Moderation permitting, folks are allowed to whine, and - gasp - make another post if they find your smart alec replies not very helpful. You got that? You sure, now?"

Nobody said the OP shouldn't post his rant. What did happen was that after several people had offered suggestions on how to fix or make better his situation it became pretty clear that he didn't want that kind of help. So the people who HAD been trying to help stopped. I think only one person who posted saying that without having first offered help was me. So am I a clique of one?

"3) Griefing is - and always has been (even Torley's videos have had griefers in them) a royal PIA that the Lindens do precious little to control.  Smart Alec replies to move out the sim are not helpful to anyone but the griefers, who effectively win with this dubious advice.

I suppose the only good thing that may come out of this is that hopefully  the OP realises not to bother posting anything here without clearing it with the clique-ites first.

The sheer gall of rookie OP's, huh? Sheesh."

Griefing can be a royal PIA (if you let it be), and it can be a real showstopper if you have a targeted club or sim. For most of us it's something that happens almost never. The OP makes it clear he seeks places where griefing is a certainty. He's being silly.

As for being a rookie: he's been active in the Forum for two and a half years. He's not a chatterbox but having almost 500 posts in that time definitely makes him a regular.

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Rex Cronon wrote:

1. if u use or used the regular ll viewer it is possible for an object to get your animation permissions if u click on it(u r not asked to give consent). i am not familiar with other viewers so is possible that if for example u used firestorm u would get a chance to accept or not if indeed u want to be animated. 2. currently stopping animations with ll viewer only works against the prims that are already rezzed. if somebody were to rez from their inventory a new copy of the object that has your animation permission than u would have to stop animations again, and again... 3. this guy asked for help. there is no need to jump on him(or anybody for that matter) just because what he says contradicts what others believe to be the absolute truth. p.s. for all i know i could be wrong, but imo it is very unlikely in this case:)



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More investigation, thats is a tool , this griefer use this tool for a full stealing the avatars keys and this give to him a  permission and make undeformer attack AND HE CAN MAKE A RELECTION ATTACK SAME. what is refleciton attack , the reflection attacks is when the griefer cant undeformed to yours he use this attack , this is a undeformation with all prims with you have in your avatar, he can makes all your prims you have come out flying around yours

i have a photos and i delete the griefer name of the photo, check and make your conclusions



and the griefer expulse me of second life with a force log out.

thats is a horrible weapons attacks

he say now ways for stop it

let me say i follow all the lindens and helping advisor instructions and all is inmune to this item.

i report to him anywhere, but to a programes i recomended check this tool, have a total violation to EULA

check the photos screenshoot.jpg



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I'm only replying to offer some suggestions, and perhaps a little bit of help. Despite what you or others may think, some people ARE trying to help, and have been. Even people like me that use an awful lot of words to say what we need to say.

The "forced logout" you see is  most likely one of the following..

A-because the person has the ability to reset the sim,

B-someone else who has the ability to reset the sim has done so, or

C-the sim was being restarted anyway.

It's entirely possible this person was/is griefing more than just you, and because of that, someone had to restart the sim. It's *not* likely(though I will not say impossible) that the griefer themselves is doing this with whatever tool they are using to grief you. It IS possible, they are either on an alt, or have the ability to restart the sim. The even more likely answer is B.

If this person continually griefs you at this one place, I highly recommend not going there, for now. Report abuse, as you have done. If others in the area are also being griefed, have them do the same. Contact the land owner for assistance with the matter if need be. LL doesn't often respond or even act on abuse reports(that much I am pretty sure everyone in sl can agree on, they have terrible customer service, forget actual customer relations-they're even worse). So the mor abuse reports sent in, the more likely *someone will actually listen.

As for "stealing your avatar keys". The griefer isn't actually stealing them. I know why you believe they have, because they've posted it there for you to see. But that key, which is often called a UUID (just adding that so you'll understand if someone else calls it that, it's the same thing) is NOT something that is hidden. Anyone can find the UUID of any avatar at ANY time. You do not have to be a griefer to figure that out. It's also not stealing it. That key, or UUID, is public knowledge and available for anyone and everyone, not just griefers. Just like your avatar name is public knowledge, so is your key-or UUID.

As for how to undeform yourself and revoke the animation permissions, I can't help any further with that part. If you're still unsuccessful with revoking permissions, all you can really do is avoid that place, and continue to send in abuse reports. As annoying as that may be, and I DO understand your annoyance and even anger towards it, it's really all you can do. If the steps made available to you are not working. I don't think there is a solution anyone here can give you that will be better than anything you've already been told.

All I really ask is that you stop being angry with people trying to help. Direct your anger where it ought to be directed-towards the person griefing you, and even at LL for not fixing whatever needs fixed. But most of the posters have tried to help. People only stopped trying when you started getting hostile at them for no reason. We're simple residents like you. I can bet at least some of us have run into some of the same problems you have too. I can also bet some of us understand your frustration. There's just no need to direct it to residents who aren't doing anything wrong, and are only trying to help. That certainly won't fix your problem any quicker, either.

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Tari Landar wrote:

I'm only replying to offer some suggestions, and perhaps a little bit of help. Despite what you or others may think, some people ARE trying to help, and have been. Even people like me that use an awful lot of words to say what we need to say.

The "forced logout" you see is  most likely one of the following..

A-because the person has the ability to reset the sim,

B-someone else who has the ability to reset the sim has done so, or

C-the sim was being restarted anyway.

It's entirely possible this person was/is griefing more than just you, and because of that, someone had to restart the sim. It's *not* likely(though I will not say impossible) that the griefer themselves is doing this with whatever tool they are using to grief you. It IS possible, they are either on an alt, or have the ability to restart the sim. The even more likely answer is B.

If this person continually griefs you at this one place, I highly recommend not going there, for now. Report abuse, as you have done. If others in the area are also being griefed, have them do the same. Contact the land owner for assistance with the matter if need be. LL doesn't often respond or even act on abuse reports(that much I am pretty sure everyone in sl can agree on, they have terrible customer service, forget actual customer relations-they're even worse). So the mor abuse reports sent in, the more likely *someone will actually listen.

As for "stealing your avatar keys". The griefer isn't actually stealing them. I know why you believe they have, because they've posted it there for you to see. But that key, which is often called a UUID (just adding that so you'll understand if someone else calls it that, it's the same thing) is NOT something that is hidden. Anyone can find the UUID of any avatar at ANY time. You do not have to be a griefer to figure that out. It's also not stealing it. That key, or UUID, is public knowledge and available for anyone and everyone, not just griefers. Just like your avatar name is public knowledge, so is your key-or UUID.

As for how to undeform yourself and revoke the animation permissions, I can't help any further with that part. If you're still unsuccessful with revoking permissions, all you can really do is avoid that place, and continue to send in abuse reports. As annoying as that may be, and I DO understand your annoyance and even anger towards it, it's really all you can do. If the steps made available to you are not working. I don't think there is a solution anyone here can give you that will be better than anything you've already been told.

All I really ask is that you stop being angry with people trying to help. Direct your anger where it ought to be directed-towards the person griefing you, and even at LL for not fixing whatever needs fixed. But most of the posters have tried to help. People only stopped trying when you started getting hostile at them for no reason. We're simple residents like you. I can bet at least some of us have run into some of the same problems you have too. I can also bet some of us understand your frustration. There's just no need to direct it to residents who aren't doing anything wrong, and are only trying to help. That certainly won't fix your problem any quicker, either.

nice post , i apreciate that sincerely


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Tari Landar wrote:

As for "stealing your avatar keys". The griefer isn't actually stealing them. I know why you believe they have, because they've posted it there for you to see. But that key, which is often called a UUID (just adding that so you'll understand if someone else calls it that, it's the same thing) is NOT something that is hidden. Anyone can find the UUID of any avatar at ANY time. You do not have to be a griefer to figure that out. It's also not stealing it. That key, or UUID, is public knowledge and available for anyone and everyone, not just griefers. Just like your avatar name is public knowledge, so is your key-or UUID.

Very well said, and so often misunderstood. In hindsight, it's a damned shame that "key" was ever used in place of "UUID". I suppose it would have been difficult to guess, back then, that people (perhaps especially those whose first language isn't English?) would get so confused by this usage, presumably because a "key" is also a hunk of metal -- or a cryptographic code -- used to secure stuff, whereas a UUID is almost the opposite: an intentially public identifier.

(Yes, there are public keys in cryptography, too, but I doubt that had much to do with the etymology behind this unfortunate usage.)

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JamieThunder wrote:

Applauds Hoshi.... They are the worst trolls on here.arrogant beyond belief

You applaud this?

"Smart Alec replies to move out the sim are not helpful to anyone but the griefers, who effectively win with this dubious advice."

Whatever is "dubious" about this advice?

Are you recommending that Ivan keeps going back to where he has been unable to deal with the Griefers?

I would consider that not only dubious but very bad advice.

There are around 30,000 SIMs in SL.  If Ivan wants to continue going to the ones to be a punching bag that is his choice.

None of us in this so called imaginary clique that is being referred to here to the best of my knowledge condones griefing.  But on the other side, when someone continues to post and complain and ignore the best advice any one can offer in this situation, "stop sticking your face where people can use it for a punching bag," then yes we may answer him with very sharp words.

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JamieThunder wrote:

Applauds Hoshi.... They are the worst trolls on here.arrogant beyond belief

As compared to those who only frequent the forums to take pot shots at the only people who offered help?  What helpful advice have you contributed to the OP's problem?  That is quickly answered with "none."  Kind of redefines who the troll is. 

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