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I think my account almost got stolen..

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So I was chillin' in the sandbox, playing dressup and taking pictures (as girls do)- when this avatar tps to me (I was at 2500 in the air...) and in a second, everything from my avatar and hud was detatched and the clothing removed. I logged out just as fast as that **bleep** started and changed my password. I'm worried that something may happen while I'm not watching my account or maybe they've already got vital account info, I don't know!
I've read of a similar situation ending in someone's inventory or account getting messed up.
This account is 6 years and a month old, I will QUIT AND DIE AND RAGE IN THAT ORDER if something happens to my account. 

Anyone else know what this is? 
Have you  had it happen to you?
Any suggestions to make more certain that nothing will come of this incident?

Thank you for your help

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Had to google RLV, but no, I don't think I have anything with that enabled. Just checked the viewer.

I've been shopping on the marketplace all day but I haven't accepted any random things, though I guess it's just as likely that something nasty came from the market place, huh? 

Can shapes and bodyparts be RLV? And does the item have to be worn to give someone those permissions(or whatever happened)? 

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A sandbox is a good place to get attacked. It is usually only Regional.

If you know that you can, or will verify your Account, and don't mind having to possibly wait a few days, you should following the instructions in the link below.




I had to dig through a mountain of papers, to find information I wrote down years ago, it was a real Pita.

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It sounds like a RLV thing.  What Abigail was getting at is that someone might've given you an object like a ring, necklace, a rose, etc., and you attached it to your avie.  From that point it's a matter of a couple of mouse clicks for someone else to remove your clothing, attachments and HUDs.  It's just a silly prank and relatively easy to fix.

Firestorm and Singularity (for example) come with RLV pre-enabled, if you're using one of these alternate viewers.  Let us know which viewer you're using and we can provide instructions on how to disable RLV.

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I don't think was someone tampering with your account, since as far as I know -- certainly every time I try to log in an alt when I'm logged in, and try to log myself in twice, by accident -- if someone had got hold of your account details and logged in as you, it would have logged you out.

Certainly removing all your clothes and stuff could be done using RLV, but only if you're using an RLV capabable viewer and have RLV enabled.  Contrary to what's said elsewhere in the thread, I don't think Firestorm has RLV turned on by default -- the only viewer that I know does is Singularity.   Anyway, there's a simple way to test this.

Put the script here in a prim and touch it.   If you don't have RLV enabled, it will simply say "@version=99" to you.   If you do, it won't say @version=99 but, instead, will say something like "RestrainedLife viewer v2.7.0 (RLVa 1.4.8)".  


key owner;default{	state_entry()	{		owner = llGetOwner();		llListen(99,"",owner,"");	}	touch_start(integer total_number)	{		if (owner==llDetectedKey(0)){			llOwnerSay("@version=99");		}	}	listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message)	{		llOwnerSay(message);	}}

 If you do have RLV enabled, then the most likely explanation is, as has been suggested elsewhere, that someone has given you an object (maybe an attachment of some sort) that can pass RLV commands to your viewer.

If not, I'm stuck.   It's some wierd new form of griefing I've not encountered before.

Since you've changed your password, I am sure you don't have to worry about your account being stolen, but I very much doubt -- for the reasons outlined above -- that it was an actual attempt at account theft.

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Had to google RLV


... and you're over 6 years old? That doesn't add up. Did you spend the last 6 years under a rock or what?

RLV is for some stupid reason activated by standard in some viewers (FS and Sing)  and is usually the first thing to be disabled by every straight thinking person. Log out, log in ... and only then start tweaking the rest of the settings.


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Unless the devs at Firestorm changed in the time since the latest viewer came out, RLVa, is not enabled by default. I had to enable it two days ago to use it.


ETA: I just did a clean install of FS, RLV is not enabled by default. Sorry I wanted to make sure, lol.

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Jacki Silverfall wrote:

Thank you Tari, I have never had to disable firestorm RLV. I always do a clean install as well.

Yw. I had to check because I know there are settings I just automatically change out of habit, and wanted to make sure it wasn't one of them. Having RLV enabled by default on any viewer is a bad idea. For the very reason we've seen in some threads. Too many people may have heard of it, but don't know what it actually entails, or care to know. And there is too much misinformation about it out there too. Speculation about what RLV is, or can be, used for, leads to problems for some people.

As for the OP, I am going to guess it was something RLV related, because although I am no expert on any of the problems you might have been having, RLV is the only way I know of that people can literally strip you of things. Giving them permission(whether you realise it or not) through some item you are/were wearing is the only way I have seen that function actually work. Of course, I could be entirely wrong, it just seems the most probable answer. It's also easy as heck to fix, which is a good thing. Disabling RLVa, will remove that ability, even if you're still wearing that particular item. I'd then go through everything worn, or recently worn anyway, and figure out what did it. That part may be tricky, for someone who doesn't know what to look for. But stopping others from being able to control your av like that is easy as pie.

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I stated earlier in the thread that Firestorm came with RLV enabled which appears to be incorrect.  My apologies... I must be one of those people who go through all the preferences on a fresh install and enables RLV without thinking about it.

In fact, I'm willing to bet I'm one of those people who wishes RLV was more difficult to bypass.  :smileytongue:

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I stated earlier in the thread that Firestorm came with RLV enabled which appears to be incorrect. 

... and I fell into your trap. :smileysurprised: Bish! :smileymad: :smileyvery-happy:

Anyhoo, one solution for OP might be to find a quiet place, either on their own land or, if homeless, some lonely ocean and take off everything from Current Outfit. Or, even more radical, do a Character Test, and build themselves up from the start. And of course first disable RLV.

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